Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

SSL Crustle
6件中 1-6 を表示
更新: 2022年7月7日 @ 11時59分


更新: 2022年6月14日 @ 13時56分

Patch 1.3: Fine! Kill power buffs GO!!!

Nattack - Stone Edge
+Damage increased from 7% to 8%
(Damage increased by 1% to make Stone edge impossible to crouch cancel. Generally makes it more threatening in neutral)

Utilt - Rock Wrecker
+Sweetspot knockback angle changed from 45 to 361
+Sweetspot base knockback increased from 7 to 8
+Sweetspot knockback growth increased from 0.9 to 0.95
(Knockback adjusted to make Utilt's sweetspot hit much scarier as a kill option.)

Bair - Smack Down
+Non spike hitboxes knockback angle changed from 135 to 140
+Non spike hitboxes base knockback increased from 6 to 8
(Knockback stats adjusted to put it more in line with other strong killing bairs in SSL)

更新: 2022年6月2日 @ 23時44分

Patch 1.25: Minor CSS Changes

General Changes:
~CSS SFX updated to use the GBA Pokemon Menu scroll sound for when you scroll through alts
~Now plays Mega Banette's Cry whenever you select him on character select
~CSS Portrait now sports the same Background as Mega Banette's (though it's honestly hard to spot from behind his gurth)

更新: 2022年5月27日 @ 22時25分

Patch 1.2 - Some adjustments to the rocky boi

General Stats:
+Walk/Dash speed increased from 3 to 3.25
(very minor speed buff to make him less sluggish to move around with overall )
~Gravity speed changed from 0.6 to 0.55
~Max Fall speed changed from 16 to 11
~Fast Fall speed changed from 20 to 16
(Tweaks made to make his fall speed less rediculous, allowing him to feel more normalized with other heavyweight fighters rather than being similar to the extreme fall speed of Geodude. Should also help ellivate getting killed too easily after being knocked off stage)
+Wall Jump HSP decreased from 7 to 5
(Made Crustle not fly off the wall so far to help alleviate the issue of you dying instantly from trying to wall jump while not having a double jump to counteract the horizontal speed.)

Ftilt - X-Scissor:
+Hspeed increased slightly
+Knockback angle changed from 60 to 75
+Can now be canceled into Dtilt on hit
(Made Ftilt easier to land in neutral and more reliable as a combo starter. Can now be canceled into Dtilt on hit to combo against people who DI out against Ftilt at low percents)

Utilt - Rock Wrecker:
-Startup increased from 10 frames to 12 frames (from 18 frames for the front hit to 20 frames)
-Initial hitbox height reduced slightly (No longer hits stages with higher than average plats such as Blazing Hideout)
-Upper initial hitbox size reduced horizontally
-Late hit sweetspot pulled slightly inwards
-Late hit sweetspot knockback scaling reduced from 0.95 to 0.9
(Nerfs done across the board to make Utilt less all encompassing gameplay wise, making it slower to start and covering less vertical space... it's still very much a massively good button tho)

Dtilt - Stomping Tantrum:
+Endlag decreased from 20(25) frames to 18(22) frames
+Active time has been increased from 2 frames to 3 frames
+Hitbox size increased Horizontally
+Damage increased from 8% to 9%
+Base Knockback increased from 7 to 8
+0.9 Hitstun multiplier removed
(General buffs across the board to make Dtilt a more viable option to go for over Utilt in close quarters scenarios, especially in terms of combo potential and range.)

Bair - Smack Down:
+Active time increased by 1 frame on all hitboxes
+Endlag decreased from 18(27) frames to 15(23) frames
+Hitbox size on the spike and frontal sourspot increased inwards
(Buffs given to make Bair more reliable to land, particularly alleviating a deadzone the move had right underneath and inside of him during the active frames)

Uair - Rock Blast:
-Startup increased from 16 frames to 18 frames
+Damage increased from 8% to 10%. Force flinch 3 properties have been added so you can still crouch cancel it regardless of the damage buff
+Knockback scaling increased from 0.4 to 0.6
(General adjustments made to make Uair's projectile more powerful, though the startup was increased to compensate for said changes)

更新: 2022年5月23日 @ 22時14分

Patch 1.1 - One quick fix

-Hitbox height reduced on vertical Jab/Nair spike
(I noticed an issue where the spike was hitting opponents standing on plats, which was caused by the hitbox sprite being offset too high... this fixes that)

更新: 2022年5月23日 @ 20時07分
