Community Bug Fix Mod - Game v5, Batch 6
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Päivitys: 20.8. klo 18.11

Hotfix for 5.2.0, edits tables to new schema and removes CA fixes.

Päivitys: 12.8. klo 17.16

Oo! Ouch! Hot! Hot fix coming through!

- FIX: Crashing because of CBFM :)
- FIX: Throek/Runelord animations (CA's fix was being messed up by our old fix, which has now been fully removed)
- FIX: Removes all known CA patched fixes
- FIX: Zhao Ming skill Desert Armour (now also applies to Zhao Ming himself)
- FIX: Oxyotl's faction getting the special Chaos enemy post-captive option for Chaos Dwarfs
- FIX: Vampire Bloodline Zombie Dragon mounts not receiving the same 300HP buff that the generic version got in a recent balance pass

Päivitys: 2.7. klo 18.21

Patch 5 Batch 4:
- Removed a TON of fixes CA implemented in 5.1, too many to list here
- Karanak's skill tree has been fixed (h/t Mixu)
- Added fix for Teclis's Archmage recruit rank bonus also applying to Archmages hired via replace lord function (to assign to existing army) (h/t Cataph)
- Dwarf passive banner runes now update their targets every frame, so the bonus properly applies to units currently near the banner holder, not units that started near the banner holder when the battle commenced (h/t AphyriaCelosia for noticing this)
- Similar to the previous fix, the Hierotitan's Spirit Conduit passive ability now updates targets every frame, so it also applies to units currently close to the Hierotitan, not units that started the battle close to it
- The Chaos Lord of Nurgle had a busted leg texture; this has been fixed (h/t Dead Baron)
- CA largely fixed Chaos Mark bonus inconsistencies in 5.1, but a few remained for Khorne units, which have been fixed (h/t Warden of Hope):
-- Bloodbrute Behemoth (Khorne marked Ghorgon RoR) has armor increased from 50 > 60
-- Brutes of the Hound (Khorne marked Marauder Berserker RoR) armor increasd from 15 > 35 (matches Khorne Marauders)
-- Gorebeast Chariots of Khorne MA reduced 40 > 35 (matches regular Gorebeast Chariots), MD increased 25 > 27, armor increased 130 > 140
- Chaos Dwarf Granite Guard (Blunderbuss Infernal Guard RoR) have had their pick axes restored
- Chaos Dwarf Tower of Zharr district bonuses have been fixed (h/t Rhox)
- "Allure of Slaanesh" innate trait was improperly appearing on Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Death) rather than Chaos Sorcerer (Death); this has been fixed (h/t Dragonkip)
- Several overlapping character skills have been fixed (where one skill overwrites another, making it not appear on the skill tree) (h/t Dragonkip):
-- Hertwig (Wulfhart's Witch Hunter)'s Arcane Safeguards no longer causes Mark of Hysh to disappear
-- Witch Hunter's Immortality trait no longer causes Sigmar's Ward to disappear
-- Chaos Lord of Nurgle's Immortality trait no longer causes Aura of Chaos to disappear
-- Grukmur (Tamurkhan's Bray Shaman Chieftain)'s Tuskgor/Razorgor Chariot mount skills no longer cause Uncanny Senses to disappear

Päivitys: 17.6. klo 17.50

Fixes removed:
- All CA fixes from 5.0.4 and 5.0.5 removed from CBFM

New fixes:
- Outrider and Empire Engineer/Master Engineer anim sets updated so that they all carry their primary (firearm) weapon by default when mounted on a Warhorse. Huge shout out to Wolfremio for making this possible! NB: Outriders can also switch back to wielding a sword by placing them in melee mode (hotkey: F)
- A Dwarf Engineer will consistently show up as a garrison unit now (some buildings in the engineer chain were missing him)
- Ulrika no longer has access to the lord version of Enfeebling Foe (hero version restored)
- Corruption-inducing army category expanded to include Beastmen, Norsca and Cult of Pleasure (applies to Mother O's faction bonus)
- Jade Wizards now retain Mastery of the Element Winds (if they are supposed to have it) when mounted on a Pegasus
- Restored some Imperial Supply units (Markus Wulfhart's dudes) that were missing from tech benefits
- Disabled Dwarf Shieldwall abilities for units docked on a wall/platform, preventing a potential crash this could cause
- Various fixes for Marks of Chaos (some units missing some effects) to make them all consistent (h/t AlarielleRadiant on GitHub)
- Thunderer Grudge-raker animations got the same treatment as Malakai, so now they fire twice in quick succession (3 shots each) instead of one big burst (6 shots) followed by a blank round (h/t WilliamCA for info on how to fix this)
- Centigors could be recruited from a T4 Herdstone but not a T5 herdstone, which was an oversight (h/t Valas on Discord for noticing)
- Fixed Hergig Jaegerkorps (Hochland Long Rifle RoR) missing from RoR lock script for AI, possibly allowing for duplicates
- Jorek Grimm (Dwarf hunter for Wulfhart's faction) now has Restock! ability by default, giving him use of his newly acquired Open the Casks! skill (matching default Dwarf Engineer skill line)
- Rakarth's Beastlord's Presence ability, which supersedes his default Beastlord's Gaze, now also benefits from the buff the latter ability gained in WH3 (+10 ward save to affected unit(s))
- Vampire Lord shield texture fixed (h/t Dead Baron)
- Overcast version of Tempest duration increased to 18 seconds to match base version of spell
- Little Grom sound profile changed so it can be heard firing when the camera is further away (like other artillery)

Fixes fixed:
- A previous visual fix that restored Tomb King lords' shields accidentally did so at the expense of some Tomb King lords' heads; the Mortuary Cult has rectified this.

Päivitys: 24.5. klo 14.38

- CA fixes as of 5.0.3 removed from CBFM
-- Includes Dragon Slayer fix, so the shiny new axe is available
- Dwarf legendary grudges to destroy factions no longer abort (becoming unachievable) when the faction is confederated (h/t Klissan on Discord)
- Script break in wh3_campaign_bonus_values fixed (h/t Groove Wizard, Drazhir)
- Soul Quench range indicator fixed (matches actual range now) (h/t CatholicAlcoholic)
- Pestigor WoC recruitment tooltip fixed (correctly notes they show up in areas of Nurgle corruption, not Tzeentch)
- Ghoritch will now always spawn next to his LL.
- "faction" being assigned globally in some vanilla scripts fixed (this is what broke Ghoritch) (h/t Drazhir)
- Tomb Kings units missing from the missile_units unit set have been added, which makes Khalida's defeat trait more useful (h/t Grimmys)
- Rot Knights RoR causes fear attribute added (all units with terror should also cause fear)
- Belegar's Vanguard Deploy in Underway Stance now applies to all underway situations, not just when using his special underway stance (h/t JerreyRough)
- Cosmetic visual and audio issues for the Grudge Settler version of the Grudge Thrower unit fixed (h/t JerreyRough)
- Background movie for Athel Tamarha restored (was lost in WH2 -> WH3 transition) (h/t CatholicAlcoholic)

**Full Changelog**:

Päivitys: 10.5. klo 14.14

Mod updated for compatibility with 5.0 changes
- CA fixes as of 5.0.2 removed from CBFM

- Strigoi skill for reducing Crypt Ghouls/Horrors upkeep scope fixed (applies armywide, not factionwide)
- Various other scope fixes for skills and traits
- Wounds attribute removed from Gyrobombers (no longer single entity) (h/t JvJ)
- Gyrobombers do not retain individual entity damage after a battle (like all other multi-entity units, only number of entities killed is retained) (h/t ADragsberg)
- Daemon Slayer and Engineer Lord given lord-style skills (2-per skill rather than 3 as it is with heroes), also replaced Deadly Onslaught with Colossal Strike for Daemon Slayer
- Final Transmutation basic version damage restored to correct level (was accidentally made extremely low)
- Pestigors added to Warriors of Chaos redline skills
- Karl Franz State Troops damage buffs now includes AP damage
- Nuln Gunnery School no longer loses upkeep reduction effect when going from Tier 1 to Tier 2
- New mounts are no longer stealable
- Gift of Chaos buffing Nurgle-devoted armies now applies to Nurgle Chaos Lord
- Knightly order Rank 7 redline buffs are now appropriately limited to units who have reached this rank
- Icons fixed for Tamurkhan "Puppet Tyrant" skill
- Maintenance cost for Miao Ying's item set removed (no one else has this)
- Colleges of Magic Spell Mastery benefits now apply to wizard lords (i.e., Gelt or Elspeth) as well as heroes
- Amethyst units added to unit sets where their base version unit exists (so they benefit from redline skills, etc.)
- Bile Trolls no longer benefit twice from character skills benefitting trolls
- Chieftain Ezar Doombolt now has skills to improve "Increase Mobility" action as other heroes in this class
- Jade Wizard no longer using the Light Wizard unique skill
- Malakai's redline skills now apply to cannons gained via Adventures
- Pestigors no longer have a recruitment cost for Beastmen (Beastmen have no recruitment costs for anything)
- Huntsmen RoR now appear as Tier 3
- Mutual exclusivity for certain Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle skills now works properly like it does for all other Chaos Sorcerers
- Nurgle Plague Cult Hospice providing 10 infections properly now
- "Wolf of Wastes" skill tooltip fixed and now applies to Forsaken RoR
- Armies that had Blue Scribes embedded now lose access to Cataclysm spells once Scribes leave (Drazhir, Rhox)
- Slave Diktat properly get cheaper with Slave Pens
- Thorek's Rune of Doom map-wide range restored
- Chieftain variants of Nurgle units now included in the same unit sets (for buffs, etc.) as base versions
- "Airborne Auges" skill now works correctly
- "Admired Infantryman" now properly buffs Melee Defence
- Land Ship now benefits from "Reinforced Armor Plating" technology
- Yuan Bo Quest Battle script break fixed (h/t paperpancake)
- Malakai's Grape Shot cannon shockwave radius fixed (was 10 times higher than it was meant to be, which made Grape Shot insane)
- Script error causing Festus to lose access to plagues fixed (h/t Rhox)
- Empire Rank 7 buffs sorted out for RoRs and State Troops so no one is double-dipping but everyone gets represented
- Standard Nurgle Authority skill added for new characters (Nurgle Chaos Lord and Nurgle Chaos Sorcerer)
- Chaos Lord of Nurgle is now able to ascend to become a Daemon Prince, and when doing so the Ascension trait is gained properly
- Ku'Gath now properly gains an extra blessed symptom after each 10 levels even in cases where he skipped a level divisible by 10 (e.g., went from 9 straight to 11 after a battle)
- Schematics (Nuln unique resource) gained from all Empire gunpowder units now
- Visual fixes (h/t Drazhir for first four):
-- Heads restored for Cathay Dragon Guard RoRs and War Drum drummers
-- Crossbows restored for Celestial Dragon Crossbow RoR
-- Shields restored for Tomb Kings (lords) and Demigryph Knights
-- Dragon Slayer hero uses Dragon Slayer body now, not generic Doomseeker body
-- Muzzle/smoke effects missing from Landships and several others now restored (h/t Gekj)
- Boris Todbringer was missing generic Empire Lord skills; now he has them (h/t yywhs)
- Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle and Death were swapped; now unswapped
- Daemon Prince of Nurgle and Chaos Lord of Nurgle (Death) now properly get culture-specific blue line skills when playing as a monogod Nurgle faction
- Vilitch and Festus can now hide in forests
- Karl Franz's "Best of the Empire" ability now applies to all Empire units, not just Elector Count State Troops
- Gelt's "Will of the Patriarch" ability now applies a recruit bonus both to Colleges of Magic recruitment and local recruitment
- A bunch of buildings were providing better effects when damaged than undamaged, which doesn't make any sense. This has been rectified.
- Fixes Honoured by Grimnir not giving AP damage to affected units
- Fixes Gotreks "Treasure Hunter" skill having the wrong scope
- Some typos fixed in tooltips, etc.

Päivitys: 22.4. klo 16.01

Game v4.2, Fix Batch 4.

- CA fixes in 4.2.3 removed from CBFM
- AI Greenskin factions will use Waaagh abilities in battle now (note: even during a campaign Waaagh, AI factions will not receive "big" versions of these abilities, as CA designed these to be player-exclusive)
- Rank 7 redline skills added for Kislev creatures (bears/spiders)
- Spire Guard and Sentinels of Astrail added to Eltharion's lord trait (WH2 fix revived)
- Bear Cavalry added to Kislev "Harbour Watch" tech targeting cavalry (h/t Klissan on Discord)
- Scope changed for hero skills/traits/followers that increase magic item drop chance so that they actually have an effect (h/t buggy_environment on CA official forums)
- Many-Coloured Fires now buffs missile damage for Burning Chariot of Tzeentch as well
- Skink Oracle skill "Divinatory Authority" now reduces cooldown for Focus Instincts instead of Cold Blooded as Skink Oracles don't have the Cold Blooded ability (h/t Bogdanov89 on Discord)
- Default main settlement chains for Skarnik and Wurrzag no longer conflict with special Greenskin chains at Karaz-a-Karak, Black Crag, Karak Eight Peaks, or Massif Orcal
- Virulent Contagion upgraded so it spreads properly

Päivitys: 20.3. klo 18.42

Game v4.2, Fix Batch 3

- CA fixes made for 4.2.2 removed from CBFM

- "Cadai" Wood Elf tech now provides +1 forest health to all magical forests
- Techs applying to Elven units no longer inconsistently also apply to some characters
- Yuan Bo's Command the Lesser Courts now works as advertised (h/t < blank > on Steam Workshop)
- "Accursed Horrors" skill no longer affects non-Horrors
- "Myriad Servants" skill now affects Chaos Marauders
- Morathi's sword no longer invisible sometimes (h/t Mr.Soul on Steam Workshop)
- Screamers no longer double-dip on redline skills
- Mass of Medusa added to mass of Bloodwrack Shrine vehicle to account for her full heft (h/t Bogdanov89)
- Necrarch Bloodline lords now properly get a discount on Invocation of Nehek at Rank 2 of their unique skill
- Nakai's spell cost reduction temple blessing now applies to the new Slann lores (Death, Shadows, Metal)
- Nakai's Itzl buff no longer applies to Cold/Horned Ones twice
- Vanguard Deployment boon now works correctly for Exalted Hero of Tzeentch
- Celestial General skill tree typo fixed
- Wood Elves can now recruit normally from Gaean Vale
- Rune of Stoicism now only works on grounded units to prevent unbreakable Gyrocopters that cannot be attacked flying around forever even if the rest of the army is dead or routed
- Pillar of Bones landmark now available for Chaos Dwarfs
- Legion of the Gorequeen no longer improperly immune from Force March vigour effects (i.e., very tired in battle)
- Tooltip fix for Bretonnian "Harbourmaster Bribes" tech's Chivalry cost
- Beastmen main horde buildings no longer provide Chaos Undivded corruption on a per-character basis, so the overall effect matches what it says on the tin (1x per horde, not 1x per character in a horde)
- Beastmen Full Moon effect now properly increases Ruination gained from rituals by 10%
- Active Beastmen moon effect value saving/loading fixed
- Cacophonous Assault and its upgraded version now function as automatically activated army abilities for Beastmen armies that have unlocked them (previously, they were passive abilities that didn't work)
- "Arcane Exemplar" boon fixed for Exalted Hero of Tzeentch and Chaos Lord of Tzeentch
- "Wastelander" boon (Nurgle-specific) fixed
- Cult of Sotek no longer gets redundant "Kill & Eat" post-battle captives option when facing races that could be sacrificed (i.e., every race other than fellow Lizardmen)
- Cockatrice no longer gets Rank 7 buffs before Rank 7
- Hag Witch projectile now properly matches that of Mother O. (lob style)
- Celestial General on Longma now properly causes fear
- Rules for hiding in forest terrain made consistent again as per Twisted & Twilight update (all monstrous infantry and chariots CAN hide, all war machines and SEMs CANNOT)
- Mismatching descriptions on Marble building chain for some factions fixed (how's that for a deep cut? h/t Grimmys)
- Obsidian resource building for WoC now properly applies AP missile damage modification along with base missile damage modification for Marauder cav (h/t tentigers)
- Beast of Nurgle missing from Rancid Menagerie unit set (h/t tentigers)
- Blueline skill unlock inconsistencies fixed for Throgg and Burplesmirk (unique Great Unclean One rewarded for Norsca razing for Crow)
- Waaaagh trophy effect bundles now removed after next Waaagh, as intended
- Gate Master now really provides a 25% harmony boost as stated in tooltip
- The Vampiric version of Vault of Nagash landmark re-established for Vampire Coast after confirmation from CA that they are supposed to have it (generic version also buildable as of now because only CA can remove this)

Päivitys: 6.3. klo 17.02

Updoot for whatever this new version of the game is.
- Stuff fixed in 4.2.1 hotfix removed from cbfm
- Bretonnia lord pictures fixed (h/t Mixu)
- Thorek and Runelord animations restored to WH2 glory (h/t Awesomnerd, Mandras)
- Celestial Lion, both mount and unit version, considered "high threat" to take full damage from all attacks
- Norsca techs missing a sacking bonus for a few factions fixed
- Fixed Drychas quest not rewarding her the "Stolen power" trait and the trait not buffing her trees

Päivitys: 25.2. klo 11.43

Updoot for game version 4.2.

- Dwarf blasting charges have their textures back
- Druzhina's speak to the forest regeneration now applies only to hag witches in the army
- Chaos lord of tzeentch will get the ascended lord trait when ascending to daemon prince
- Fixed kislevite warriors benefitting from rank 7 redline buffs before rank 7
- New tzeentch/kislev magic items won't be lost anymore
- Adds celestial lion and great moon bird to Zhao Ming's desert armour/desert weapons/iron strength
- Adds primal instincts to ripperdactyls, ripperdactyl mounts, feral carnosaur and blessed carnosaur