Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizon
A apresentar 71-76 de 76 entradas
< 1 ... 6  7  >
Atualização: 10 dez. 2021 às 11:10

Patch note 0.0.4 :

#FIXED Political advisor were missing.

Atualização: 10 dez. 2021 às 7:45

Patch note 0.0.3 :

#FIXED light/medium/heavy/modern coudnt be added in your division designer

#NEWISSUE The tanks no longer go until 1990
#NEWISSUE No helicopter
#NEWISSUE The division that have tanks dont require tanks

Atualização: 10 dez. 2021 às 4:31

Patch note 0.0.2 :

#FIXED Doctrine cost 0 xp

Atualização: 9 dez. 2021 às 15:32

#FIXED :Mod icon not showing on steam

Atualização: 9 dez. 2021 às 15:12

Atualização: 9 dez. 2021 às 14:43

Launch date

Patch note 0.0.1 :

#FIXED Mod compability to the update 1.11.
#FIXED No research available
#FIXED You couldn't supply with modded truck
#FIXED Train not available
#FIXED You couldn't research doctrines in the officier corps
#FIXED They were still doctrines icon in the research

#ADD New icon for generic railway gun
#ADD Make cleaner the research icon