Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

NPC Daemon
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Mis à jour le : 29 mai à 22h25

None Provided

Mis à jour le : 29 mai à 17h38

  • New damage filter condition: Cumulative Kills
  • Fixed drops being removed from player after being picked up

Mis à jour le : 25 mai à 0h33

  • Fixed option Total Entity Limit when there is no spawnpool entity limit
  • Fixed UI error when opening some table editors

Mis à jour le : 19 mai à 14h15

  • Fixed Damage Filter > Actions: Victim > Freeze

Mis à jour le : 18 mai à 17h02

  • New cvar: Spawn Radius & Limits > Total Entity Limit
  • New value: Entity > [Miscellaneous] Entity Functions
  • Entity Functions and Inputs have been added to Damage Filter > Actions: Attacker/Victim.
  • New value categories: "Limits" and "Spawner Quota." Used in spawnpools and squad presets.
  • Squad > "Map Max/Min" renamed to "Max/Min Squad Spawns" and moved to Limits category.
  • Inputs can now be set to repeat continuously. This is also included in Entity Functions.
  • Presets editor now switches to newly created presets.
  • Fixed missing Freeze value in Victim actions.

Mis à jour le : 15 mai à 22h30

  • Profile patch notes are moved to the console, to prevent chat spam
  • New value: Entity > [Visual] Draw Shadow
  • Fixed an oversight on Custom Collision Bounds
  • Fixed a visual/panel error with the tester button in windowed/tab editors
  • More description adjustments

Mis à jour le : 15 mai à 12h13

  • Renamed "Squadpools" to "Spawnpools"
    • All existing profiles will be patched.
  • Entity classes can now be tested for compatible values. For now, test results are only stored for the map session.
  • Individual player permissions can now be edited in npcd settings > Enabled > Edit Player Permissions.
    • Permissions are saved to a file on the server. Superadmins are always allowed to edit these permissions regardless of individual permissions.
  • New value: Entity > [Spawning] Spawn to Lowest Point
  • Added useful enums to Inputs
  • "Clear All" in profile editor now prompts you to confirm
  • Description adjustments. Fixed various "ncpd" typos.

Mis à jour le : 31 mars à 19h02

  • Fixed error with Drop Sets > Drops > Preset Values > Overrides

Mis à jour le : 31 mars à 17h10

  • New class values:
    • npc_combine_s > Grenade Preset
    • npc_combine_s > Replace Grenade Entity
  • Replacing an entity now inherits velocity
  • Fixed prop_physics presets not working in entity replacements
  • Fixed an oversight regarding value npc_combine_s > numgrenades

Mis à jour le : 30 mars à 15h42

  • Double-clicking presets on preset list in editor now opens window instead of tab
  • Put a few more distance checks in auto-spawning logic
  • Fixed an error in preset value UI