

Subworld Library
目前顯示第 1-10 項,共 19 項
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更新:1 月 4 日 @ 下午 1:00

Fixed bestiary updates throwing errors under certain circumstances.
Fixed subservers sometimes waiting for one client to leave before removing others.

更新:1 月 4 日 @ 上午 11:20

The server now waits for clients to stop sending packets before moving them.
- Packets can no longer leak, thus eliminating all remaining issues with clients being kicked in Multiplayer!

Fixed an invalid path being used for worlds on Steam Cloud.
- Does this fix the Steam Cloud crashes? No idea! Stop using this awful service I beg you!!!

Made significant improvements to world data syncing.
- Instead of arbitrarily blocking modification, all data can be overwritten unless a key starts with '!'.
- Data stored under a key starting with '!' cannot be changed once copied, and doesn't need to be copied back to the main world.
- Fixed bestiary updates not propagating correctly.
- Fixed changes to the main world not being transferred back in Singleplayer.

Subservers now close after 30 seconds of inactivity, in case they're still open.
Made some slight optimisations.
Added `SubworldSystem.MovePlayerToMainWorld`.
Fixed subworlds losing track of the main world ID if entering from another subworld.
Fixed `-savedirectory` and `-tmlsavedirectory` not being copied to subservers, allowing them to properly open on Linux Docker.
Fixed a code injection that miraculously did not crash.
Fixed subservers accidentally being informed of unrelated client disconnects.
Fixed subservers accidentally requesting player info from clients not trying to connect.
Updated Spanish, Portuguese and Russian localization.

更新:2024 年 6 月 18 日 @ 下午 12:55

Subservers now start connections at the player syncing step, and no longer queue packets.
- Subservers are now way less prone to kicking clients for packet leaks.
- Fixes server passwords interfering with connections.
- Skips the mod syncing step, in the event that it somehow would (and likely shouldn't) do so.

Fixed important server parameters not being copied to subservers.
- Notably, this fixes subservers loading no mods if the mod path differs, and Journey power permissions not being inherited.

Fixed subservers failing to open on Linux. Like, actually. The pipes open properly now.
- Turns out the pipe connection order was wrong. Linux would crash, but Windows would pretend everything is fine (thanks for nothing, Windows!).

Subworlds can now exceed the vanilla size limit of 8400x2400, up to 65534x65534.
- **Use with caution!** This can take up immense amounts of memory.

Subworlds now save to a directory that correctly matches the world they're tied to.
Fixed UI zoom sometimes being set to 100% after a loading screen. The underlying issue was properly fixed and loading screens now respect the setting.
Fixed subservers thinking packets from the main server came from client 0.
Fixed chat messages and bestiary updates not propagating to subservers.
Fixed servers shutting down when a client disconnects while the host returns from a subworld.
Fixed a tiny window for race conditions when entering or leaving a subworld (e.g. the vanilla loading screen displaying for a frame).
Fixed subservers reading packets as world data if they got sent too fast during loading.
Fixed an ObjectDisposedException on subservers when a client leaves.
Fixed deleting worlds on Steam Cloud not deleting the subworlds tied to them.
Mods can now manually stop subservers, via `SubworldSystem.StopSubserver`.
The main server no longer patches `DedServ` (only subservers need to).

Huge thanks to CreepyCre for solving the Linux issue, and Rhoenicx for his in-depth analysis and bug reports!

更新:2024 年 1 月 5 日 @ 下午 2:42

Fixed players not being unloaded when entering or exiting a subworld. This potentially caused other issues when things attempted to interact with them.
Fixed `CopySubworldData` not being able to update world data that was copied before.
Fixed subservers not rejecting all but Hello packets from clients just connecting (again, a bandage fix).
Players are now forcibly returned to the main world if the connection to the subserver they're in goes down.
Restored `Register` functionality to `Mod.Call`, and fixed `Current` outputting an unusable value.

Apparently running subservers on Linux STILL throws errors. I intend to fix it but currently don't know what's causing it. You can track or help debug the issue here:

更新:2023 年 12 月 20 日 @ 下午 1:00

Added `Subworld.Update` to cut down on `ModSystem` boilerplate. This is called between `ModSystem.PreUpdateWorld` and `ModSystem.PostUpdateWorld`. If you were updating a subworld using `PreUpdateWorld`, you may want to use this new method instead.
The main server now rejects all but the Hello packet from clients just connecting, which is relevant for clients rejoining from a subserver. This is a quite sloppy bandage fix to packet leaks, and I may look into ways to fix it properly later.
Fixed subservers failing to open on Linux, for real this time!!
Restored functionality to `Mod.Call`.
Presumably fixed subworlds not attempting to save to Steam Cloud. That being said, Steam Cloud is notoriously unreliable and I can't guarantee stability. **Disable it!**
Fixed the `SendTo...` methods setting packet sizes to be 1 byte larger than they actually were.
Fixed a failed injection that led to subservers not being immediately informed of clients leaving if the main server shuts down.
Fixed subworlds drawing their loading screen even if they return you to the main menu.
Fixed client kicking throwing errors.

更新:2023 年 8 月 2 日 @ 上午 1:55 (tML 1.4.3)
Fixed the incorrectly backported code injections again, because the previous fix got undone. WHOOPS!!
Fixed the game staying paused after entering a subworld. I forgot that 1.4.3 unpauses it OUTSIDE of the player spawn method. Very cool!

更新:2023 年 8 月 1 日 @ 下午 1:50 (tML 1.4.3)

更新:2023 年 8 月 1 日 @ 下午 1:32 (tML 1.4.4)
Fixed a mistake that prevented connecting to subservers. Very sorry about this!
Fixed the subworld generation method using the main world's file metadata instead of the subworld's own. This also crashed subservers generating a subworld that saves for the first time.
Subservers are now properly informed of disconnected players.
Subservers now close if their connection to the main server is lost.
Chat messages are now shared across worlds.
Fixed subservers not saving subworlds that should save when closing.
Fixed subservers not calling `ModSystem.OnWorldUnload` when closing.
The main server now rejects client requests to enter or exit subworlds if `SubworldSystem.noReturn` is true. This may get proper implementation in the future.
Disabled entering a subworld while in the exact same subworld in Multiplayer, as it currently causes errors and puts the client in limbo.

更新:2023 年 7 月 30 日 @ 上午 11:22 (tML 1.4.3)
Fixed a couple of incorrectly backported code injections, one of which was crashing the mod. WHOOPS!

更新:2023 年 7 月 30 日 @ 上午 8:50

2.2.1 (tML 1.4.3)