Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

22件中 1-10 を表示
< 1  2  3 >
更新: 6月19日 @ 10時04分


• Updated the localisation files.
• Fixed a debug error message related to FSPECIAL.

• Fixed an audio issue related to the spike.

• Fixed a parry-related issue where if Smuggler gets parried while doing USPECIAL, they would fly off at a high speed.


+ Updated the Dialogue Buddy with new lines against Brella.

更新: 3月30日 @ 14時51分


• Updated the localisation files.

(the gravity status effect)
- If Smuggler lands any of his STRONG attacks on gravity-inflicted foes, they will lose the effect from contact.


+ Updated the Dialogue Buddy with new lines against Bowsette and RyeGuy & Beaky.
+ Added Dream Nail Dialogue for The Knight (Reiga).

更新: 2023年11月7日 @ 8時42分

v1.09 (Finalised Rune Update):

• Updated the localization files
• Smuggler’s Runes are finally complete! Go check them out!
• Minor update for the Dash/Run sprites
• Added more voice lines for final stock Kos
+ Added a Mute Button on the character select screen

• Minor update for the sprites

+ Added a hitbox that was missing for the backswing

(hitbox 2 related)
+ KBS increased from 0.50 -> 0.60

• Minor update for the sprites

• Freezing opponents in the air should be working properly now


• Updated the Dialogue Buddy with newer Crib Fighters
• Added support for Future Ducky compatibility
• Added support for Bailey's Kinniku compatibility
• Added support for Last Resort Stage compatibility
• Added support Miiverse Stage compatibility
• Added support Dracula Stage compatibility
• Added support Daroach Stage compatibility
• Added support Pokémon Stadium Stage compatibility
• Added support GreenFlower Zone stage compatibility
• Added support Wily Castle Stage compatibility
• Added support for Chao Buddy (Bar-Kun)
• Added support for Final Smash Buddy compatibility

更新: 2023年1月15日 @ 7時12分

v1.08 (belated):
+ Minor initial_dash_speed adjustment 6.45 -> 6.99

更新: 2023年1月1日 @ 19時19分

v1.08 (extra):

Updated the dialogue buddy as well with the newer characters of the Crib.

更新: 2023年1月1日 @ 18時10分


• Removed the grey pixel dots on all the sprites. My MLSS style begone from Rivals.
+ Air accel increased from 0.30 -> 0.32
• Removed the Low FPS Warning from the munophone (this feels like a running gag at this point)

• Updated the sprites
- Hitbox 1’s lifetime duration reduced from 5 -> 2
- Hitbox 2’s lifetime duration reduced from 5 -> 2
- Endlag reduced from 17 -> 16

• Minor update for the sprites/smears
• Angles changed from 78 to either 85 or 95
- Removed Angle Flippers from all the hitboxes

+ Start-up increased from 6 -> 7
- HSPEED reduced from 6 -> 4.5
+ Window Active of the Attack increased from 4 -> 5
- Hitbox 1’s lifetime duration reduced from 3 -> 2
- Hitbox 2’s lifetime duration reduced from 6 -> 2

- Hitbox 2’s lifetime duration reduced from 6 -> 4

• Minor update for the smears so they don’t clip under the stages

- Hitbox 5’s lifetime duration reduced from 7 -> 3
- Hitbox 5’s KBS reduced from 0.65 -> 0.35
- Hitbox 5’s Hitpause Scaling increased from 0.65 -> 0.35
- Endlag reduced from 13 -> 9

• Corrected the off-set of the sprites

• Reworked the frame data (this has been long overdue…)
+ Hitbox 6’s dmg increased from 5 -> 6 (Total dmg now 9 instead of 8)
• Landing lag reduced from 8 -> 7

• Removed a hitbox that wasn’t needed
- Hitbox 2’s lifetime duration reduced from 3 -> 2
+ Hitbox 2’s BKB increased from 5 -> 7
+ Hitbox 2’s KBS increased from 0.45 -> 0.60
+ Hitbox 2’s Base Hitpause increased from 5 -> 7
+ Hitbox 2’s Hitpause Scaling increased from 0.45 -> 0.60
• Landing lag reduced from 8 -> 7

• Updated the sprites
• Repositioned the hitboxes to match the new sprites
- Removed the halting momentum of the attack


• Added a couple of Runes

更新: 2022年9月1日 @ 11時17分


NSPECIAL (weak explosion):
+ Added Hitstun Multiplier 0.50

FSPECIAL (projectile):
+ Added Hitstun Multiplier 0.70

+ Added Hitstun Multiplier 0.70

+ Added another hitbox that only spawns if the projectile crashes into the ground/floor


• Minor update for the Kirby (anguish) copy ability

更新: 2022年7月17日 @ 15時46分

v1.06 (belated fix):

Odd Taunt domination fixed.

And fixed the DSPECIAL cooldown as I forgot to adjust it after redoing the frame data.

更新: 2022年7月5日 @ 16時07分


+ USTRONG start up increased from 8 > 12
+ DSTRONG start up increased from 8 > 12
+ NAIR start up increased from 4 > 6
+ Prat fall accel increased from 0.85 > 1

+ DSPECIAL start up increased from 6 > 14
• Fixed some odd frame data jank

更新: 2022年6月11日 @ 16時21分

v1.05 (extra minor):

Jab bug related.