Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Military construction unit of the Ministry of defense of the USSR Part 1
Visualizzazione di 11-20 elementi su 38
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Aggiornamento: 31 ott 2022, 1:38

Aggiornamento: 4 ott 2022, 7:05

Aggiornamento: 4 ott 2022, 6:58

Aggiornamento: 20 giu 2022, 8:55

Aggiornamento: 12 mag 2022, 12:51

Aggiornamento: 7 mag 2022, 14:15

Aggiornamento: 29 apr 2022, 9:22

Aggiornamento: 29 apr 2022, 0:23

Aggiornamento: 27 apr 2022, 6:28

Changed and added: the model was replaced and the capacity of the fuel and lubricants warehouse was increased (up to 2000 tons). The warehouse operates on the basis of 8 soft tanks of the MR series, model 250 (with a capacity of 250 m3 each)

Aggiornamento: 25 apr 2022, 0:02

Changed: added the need for water in the production of concrete (as in life). In this regard, the model of the plant has been changed - sorry for the inconvenience.