Rain World
Affichage des entrées 21-24 sur 24
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Mis à jour le : 25 févr. 2023 à 17h13

Add "can_maul", "maul_damage", and "maul_blacklist" features
Fix added scenes sometimes not appearing

Mis à jour le : 25 févr. 2023 à 1h01

Add "back_spear" to allow slugcats to hold a spear on their backs as Hunter does
Fix incorrect region names when using "world_state"
Fix "alignments" applying modifications to the wrong communities
Fix "diet" base property not working
Change enum features to now be case-insensitive
Change the JSON parser to no longer behave unpredictably when receiving invalid input, instead stopping the file from loading. Some invalid, but previously functional JSON files may stop working!

Mis à jour le : 18 févr. 2023 à 16h39

Change "world_state" to allow slugcat display names such as "survivor", "monk", and "hunter"
Fix "lung_capacity" multiplying air depletion rate instead of lung capacity
Fix "diet" allowing live creatures to be eaten
Add "sleep_screen", "death_screen", and "death_screen" features to replace various menu scenes
Add in-game error list for broken slugcat and scene JSON files

Mis à jour le : 13 févr. 2023 à 17h17