Rivals of Aether
King Dedede
1–7 из 7
Обновление: 3 окт. 2020 г. в 8:23

my bad pressed upload changes when i didnt mean to.

Обновление: 3 окт. 2020 г. в 8:17

**Bug Fix**

fixed bug ending side special early.

I've been very busy with school lately, the final major update including sounds, abyss runes and balancing is in the works right now.

The update will release along side a stage I have made for Dedede.

After the major update I will still update him with bug fixes and balances, but i will put more focus on my next character.

Thank you everyone for your feedback, and for showing King Dedede some love.

Обновление: 15 сен. 2020 г. в 16:01

A new bug arose in the latest balance patch, took care of that right away.

Обновление: 15 сен. 2020 г. в 14:35

Small update before the SFX update.

**Balance Changes**
Decreased D-special flame hitstun
Decreased U-strong damage
You can now only hold an enemy in your mouth for a set time (3 seconds, its longer than it sounds trust me)
Gave F-special superarmour while spinning
Decreased F-special charge time

**Other Stuff**
Fixed Forsburn clone disabling neutral special

Huge thanks to frtoud on the Rivals of Aether workshop discord for helping me fix the glitch

Обновление: 15 сен. 2020 г. в 14:34

Ignore this one, no changes, forgot to hit save on the notepad file before uploading.

Обновление: 10 сен. 2020 г. в 10:27

v1.6 Balance Update

**Balance Changes**
Increased d-tilt endlag
Decreased dash attack hitstun
Limited grab time to 1.5 seconds
Decreased startup on d-strong
Decreased f-special charge time
Made f-special hit consistently
Decreased weight to be .95 (.05 lighter than Kragg)
Increased u-air startup

**Other Stuff**
Added Rainbow alt

Special tanks to everyone in the discord for giving me feedback! SFX and sprite fix update is next!

Обновление: 3 сен. 2020 г. в 17:56

Dedede's initial release!