Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Para Bellum - Open Beta
Showing 11-16 of 16 entries
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Update: 10 Aug, 2022 @ 1:40am

- Fixed bugged armies compositions.
- Fixed shortsword weapon lenght.

Update: 8 Aug, 2022 @ 9:57am

- Fixed agents not taking effect with some actions.
- Population, some classes fixed in the new units and included to the navy.
- Fixed some texts of the new units not appearing in the Spanish translation.
- Added the new units to the Bigger units size submod.
- Longer battles submod updated for better compatibility.

Update: 7 Aug, 2022 @ 6:24am

- New skins for Greeks and Romans: a total of 68 skins, including 3 new body shapes variations. Some helmets can clip a bit, which will be solved in the next updates, so if you want to restore the original ones you can open the mod .pack file that is located in one of the folders at \Steam\steamapps\workshop with rpfm or Pack File Manager, that are freeware programs. You will see a root folder structure, go to variantmeshes/_variantmodels/man/skin and according to your preferences, delete:
Save it and the original skins will be restored.

- 20 new historical units, with descriptions, abilities, tweaked animations, integrated into the population system, etc., to better represent the evolution of the roman armies in this crucial part of its history:
- Early and Late Camillan hastati, principes, triarii and Camillan socii hastati and socii extraordinarii, available in RotR campaign through The reforms of Camillus and Weapons training technologies.
- Early and Late Polybian hastati, principes, triarii, socii hastati and socii extraordinarii legionaries, available for the GC and HatG campaigns with the Mercenary Auxiliaries technology.
Including all short of details like +300 shields designs or the skins classified so the hastati look the youngest, principes adults and triarii the oldest, though there is a bit of mix to keep cohesion and a high variety of looks.
- Iphikratean hoplites and Iphikratean peltasts, available for Athens in the GC through the Military settlement and in WoS through the Peltast training technology.

Battle system overhaul:
- Removed formed attack as it has some downsides, like AI is less likely to initiate attacks, favoring pikes/hoplites lateral shifting while in the battle line and other balance issues, etc.
- Rebalanced threshold of melee attack, charge bonus and melee defense for all troops.
- Removed skirmisher mode for javelinmen and peltasts, to prevent the exploit of easily separating them from their army with cavalry. In its stead, now they include tactical retreat button.
- Slight pilum/javelin rebalance ap damage.
- Revised armour types values.

Naval battles:
- Lowered the ships' speeds, for more realistic and tactical naval battles.
- Increased the activation time of the row hard ability in the abilities with less than 60 seconds, and reduced to 60 seconds the recharge time in all of them.

- Improved the appearance of generals for WoS and RotR (Italics, Romans, Greeks and Carthaginians).
- Reduced significantly the amount of greek nude hoplites in WoS and GC. Alternatively, you can deactivate with the recently released Dressed hoplites submod.
- New units colors for Athens to match the general look and cards.
- Improved Carthage cavalry and Athenian pikemen, Roman velites and levies reskins.
- 36 new unit cards for Armenia, Cappadocia, Nabatea, Samnites, the Desert and the Greek factions.
- Changed 6 Roman technology icons in RotR, including 3 new ones.
- Fixed the Greek generals variety in GC, bugged by the pirates mod.
-Corrected tunics colors for the greek/roman female spy porthole, changing the yellow tunic.
- New pilum and sarissa models. With more weapons variations to come in future updates.
- 4 textures variations added to the Italic linothorax, used to replace some dated models.

In some cases, this new update could not be compatible with previous saved games.

Update: 1 Aug, 2022 @ 3:17pm

- Fixed bug with walled settlement gates not opening.

Update: 21 Jul, 2022 @ 1:21pm

- New campaign names in the main menu, based on the historical period, and placed in chronological order.
- New unseasonal conditions icon.

Update: 18 Jul, 2022 @ 3:26am

- Includes around 100 new units cards, mostly for Greeks and Celts.
- Guaranteed major faction empires by Mitchel.
- Battle AI scripts from Attila.
- Pirates by Boicote, updated by ivan_elvis.
- Removed capture points, to avoid the suicidal tendency of generals and bring more dynamic settlements assaults.