Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Darkest Hour v1.0 The Road to War
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Update: 6 jul 2023 om 16:58


- USA will now start producing arms factories much sooner
- Improved combat AI
- AI will now choose some techs much better
- Now you won't be able to take the focus "The enemy of my enemy" if you are at war with Germany and vice versa
- Added starting land doctrine for every major
- Soviets will now do the third five year plan focuses sooner
- Soviets will now choose to take defensive decisions
- QoL improvements for the SS tree
- Made a much better portrait for Liu Wenhui

- Italy won't join the war early anymore
- AI should produce more coherent units based on what land doctrine path they choose
- Fixed the spelling of Khalkhin Gol
- Reduced the weekly stability hit from inflation
- The Marco Polo Bridge incident is now triggered automatically
- Tweaked Yugoslavian scripted peace in case Italy is not in the faction with Germany or is a subject

- Increased doctrine cost to 150 xp
- Fixed Jan Syrovy's portrait not appearing
- JAP-SOV border conflicts do not trigger if they are at war
- Wartime economic recovery is no longer available in the 2nd Italian-Ethiopian war
- Activating the Volkssturm now requires 2 million casualties instead of having the scraping the barrel law
- Increased the money gained from plundering conquered territories as Germany
- Removed weekly stability loss from the Fading Ballot Box spirit
- Reduced building cost of military factories

- Made reciprocal trade deal decision on map only
- Added a gamerule to disable AI justification of wargoals
- Encouraged British Ai to do more convoy raiding in the Mediterranean if they are stronger than the Italian navy
- Added some tooltips for the Britannia Defiant spirit
- Lowered naval base levels in Tobruk and Tripoli
- Added/adjusted some railways in British Africa
- Fixed the effects of Prop Up the Navy Faction and Prop Up the Army Faction being switched around
- Unachieved Socialism

Update: 24 mei 2023 om 14:54

Update: 24 mei 2023 om 14:53

Update: 20 mei 2023 om 17:23


-Fixed some SPGs, TDs, and SPAAs not showing in the research tab
-Made Unrug chief of navy for Poland at the start of the game
-Fixed the button for division commanders not being visible in the officer corps tab
-Added a railway connecting Gdynia to the rest of the Polish railway network

Update: 14 mei 2023 om 20:04


- 91 new icons
- 52 new event pictures
- 50+ new portraits
- 292 new LOC for both events and focus descriptions
- New custom operative pictures
- Added puppet decisions for Germany in Sweden and Italy
- Added Italian puppets in Albania and Montenegro
- Temp. reduced penalties for support artillery and support anti-air by 75%
(bigger changes to Support Companies coming in next update)


-Removed the 60 days wait for changing spending and taxes sliders, instead increasing the cost to 50PP
-Reduced the amount of divisions required for the Skilled Staffer trait given that in DH a general can have 16 divisions max
-Added our custom operative pictures
-Merged some states in Brazil to be historically accurate
-Added events for Free France and the Soviet Union to invade Vichy France if Torch didn't happen and they control Paris
-Added some unique traits and tweaked some existing ones for advisors to create more diversity
-Finally got military advisors to show up in the officer corps tab
-Added state renaming for Finnish, Romanian, and Russian
-War bonds now give extra tax income instead of reducing consumer goods factories
-RKs will now inherit technology from the country they are created in, so they do not start from scratch
-Halved the amount of Kursks on the map
-Changed some on monthly and on weekly checks to only check specific tags to improve performance
-AI should prioritize research better
-Fixed AI wrongly avoiding certain naval regions, especially Italy in the Mediterranean
-Added super cool new tip for the loading screen! Innovation!
-Reduced penalties for support artillery and support anti-air by 75%
-Increased difficulty settings boost (2.0 > 3.0)
-Added version number to the pause menu
-Added credits to the "Other" tab

-Increased France's starting money from 500 to 1000
-Reduced France's starting inflation from 0.1 to 0.05
-France now starts with anti-tank tech unlocked
-Added 10 civilian and 5 military factories to France

-Reduced pp gain for the US from focus effects a bit
-Removed some obsolete US states
-Added historical starting military chiefs to US
-Added Content for the US Purchase of Greenland

-Added Percy Hobart and Frederick Browning as advisors for the UK
-Nerfed several research bonuses for the UK focus tree
-Small tweaks to the population and victory point values of some British states for better accuracy

-Autobahn decisions are now invisible if the state already has max infrastructure
-Nerfed several research bonuses for the German focus tree
-Added puppet decisions for Germany in Sweden and Italy
-Added historical starting military chiefs to Germany
-Updated German factions by replacing some old ones with the new State, Conglomerates, and Church factions
(will be expanded in 1.1.0)
-Added faction modifiers to some factions that previously only had placeholders
-Renamed Bremerhaven Wesermünde

-Clarified the tooltip for the Italian focus Italia Imperiale
-Reduced the amount of territory Italy gets after France falls to be historically accurate
-Added Italian puppets in Albania and Montenegro
-Rome Protocols focus no longer automatically puts Austria and Hungary in a faction with Italy but gives them a choice
-Added an event for Italy to hold on to the Balearic Islands in case of a Republican victory in the Spanish Civil War
-Updated portraits for Victor Emmanuel III and Roberto Farinacci
-Italy should put more troops at the Greek border

-Added portraits for some Japanese advisors
-Japanese chief of Army and Navy are no longer changed by events, allowing more player agency

__Soviet Union__
-The 'A Meeting in Yalta' focus can now be started once Germany has reached 15% capitulation
-Rejuvenated Kuznetsov
-Soviet Union will now do Groza even on historical if Germany waits too long to do Barbarossa
-Added more liberation decisions for the Soviet Union in Scandinavia, the Benelux, and Austria
-Added several Soviet admirals
-The Soviets can now initiate the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact via a focus
-Nerfed Soviet naval focuses

-Added pictures for Polish armoured cars
-Added a leader portrait for Polish vacancy

-Added pictures for Polish armoured cars
-Updated Ethiopian states to be more accurate for the time period
-Updated Ethiopian advisors to use the character system
-Added portraits for Ethiopian advisors
-Added a debuff for the Ethiopian army

-Added Content for Icelandic Independence in 1944
-Added historical unit commanders for Austria (although probably no one will ever notice this)
-Added events to swap Turkish presidents at historical dates
(no, we do not have a focus tree for turkey and no this doesn't mean we are working on content for Turkey)
-Nerfed Belgium's army because they were OP
-Releasing Azad Hind will now grant them Cores


-Fixed light tank destroyer techs having the wrong year assigned to them
-Fixed excavation techs not being labelled as such
-Fixed a bug where some occupied states would register as colony states and thus not have resistance
-Fixed tooltips in the topbar for army/air/navy xp and command power not showing


-Fixed US Reciprocal Trade Agreement decisions not being visible in the decisions tab
-Added missing effect for the Island Hopping focus

-WW1 Debt national spirit will be removed from the UK if they are forgiven by the US
-Irish free ports are now correctly transferred to Ireland with the Anglo-Irish trade agreement

-Fixed some German focuses not giving doctrine cost reductions
-Germany can no longer plunder territories controlled by allies (e.g. plundering Warsaw if Poland is in the Axis)
-Removed some German minister traits that made it impossible to switch certain advisors due to already having an advisor with that trait appointed

-Fixed ambitions on the horn focus giving the wrong claims to Italy

-Takahashi Korekiyo will now die in the 2.26 incident
-Added missing effect for the Island Hopping focus
-Japan now needs to have full control over Chinese provinces in order to establish Chinese puppets there
-Stopped Japanese divisions from being teleported when the war with China starts

__Soviet Union__

-Fixed some issues with the dual leadership of Rydz-Smigly and Moscicki following the death of Pilsudski

-Fixed a Swiss division spawning in a lake

Update: 19 feb 2023 om 19:23

Update: 18 feb 2023 om 17:00

-fixed an advisor trait for mobile warfare giving the same bonus twice
-fixed an event meant for Sinkiang firing for China
-fixed research bonus gfx being placed wrong
-added early 30's US generals
-Groza preparations will disappear when at war with Germany
-Merged two French army spirits into one dynamic modifier
-Added a railway in southeast China
-fixed Alberto da Zara's portrait
-Soviet Union can now only not annex the Baltics if at war with Germany rather than being at war with anyone
-Reworked British generals
-Added Bulgarian name for Alexandroupoli
-Japan's faction members and subjects should now peace out with China after the scripted peace
-Added pictures for many early bombers
-Added some railways in southern Yugoslavia
-Reduced attack bonus of gas attack ability
-UK should not naval invade the Balkans
-Added a missing advisor role for Neville Chamberlain
-Germany's allies should not involve themselves in the African war
-Increased aircraft capacity of some early game escort carriers
-Core states of Persia occupied by the Soviet Union or UK (Canada) should be returned to Persia after they lose in a scripted peace
-Reduced cost for Operation Torch
-Fixed Soviet-Japanese border conflict events not showing for one of the countries
-Added tooltips showing the impact of Soviet-Japanse border conflict events on the balance of power
-Reworked Ethiopia's focus tree a bit by shortening some focus timers and adding some more interesting effects
--Fixed Archibald Wavell having two characters (schizo moment)
-UK now has the correct 3d models, yay
-Reduced Germany's capitulation requirement for the A Meeting in Yalta focus from 50% to 35%
-Second five year plan focuses will no longer disappear upon successfully completing the 2nd five year plan
-Fixed Heavy Cruisers being classified as Light Cruisers in the tech tree
-Added a new Focus and set of decisions for Italy to integrate lands of the Italian Irredenta
- Fixed Poland not having the support equipment as researched tech
- Improved the templates that the major countries make
- Fixed equipment production for Germany and the UK
- Fixed icon for the "Gas Attack" ability
- Fixed the US focus "A Special Relationship" locking the entire tree if germany managed to do sealion before it's completion
- Added AI template for France
- Renamed the Waffen SS division "Eiserne Garde" to "Rumänisches Nr. 1"
- Small performance improvements
- Added scripted peace deal for Yugoslavian capitulation if they have been conquered by only Italy and not also Germany
- Added Japanese defeat scripted peace
- The USSR will now evacuate all the industry when Germany declares war on them
- Reworked the German focus to improve the support to China
- Renamed the focus "Expand Portello Plant" to "Expand the Macchi Factory"
- Fixed Carpatho-Ukraine sometimes joining allies
- Lowered some tech bonuses gained from german focuses
- Improved many portraits
- The adjacency rules for the Dardanelles Strait were adjusted to mirror those for the Bosphorus Strait
- The soviet focus "Expansion of the Soviet Sphere" will be automatically bypassed after 1939.9.1
- Reduced the money cost for the italian IG farben events, from 2000 -> 600, 1500 -> 450, 1000 -> 300
- Added 2 new icons for the focuses "Eye to the East" and "Rule over the Danube"
- Added focus icons and spirits
- Couple of adjustments to top right corner GUI
- Supply map fixed. Now you can see supply colors
- Fixed gamerules names
- Fixed a sound effect from playing globally
- added graphics for all of the US uniform techs
-Big rework of AI strategies, mainly regarding unit production and area priority
-Nerfed UK focus 'Start Up the National Grid'
-Fixed Belgian Congo becoming German upon Belgian capitulation
-Nerfed Chinese national spirit gained during Sino-Japanese war
-Added a supply hub in Bolzano
-Soviet Union can now only take two five year plan decisions at a time
-Reworked some decisions for Ethiopia in the war with Italy, changing some into timed missions
-Updated manpower required for ships, mainly reducing the manpower of destroyers and submarines
-Changed some mistakes in ship class names
-Italian AI should put more units on the Greek border
-German AI should put less units on the Vichy border
-Soviet AI should be more friendly to Germany during Molotov-Ribbentrop
-Norway should stay home instead of fighting in the Benelux
-Adjusted Turkish population to be more accurate
-Added Polish light tanks names
-Added Polish light tank pictures
-Added British uniform pictures
-Added updated French portraits
-Fixed a loc about the Saarland saying it was French (Generalis can rest peacefully now)
-Reduced building cost of the anti-air
-Connected Millerovo to the railway system. Hurrah comrade Kaganovich!
-Reworked portraits for a lot of people
-Adjusted population of Lebanon
-Added new focus icons for France
-Italy should not declare war on Greece if they are still at war with France
-Added an AI plan for Ethiopia
-Added a tooltip indicating to Japan that the Soviets may protect China in case Japan tries to attack them after their initial victory in China
-A updated modifiers of the money system
-Reduced the cost of used military factories
-Increased the cost of research slots
-Ethiopia can now join factions and send volunteers after beating Italy
-Added events for Germany regarding Italy's response to demanding Sudtirol
-Added effects for reintegrating vs purging the cossacks
-Corrected the state border between Zaporozhzia and Donetsk Oblasts
-Gave RAJ Cores on more states
-Fixed Post-Sealion Peace Issues
-SOV will now peace out with POL once it loses Barbarossa
-Chinese United Front will now disband upon losing the war to Japan
-Fixed Harry Truman's Portrait
-JAP/USA Trade decisions should now disappear once the USA Embargoes JAP
-Hull Note should now fire sooner
-Told Darijus how much I love him
-Fixed a bug where Serbia would get part of Korea
-Added Azad Hind as a releasable GEACPS Member
-Fixed the Japanese Puppet Philippines not displaying their name
-Removed some legacy GFX entries
-Changed requirements for Japan to Annex Indochina
-Drastically reduced the cost of Supply Hubs (from 9000 to 4000)
-Slightly reduced the cost of Railways (from 170+130x to 150+100x)
-Added two more event soundeffects
-Amended a tooltip in Japan's tree
-Players can now only change spending and tax sliders once every 60 days (per slider)
-Added an event for AI Germany to declare war on the USA after Pearl Harbor
-Reduced manpower given by La Coloniale spirit
-Removed the Bohai strait
-Connected Busan to the Korean railway network
- Unachieved Socialism

Update: 20 jan 2023 om 0:53

Update: 15 jan 2023 om 19:14

- Fixed spelling of "Angelo Iachino"
- Balanced Chaco War
- No more white squares
- Increased embargo threshold
- Put the correct portrait for "Gabriel Terra"
- Now the SS decisions to recruit won't be visible until you can do them to avoid spam
- Localised "Zhang Jinghui"
- The more the chinese are near capitulation the more buffs they'll get
- Fixed a bug with rebuilding destroyed oilfield
- Added some state renamings after german victory against USSR
- Renamed "Zrenjanin" to "Veliki Bečkerek" which will be renamed in 1935 to "Petrovgrad"
- If republicans win the spanish civil war they will now annex everything
- Fixed the required manpower for aircrafts
- Added advisor portraits for Nakajima Kesago and Suetsugu Nobumasa
- Added two armoured division, one infantry division and one motorized division free templates in the italian focus tree
- Fixed some german generals getting 0 skill
- Germany can no longer rush economic focuses
- Fixed portrait for Araki Sadao
- Fixed range for Heavy Fighters
- Improved AI for Germany
- Increased naval dockyards gained by the UK from focuses
- Autobahn decisions now cost 50pp each
- Increased cost of making heavy weapons
- Added scripted peace between Ethiopia and Italy when Italy loses all it's holdings in Eritrea and Somalia
- Remade portrait for Wang Jingwei
- Fixed the great patriotic focus sometimes not unlocking
- Added recall volunteers button
- (GUI) USA has now 48 states
- New peace popup design
- 2 new French focus icons
- 2 new French spirits
- Fixed some errors in loc (I added the dot tommykay)
- Expended the support dark bg on the division window
- Changed the design of focus tab icons
- New event pictures for the nuclear bombings of New York, Washington DC and Paris
- Added a sound to the bombing of Washington DC event
- Added AI difficulty sliders in game rules.
-Added correct marshals for Soviets and gave them opportunities to gain new marshals during the game
-Tweaked Soviet AI strategies for invading Iran and building divisions
-Reduced consumer goods reduction given by some traits and spirits, mainly to debuff Italy
-Consolidated two national spirits for the Soviet Union to prevent unnecessary clutter
-Added German renaming for Crimea and two victory points there
-Increased time until decisions can be taken again for Soviet intervention in China and Spain categories
-Fixed Von Falkenhausen's name and removed him as a general at the game start since he was not in service then
-Fixed a typo causing some German generals to not have portraits
-Fixed a Soviet decision header not showing
-Added a tooltip to inform the player of unlocking the Guards divisions decision category
-Added loc for many events
-Removed Italian decision to invade Bulgaria
-New events for Italy for the invasion of Greece
-Romania becomes democratic rather than communist when being liberated by the Soviets
-Fixed Hugenberg not being minister when he should be
-Fixed some typos causing some Japanese prime ministers event chains not working
-Added an AI strategy for Japan to build more divisions
-Added some default AI strategies from vanilla, mainly regarding spy agencies
-German religious population groups can no longer go below 0% or above 100%
-Italy should no longer send volunteers to Japan and its subjects
-Increased some decision times for Positive Christianity
-Added some historical operatives
-Added events related to operatives from vanilla
-Added civilian train pictures for the majors + Poland
-Reduced money gain from free civilian factories
-Reduced French surrender limit bonus given by a national spirit
-French surrender events trigger slightly earlier
-Made some changes to the German AI plan so that it does some historical things at a more historical time
-Added the intelligence service for Free France
-The Fading Ballot Box spirit for Japan will now be removed once Konoe's second cabinet starts
-Reduced the amount of planes that can be stored on carriers to a more historical amount
-Reduced the the amount of plane capacity given by the deck space module from 20 to 10
-Gave Japan some more factories via focuses
-Added some checks to make AI handle the money system better
-Made Reichsautobahn decision on_map only
-Fixed the Westwall not building forts in some provinces
-Fixed Soviet volunteer cap accidentally being a bonus
-Removed Japan's parliament as it had no function
-Added pictures to Third Versailles events
-Added events for some Romanian political events
-Adjusted the Brazilian population to be more accurate, from about 80 million to about 40 million
-Added loc for Ethiopian decisions
-Changed two Brazilian state names to be historically accurate
-Fixed French AI not taking some decisions
-Made Reichsautobahn decisions invisible when not meeting certain criteria to reduce clutter
-Increased advisor cost from 50 to 150
-Tweaked some defence buffs from French spirits
-Moved Rommel to be unlocked via the Bewegungskrieg focus
-Added some Italian aces to be unlocked via focus
-Made plane stats more accurate, mainly increasing range and tweaking speed
-Added some names for early planes
-Tweaked some French railways and moved a supply depot in Troyes to Reims
-Added Soundeffects for Nazi Book Burnings, the Invasion of Poland, The Invasion of Ethiopia, and Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, courtesy of Peanut_Dog
-Added an event where Egypt will change sides when Cairo falls to Fascist Italy
-Fixed a Yugoslavia bug where they would be at war with the UK after their Coup
-Canada is now promoted to a major country when the UK falls
-Added portraits for french admirals
-Added new generals for WW2
-Made Britain produce slightly less fighters compared to other planes
-Made it so Reichsverteidigung decisions requires 5% surrender progress for Germany
-Germany can't invite Balkan nations to the Axis if they are already in a faction
-Debuffed Nationalist Spain a bit more to slow down the SCW
-Germany can no longer attack Yugoslavia if they're in a faction
-Added Prince Paul as a regent for Yugoslavia before Petar II comes of age
-The Great Betrayal spirit is now removed after 200 days
-Fixed typos in the Yugoslav Army Coup event
-Updated some Yugoslavian political events to the new character system
-Made some changes to air combat so more planes should be downed in combat
-Fixed Ernst Ziehm portrait not showing
-German occupation missions now also trigger the event on timeout
-Gave RKs claims and slightly more compliance so they can better deal with resistance
-Fixed Beerhall putsch events
-Fixed some starting techs for AOI and Slovakia as they didn't have required techs for their OOBs
-Updates to AI areas so they should allocate their troops to theatres better
-Added some historical dates for German AI when inviting balkan countries to the Axis
-Added an AI strategy to make Germany prepare for Yugoslavia
-Added some state renaming in Greece
-Unachieved Socialism

Update: 31 dec 2022 om 16:34

- Fixed spelling of "Georges Robert"
- Changed requirement for the focus "Expand the Jadgwaffe", requiring now at least 1000 deployed fighters or interceptors
- AI fixes for Japan, now it should be stronger against China
- Removed the generic focus tree, it'll be readded once completed
- Fixes to loc
- Fixed some error logs
- Removed some obsolete italian code
- Now once you start barbarossa, all your faction members will join the war automatically
- Improved the italian AI, and buffed them a bit
- Fixed puppet check for launching invasion of Iran
- Fixed leader of RK Belgien
- Fixed Slovakia having the wrong colour when puppeted by Germany
- Added Italian East Africa
- Remade portrait of Rodolfo Graziani
- Fixed an icon which was too big
- Changed portrait for Otto Remer
- Increased Westwall focus fort construction from 2 to 4
- Fixed some naval tooltip
-Fixed Localization for event "Fall Gelb is a Success"
-German AI will now do the July putsch (and fail), so that Dollfuss may die
-Added a volunteer cap to the Soviets
-Shot China in the kneecaps (made their army debuffs worse)
-Added AI strategy for Germany to be more aggressive towards France once the Benelux has capitulated + removed requirement for Norway and Denmark to have capitulated
-Some tweaks to the numbers for the Italian strategy to prepare for Ethiopia
-Debuffed China a bit more just to be sure
-Fixed an Italian option for an event
-US should join the Allies now after Pearl Harbor
-Soviet influence in Spain and China should not go above 100%
-Fixed a missing " in Spanish loc
-Reduced some debuffs to Nationalist Spain
-Fixed a wrong data entry in the Italian AI strategy
-Reworked the Soviet AI plan a bit
-Fixed a mistake with some if statements in Soviet events
-Some fixes to Yalta
-Fixed another wrong date
-Added templates to all OOBs to prevent crashes
-Added a mission to reduce unemployment when at war
-Updated the unit production strategy for Japan
-Added a unit production strategy for the US
-Updated the unit production strategy for Japan
-Added a unit production strategy for the US
-modified the whitepeace window
-added money icons to some USSR decisions
-Yugoslavian Coup now signs peace with ENG and SOV, fixing a bug where Yugoslavia would be at war with both the Axis and Allies
-Localized the "Italian Workers in Germany" National Spirit
-Fixed event response for the "Ace Promoted" event
-Henry A. Wallace now becomes Vice President in 1941
-Removed Henry A. Wallace's Evil Clone Henry A. Wallace from the GFX files
-Fixed Andrei Zhdanov not becoming the SOV HoG after the Bitter Peace
-Fixed text for FDR's Third Inauguration event displaying over the photo
-Added Events for the Soviet Annexation of Tannu Tuva
-Added Events for the Italian Invasion and Occupation of Greece
-Updated Italian AI to make sure it's actually ready to invade Greece when it does so
-Gave FInland some more manpower
-Fixed an issue where Tunisia would manage to steal part of Libya when France capitulated
-Updated Event title for Stalin's stroke
-"The Defense of the Union" focus now requires you to control Moscow (219)
-Fixed bug where IG Farben Negotiations cause Germany to pay money to Italy (edited)
-GPW/Groza Foci now require you to be at war with Germany
-Japan will also declare war on PRC, fixing a bug where Communist China would not join the war against Japan