Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
Ergebnisse 21–30 von 53
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Update: 7. Sep. 2021 um 1:31

- Bots are now forced to close the door of the CEDA truck in The Parish chapter 2 when the entire team is inside.
NOTE: Vanilla bots do close the door too but sometimes they don't (For example, if you enter first and wait the bots next to the exit door, there is a chance that they won't close the door).

- Bots will automatically open the exit door of the CEDA truck in The Parish chapter 2 (few seconds after the entrance door is closed) if there is no human in the team.

- Added the chat command "canceldefib" (bots canceldefib). This command cancels any pending defib command to revive dead survivors. It can be useful when someone dies but you want the team to keep rushing or if a survivor dies in an unreachable position and the bot with the defib gets stuck trying to get there.
NOTE: The command cancels the defibbing of the currently dead survivors. If a survivor dies after the command you will need to send the command again if you want to cancel that too.

- Added "PlayerHurryUp = canceldefib" to the default vocalizer.txt file to bind the "Hurry" vocalizer line to the "canceldefib" command.
NOTE: For existing vocalizer.txt files you will need to add this line manually or you can delete the file and let the addon recreate it with the new default values (this will also revert any change you made to the file).
NOTE2: Of course you can bind the command to a different vocalizer line if you want.

- Changed the default value of the const BOT_PICKUP_RANGE2 from 80 to 120 to fix a bug with the bots sometimes not picking the item up and endlessly moving around it.
NOTE: The value in already existing const.txt files will not change automatically. You can either change it manually by editing the file or you can delete the file and let the addon recreate it with the new default values (this will also revert any change you made to the file).

- Pipe bomb and bile jar throwing mechanics have been reworked to be a bit more efficient (i hope so). Now only the commons that are actively chasing the survivors are considered.

- Added the settings option "horde_nades_maxaltdiff" (default value: 150). It defines the maximum altitude difference between the player and the common infected when counting how many commons are within the radius. This can be useful to exclude from the count the commons that are on different floors so it allows you to increase the scan radius without casusing too many unwanted nades.

- Changed the following settings default values:
"horde_nades_radius" from 140 to 350
"horde_nades_size" from 6 to 10
"horde_nades_chance" from 10 to 5
"close_saferoom_delay" from 0.6 to 0.9
"tank_molotov_chance" from 100 to 30
"tank_vomitjar_chance" from 0 to 3
NOTE: The value in already existing settings.txt files will not change automatically. You can either change it manually by editing the file or using the "!l4bsettings [option] [value]" chat command.
NOTE2: Some of these values (like the ones of the horde_nades* settings) aren't good for every map. Remember that you can have personalized settings for every map my creating a file named "settings_mapname.txt" with the settings you want to be different for that map.

Update: 28. Juni 2021 um 4:10

- Added the settings option "tank_molotov_chance" (default: 100). It's the chance that the bot will throw the molotov at the tank.
NOTE: Like "tank_vomitjar_chance" the chance is calculated multiple times in a second so, to see a real random chance that they don't throw it, you need to use very small numbers, like something between 1 and 20.
- Now the bots, before switching to molotov to throw at the tank, they will check if another survivor (both human and AI) is already holding a molotov. This should prevent multiple bots throwing molotovs at the same time.
- Fixed a rare bug that caused the bot who is defibbing a dead team mate to switch to pills/adrenaline and back to defib in an infinite loop if the base AI was forcing the bot to use pills/adrenaline due to very low health.
- Fixed a bug that caused the human player who took control of the tank to not be seen as a tank by the bots so the bots didn't throw molotovs at him.

Update: 18. Juni 2021 um 10:48

- Added the settings option "rock_shoot_range" (default value: 700). When the tank's rock comes this close, the bots will try to shoot it ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWlw1-GBqc0 ). Set 0 to disable the feature.
NOTE: They don't hit the rock 100% of the times, they fail quite often.
- Added the settings option "anti_pipebomb_bug" (default value: 1). If not 0, when the end saferoom door is closing and all the survivors are inside, all the pipe bombs still ticking on the ground will be automatically removed from the map. This prevents the infamous game bug of the bots not shooting the common infected in the next chapter. You can disable the feature by setting 0.
- Added the settings option "spit_block_nav" (default value: 1). If not 0, when a spitter's spit lands, the bots will try to dodge it as usual, but in addition their navigation will also be blocked in that area until the spit acid is gone. This is meant to prevent the bots from stepping into the acid after they dodge it. If you want you can disable it by setting the option to 0.
NOTE: This is not 100% effective, in certain situations may cause some navigation issues and the bots may also lag behind more.
NOTE2: This and the spit dodging feature only work on the spitted acid, not the one dropped by the spitters when they die.
- Added the settings option "min_start_health" (default value: 50). This is the minimum health level of the bot in order for the addon to prevent the bot from healing if there are no spare medkits around. Nothing new, it's an old feature i simply made parametric and changed it's default value from 60 to 50. If you want you can now disable the feature by setting 100 and they will waste their medkits like the vanilla bots do.
- Changed the default value of the const BOT_GOTO_END_RADIUS from 100 to 80 to prevent a rare issue with the bots getting stuck trying to pickup items.
NOTE: The value in already existing const.txt files will not change automatically. You can either change it manually by editing the file or you can delete the file and let the addon recreate it with the new default values (this will also revert any change you made to the file).
- Fixed an issue with the bots being unable to spot certain items (like adrenaline) sometimes.

Update: 29. Mai 2021 um 8:59

- Added the chat command "tempheal". Used like the "heal" command but it tells the bot(s) to use their temporary healing items (pain pills / adrenaline).
- Added the ability to define map specific items to avoid with a file named "itemstoavoid_[mapname].txt". Unlike the other map specific cfg files, this is exclusive which means that if the "itemstoavoid_[mapname].txt" exists then the base "itemstoavoid.txt" will be completely ignored. If the "itemstoavoid_[mapname].txt" does not exist, the base "itemstoavoid.txt" will be loaded.
- Added the settings option "pickup_medkit" which is 1 by default. If you set it to 0 the bots will no longer be forced to pickup medkits as soon as they see them but they wait for the humans to pick them up first (vanilla behavior).
- Movement commands are no longer sent to the bots while they are on a ladder. This prevents a bug of their navigation system that makes them fall off the ladder or get stuck on the ladder in certain situations.

Update: 18. Feb. 2021 um 6:04

- Now it is possible to play through The Sacrifice finale with all bots in the survivor team without triggering the fail message.
This makes it possible to unlock the "Sacrifizzle" achievement whils playing solo, look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSbQVU0zNc

- Changed the way the pickup item is selected when using the "use" command. Before the first item found near the crosshair location was selected, now it's the nearest. This allows proper selection when there are more items next to eachother.

Update: 29. Jan. 2021 um 5:36

- Bots no no longer pickup medikits / defibs / upgrade packs / pills / adrenaline if you added such classes into the configuration file itemstoavoid.txt.
The classes are:

No need to add the line with "_spawn" btw.

NOTE: This doesn't work with the throwable items. To disable them you need to set 0 to the relative settings:

- Added the settings option "keep_holdind_position" (default value: 0). If 1 when the bots are holding position (order "wait"), they will not automatically stop holding position when a survivor gets pinned by SI / is incapacitated / dies / they are in the spitter's spit / they spot a tank. They will only stop holding position if the last human survivor leaves or changes team.

NOTE: when a survivor is incapacitated the vocalizer line "Help" is automatically played by that survivor, which means that when that survivor is you, you are automatically sending the order "move" to the bots.
To avoid this you need to remove the line "PlayerHelp = move" from the vocalizer.txt configuration file.

Update: 21. Jan. 2021 um 8:01

- Canceling the order with the chat command "bots move" or the vocalizer lines "Stay together", "Follow me", "Help" etc. makes the bots release the minigun if they are using it.

- Bots no longer give items while healing/reviving/defibbing.

Update: 30. Dez. 2020 um 5:19

- Added the chat command "[bot name] give" to force the given bot to give you one of his items.

- Added the chat command "[bot name] use [hold time]" to make the given bot press his USE button on the interactive object you are looking at.
[hold time] is an optional parameter to set how many seconds the bot will hold down the use button.
The command can be used to make the bot press/activate buttons/switches/generators but also to pickup weapons/items and to use miniguns.
By adding the line:
PlayerEmphaticGo = use
to the vocalizer.txt file you can use this command (without the [hold time] parameter) using the vocalizer order "Go" (or you can map another vocalizer command if you want) after selecting the bot with "Look".
NOTE: When using this command on buttons/switches/generators, before sending the command, you need to get position in front of the button (as if you are about to press it). This is needed to tell the bot what is the position to press the button from (This is not needed when sending the bot to a weapon/item/minigun).
Here is a short video showing how to use the command: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5rXAQd6iRg

- Now it is allowed to map the same vocalizer line to multiple bot commands in the vocalizer.txt file.
Note: Use it only with commands that don't interfere with eachother (like 'go' and 'use')

Update: 24. Dez. 2020 um 4:29

- Added the settings option "deploy_upgrades" (default: 1). 1 = the bots will deploy the upgrade pack they are carrying when they are idle and close to another survivor and they don't have upgraded ammo loaded.

- Added the chat command "[botname] deploy" to force the given bot to deploy his upgrade pack.

- When you give pills or adrenaline to survivor bots, they no longer give it back right away.

- Fixed a bug in the file reading procedure when the file contained a line with nothing but "//".

Update: 21. Dez. 2020 um 6:21

- Fixed a little mistake in the previous patch