Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Fumo Sakuya
Showing 1-10 of 19 entries
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Update: 15 Mar, 2023 @ 11:18pm


Fixed incorrect whifflag on moves. Used existing endlag as base so she has more whifflag on uair/ustrong/ftilt.

Update: 24 May, 2022 @ 10:39pm


Base Stats: Reduced run speed and initial dash speed.
Dair: +8 startup, stronger
Bair: +2 landing lag, smaller hitboxes
Fair: Smaller hitboxes
Nair: Smaller hitboxes, reduced damage
Uair: Sweetspot hitbox size reduced.
Utilt: Smaller hitboxes, cancel window +6 frames later
Dtilt: No longer goes off ledges
Ftilt: Smaller hitboxes, but tipper is more forgiving
Jab: Smaller hitboxes
Dattack: Smaller hitboxes, jump cancel removed.
Dspecial: Removed untechable tag
Ustrong: +6 startup, +8 whifflag, no longer goes off ledges
Fstrong: +6 whifflag
Dstrong: +3 whifflag, smaller hitboxes, increased friction

Update: 19 Dec, 2021 @ 11:02pm


Pt 2:

Air Friction: .02 > .035

I forgor

Update: 19 Dec, 2021 @ 10:14pm


Nair 1: Angle 50 > 70, made adjustments to hitpause to make hitfalling feel more natural.
Nair 1: BKB: 4 > 5

Bair: Reworked completely. Now a melee move.

Dair: Now a fast weak stomp. startup 14 > 9 but knockback massively reduced

Update: 25 Oct, 2021 @ 6:32pm

Partial revert of nerf.
Bair: Hspeed: 8 > 10 (nerf was too much)
Bair: Lifetime: 30 > 24
Bair: Angle: 45 > 50
Bair: Hitstun Multiplier: .4 > .6

Partial revert of nerf.
Dspecial: Base Knockback: 7 > 4
Dspecial: Knockback Scaling: .2 > .6
Dspecial: Hitpause: 6 > 10

Head Slam Self Damage: 1 > 2

Dash Attack: Jump Cancel Window 6 frames earlier.

Partially reverting damage nerfs, still lower than before.
Nair: Tipper Damage 4 > 5
Uair: Tipper Damage: 9 > 11
Fair: Tipper Damage: 9 > 10

Update: 6 Oct, 2021 @ 2:41am


Added dev derby alt! Try it out its got lots of extra effects!

- Fumo Sakuya now loses nspecial charges if hit while charging.

Update: 29 Sep, 2021 @ 6:42pm

Bair: Travel Speed: 13 > 8
Bair: Startup: 10 > 12
Bair: Base Knockback: 6 > 8
Bair: Hitstun Modifier: .6 > .4

Update: 26 Sep, 2021 @ 5:19am


- Fstrong: Endlag: 18(27) > 20(30)
- Dstrong: Endlag: 18(27) > 19(29)
- Ustrong: Damage: 16 > 12
- Nair: Tipper 2 Damage: 7 > 4

Update: 16 Sep, 2021 @ 2:39pm


Reduced damage output, kill power, and improved readability.

Chainsaw no longer changes color with alts during startup of ustrong.
Improved readability of ustrong and fstrong teleports.
- Dstrong: Base Knockback: 8 > 7
- Utilt: Damage: 8 > 6
- UAir: Sour Spot Damage: 8 > 6
- UAir: Sweet Spot Damage: 12 > 9
- Fair: Sweet Spot Damage: 11 > 9

Update: 10 Sep, 2021 @ 6:16pm


DAttack: Animation tweaked.
DAttack: Base Hitpause 7 > 8

Fspecial: Startup 13 > 16

Nair: Landing Lag: 4(6) > 6(9)
Nair: Endlag: 10(15) > 12(18)

Dspecial: Htpause 16 > 6
Dspecial: Angle: 90 > 45 following the direction of the knives
Dspecial: Knockback: 4 > 7
Dspecial: Knockback Scaling: 0 > .2
Dspecial: Hitstun Modifier: 1 > .7