Team Fortress 2
Lonepine mall
1–4 из 4
Обновление: 29 дек. 2023 г. в 11:22

The final update

-Updated the managers office + the assistant's office
-Updated the tech shack to have a new display cabinet
-fixed some odd geometry
-Changed lighting around the map a tad. Mainly making it less bright
-updated floor textures in the intel room aswell as the fountain room
-added a "meet Old Nick" area in red teams fountain room
-Updated the movie poster props to a newer version
-Updated base boards to have an actual base board texture instead of a wood floor texture
-Updated textures in the movie theatre
-Updated the popcorn machines to have smoother tops
-Made some brushes have angled corners where they meet
-Updated the spawn room textures to look less jarring
-Updated the fountains to have a newer, better design
-Updated "Benny's book emporium" to have a more visually polished design
-Added a raffle car to Blus spawn room
-fixed trigger brushes not being placed correctly or the right size
-Fixed some props not having collisions
-Added logos above the store doors in the spawn rooms
-Updated OOB lighting around the map to help draw players attention away from OOB areas
-Made lighting a bit more varied in colour
-Fixed some misaligned textures
-Made it so holiday lights no longer show up on ropes
-Updated some skins on door props
-Removed props around the map that were not intentionally kept there
-Removed some custom props to hopefully decrease file size

Обновление: 16 ноя. 2023 г. в 15:43

A few changes but not a whole lot

-Updated some floor textures to be less distracting
-Updated some misaligned textures
-Fixed being able to go inside some present props
-Updated spawn
-Updated the toy box logo to be less saturated
-Updated lighting to make OOB areas less distracting
-Updated lighting in mid to make the upper OOB floors not seem like a place you can access
-Fixed some mislabeled pickups
-Updated the tinsel above intel on blu side to be team coloured
-Updated some faces that should have nodraw around the map to have it
-Simplified some areas of the map to be less overwhelming
-Added some extra clipping

Обновление: 14 ноя. 2023 г. в 14:39

Minor bug fixing, optimization and more content!

-Added a wet floor sign model around the map
-Updated the vending machine prop to a newer version that has less rendering bugs and z fighting
-Updated lighting in some areas of the map to help players not get distracted by oob areas
-Updated mid to add some brushes behind some logos and the elevator up and down lights
-Fixed some misaligned textures around the map
-Updated clipping on the clothing rack models so they aren't non solid
-Fixed some props fading out at the wrong distances
-Updated the "Lonepine mall" logo vmt with the "$decal 1" line so that it displays properly.
-Added some edge clipping to reduce players getting caught
-Fixed clipping issues around the map
-Added extra prop fade on props in mid and the surrounding areas to boost fps

If you find a bug make sure to report it in the Steam workshop discussion thread.
Also thanks to everyone who has given out good feedback so far it means a lot♥

Обновление: 12 ноя. 2023 г. в 17:04