Vanilla Animals Expanded
A apresentar 1-7 de 7 entradas
Atualização: 19 de abr. às 11:13

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 4/19/2024 8:13:07 PM.

Atualização: 3 de abr. às 2:04

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 4/3/2024 11:03:48 AM.

Atualização: 2 de abr. às 7:28

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 4/2/2024 4:27:49 PM.

Atualização: 23 de jan. às 4:49

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 1/23/2024 12:48:28 PM.

Atualização: 17 jun. 2023 às 3:25

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 6/17/2023 11:25:46 AM.

Atualização: 25 out. 2022 às 5:13

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 10/25/2022 1:13:03 PM.

Atualização: 6 out. 2022 às 6:09

For balance concerns, most of the feedback was addressed, and many changes were made:

- Anaconda: Had too much meat. It's body size reflects length, not meat amount (changed 420 meat to 250 meat)
- Cheetah: This animal usually has 3-5 litters (Increased litter size to 1.9 average)
- Coyote: hunger was too high, which made them predate too often (reduced hunger rate to 0.4)
- Giraffe: giraffes don't have multiple pregnancies, and they produced too much meat. It was the top meat animal (reduced pregnancies to single, and meat to 350)
- Gorilla: gorillas very very rarely have multiple pregnancies (reduced to single pregnancies)
- Kangaroo: Usually has 1-4 litters. Intelligence was too low (intelligence set to intermediate. Litter size 1.9 average. Speed reduced to 3)
- Koala: koalas very very rarely have multiple pregnancies (reduced to single pregnancies)
- Walrus: meat was a bit too high, with the real problem being the meat + leather combination producing insane amounts of wealth (MOST profitable animal) (reduced meat to 200)
- Tapir: needed to be reverted to None trainability, as it is a pen animal (reduced to None)
- Camel was not spawning in the wild and not being used by traders as a pack animal (added)
- Kangaroo, Platypus and Koala in boreal forests made no sense (removed)