Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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更新: 2020年3月22日 @ 14時15分

Added an intro animation

Certain alt colors now have differences (kinda like echo fighters)

Captain Falcon
-a few voice lines change
-altered intro animation
-fair is now the classic Captain Falcon knee instead of a dropkick
-Buster Woof spikes instead of sending horizontally
-Surprise! sends at a much more horizontal angle
Terry Bogard
-a few voice lines change
-Buster Woof travels slightly farther
-Surprise! spikes instead of sending up
-Spin Attack is now Power Flop (Power Dunk but a bellyflop)

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 14時55分

Adjusted fair:
-hitbox activates 2 frames earlier
-now has a sweetspot and a sourspot. Total active frames remain unchanged

Two new alternate colors:
-Captain Falcon
-Terry Bogard

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 12時42分

discovered a minor visual bug when using specials. fixed.

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 12時30分

oops, forgot to give kirby a hitbox while performing Serena's copied ability.

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 11時51分

Kirby copy ability support added.

Fixed tech roll animation so it plays correctly.

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 8時36分

Made nair harder to combo off of.

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 8時19分

Further jab nerfing because it wasn't enough. It launches farther now.

更新: 2020年3月21日 @ 8時09分

Jab hitstun lowered to make follow-ups harder

更新: 2020年3月20日 @ 19時10分

Alt color UI added

Trummel codec added

Fstrong knockback and scaling increased

Dash attack sweetspot knockback decreased (this move was stupider than I realized)

Fspecial knockback increased

Uspecial knockback and scaling decreased

更新: 2020年3月20日 @ 15時07分

Slight endlag increase on uair so you can't do 2 out of a fullhop