Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The Great War Redux
Viser 11-20 af 68 forekomster
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Opdatering: 16. okt. 2023 kl. 12:16

V.0.11.2 - Patchfix
Stella Polaris fixes:
- Fixed MIO bonuses not applying to certain tech and equipment;
- Added MIOs for: Germany, UK, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia;
- Corrected French and Greek MIOs;
- Corrected the consumer goods value;
- Added missing AI market behavior;
- Countries aren't as willing to give market access to everyone anymore.

Greek fixes:
- Fixed decisions to fight Epistratoi no appearing;
- Added search filters for the Greek focus tree;
- Fixed missing events.
- Minor fixes.

- Improved Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Serbian AI.
- French AI is more inclined to protect Thessaloniki now.
- Nerfed Austro-Hungarian starting equipment.
- Nerfed Serbian Exodus national spirit.
- Fixed Xinhai revolution ending too early.
- Fixed Treaty of Batumi.
- Arab revolt fixes.
- Fixed Romanian not entering the Great War.
- Spain now gets something if they have participated in the Great War.
- Reduced the number of Japan's convoys.
- Tweaks to postwar France.
- Fixed a low change bug where Serbia could get and core part of Morocco.
- Some new portraits.
- Minor fixes and tweaks.
- Loc fixes.

Opdatering: 11. okt. 2023 kl. 12:31

V.0.11.1 - Hotfix
Updated the mod to work with the 1.13 Stella Polaris update:
- Added French and Greek MIOs;
- Added generic Finnish portraits.

- Added some new portraits and icons.
- Added strengthen Greece game rule.
- Nerfed howitzers.
- Standing Alone trait is now a national spirit instead.

- Potentially fixed a crash that occurred when France won Franco-Syrian War;
- Fixed Turkish National Movement surrendering too early in the Greco-Turkish War.
- Fixed Constantine I no returning with 1920 monarchy referendum;
- Fixed Greek state integration;
- Fixed Battle of Epirus firing after the Great War;
- Added a bypass for Greek intervention the in Russian Civil War;
- Fixed Greek railway decisions.
- Fixed reverse IFC debts.
- Minor fixes.

Opdatering: 9. okt. 2023 kl. 12:52

V.0.11.0 - Greek Rework
Greek rework:
- Focus tree with four paths and content up to 1923;
- Historical Army;
- New decisions, mechanics, events, etc.;
- New generals and advisors;
- New countries: Norther Epirus, Crete.

Partial Tech Rework:
- New Aircraft tree with new units: seaplanes and recon airships;
- Infantry weapons tech rearrangement;
- Added grenade tech branch;
- Support weapons will no longer increase supply consumption;
- Reworked non-NSB armor tree.

Industry rebalance:
- Reduced the overall industrial levels based on real life production data. Germany and UK are comparably more powerful now.

- Expanded Serbian focus tree.
- Reworked generic tree.
- Added small industrial focus branch for Germany.
- Added Chinese Eastern Railway as a concession state of the Russian Empire.
- Reworked European railways.
- New Balkan related supervents.
- Added Franco-Syrian War.
- Improved Norther Russian government in the Russian Civil War.
- Optimized Ottoman minority management decision category.
- New portraits and icons.
- New generals.
- Added a game rule for hiding obsolete focus path.

Balance changes:
- Nerfed armored cars;
- Several Ottoman balances;
- Ai tweaks.

- Fixed errors that occured from not having DLCs;
- Fixed gamecrash that occured from not having DLCs;
- Fixed Yemen revolting in the Great Arab Revolt;
- Fixed French civil war not triggering;
- Several Balkan War fixes;
- Several Ottoman fixes;
- Several loc fixes.

Opdatering: 4. juli 2023 kl. 12:53

V. - Hotfix

- Fixed a crash involving Serbian decisions.
- Added advisors for Ukraine.
- Tweaked Ukranian People's Republic of Soviets.
- Fixed USA not joining the Great War.
- Prevented Franz Ferdinand form undying ever again.
- West Thracian character tweak.
- Small Austro-Hungarian tweaks.
- Small Serbian tweaks.
- Small error fixes.
- Balance changes.
- Loc fixes.

Opdatering: 3. juli 2023 kl. 11:49

V.0.10.2 - Patchfix

- Reworked Balkan Legaue capitulation in BW1.
- First Balkan War tweaks.
- Fixed Yougoslav unification.
- Fixed broken Greek events.
- Anti-Ottoman Coalition tweaks
- Serbian tweaks and fixes.
- Austro-Hungarian tweaks and fixes.
- Ottoman tweaks and fixes.
- Chinese tweaks and fixes.
- Interwar fixes.
- Albanian tweaks.
- Bourbon and Orlean fixes.
- Kuwaiti borders tweak.
- Removed Macedonian cores.
- New portraits
- Censored ethnic repressions.
- Fixed Austria-Hungary declaring war on subjected Mountenegro.
- Loc fixes.

Opdatering: 22. juni 2023 kl. 9:20

V.0.10.1 - Hotfix

- Fixed undying Franz Ferdinand.
- Austro-Hungarian focus tweaks.
- Austro-Hungarian character tweaks.
- Austro-Hungarian events tweaks.
- Added Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus.
- Added super events for French National-Syndycalist and Socialists paths.
- Second Balkan War tweaks.
- Greek character tweaks.
- Ottoman fixes.
- Chinese fixes.
- UK fixes.
- New portraits and generals.
- New icons.
- Censored ethnic exterminations.
- Loc fixes.
- Added the new Steam thumbnail.
- Adjusted AI behaviour.

Opdatering: 16. juni 2023 kl. 13:29

V.0.10.0 "Balkan Powder Keg" - Austro-Hungarian and Serbian Reworks Update

New content and tweaks:
- Austro-Hungarian rework.
- Serbian rework.
- Bulgarian Balkan War focus branch rework.
- New loading screens and logo.
- New main theme - Mahler Symphony N°5.
- Added advisors and generals for Finland.
- Reworked Mexican characters.
- Split 'Autocracy' sub-ideology into absolute and Semi-Constitutional monarchies.
- Added 'Revolutionary Nationalism' sub-ideology (proto-fascist).
- Added 'İttihadism' sub-ideology (proto-fascist).
- Reworked land doctrines.
- Added historical 1910 armies for UK and China.
- Added historical 1914 armies for Germany, France, UK and Austria-Hungary.
- Tweaked Xinhai events.
- Tweaked Greece.
- Added Crete.
- Arabistan tag and state.
- New portraits and characters.
- New icons.
- Defeated monarchist France won't revert to the republic.
- Added some flavour events for Germany and UK.
- Added Lenin assaination event.

Fixes and rebalances:
- Fixed 1915 crash.
- Fixed Contestado war happening twice on 1914 start date.
- Fixed Puyi's portrait.
- Fixed Race to the Sea ideas.
- Fixed Agadir bypass.
- Adjusted AI behaviour.

Opdatering: 29. apr. 2023 kl. 10:46

V.0.9.09 - Patch

New Content:
- Swedish infantry model with tricorns.
- New and updated portraits using StableDiffusion.
- Add seaplane tenders back with superior balance.
- New field marshal for UK

Fixes and Changes:
- German AI won't send troops to Austria to assist them unnecessarily.
- Ottoman AI won't ratify the Anglo-Ottoman Convention anymore (historically accurate).
- A lot of Ottoman bugs have been fixed.
- If the Ottomans lose the Great War:
- Said Halim Pasha's government will also collapse.
- Weird Kuwait border has been fixed.
- Newly added states have been fixed with Allied occupation.
- No more Baku Commune in Berlin.
- French Indochina will be collapsed again.
- When you send rifles to interwar civil war, they will receive your rifles, not generate their own.
- When Greece did not join the first Balkan War, Ottoman won't keep Greek territories in the Balkans.
- New AI focus path options:
- Interwar Germany and Italy.
- Soviet Russia.
- Older ugly portraits have been turned into black-and-white pictures.
- If Prince Mikhail succeeds Nikolai II, the Bolshevik Revolution won't be triggered.
- Imperial Federation won't annex the Ottomans.
- Fixed Rhineland Occupation.
- Prevent French Memel even when the Russians are victorious.
- Franz Ferdinand Assassination won't be triggered when Bosnia is under Serb control.
- Fixed Central Powers Conferences.
- Fixed some 3D model glitches.
- Fixed Portuguese civil war and the Monarchy of the North.
- Fixed Soviet Hungary when Austria-Hungary went down the Federalist path.
- Fixed Darfur causing the Entente to lose the interwar armistice.
- Fixed transport planes being available in 1910.
- Remove strategic bombers.
- Fixed missing localizations.
- Fixed typos.

Opdatering: 9. apr. 2023 kl. 6:12

New content:
- Major Ottoman rework.
- Generic Chinese warlords and Anhui/Zhili focus tree.
- Britain:
* added alternate democratic focus branch;
* added Home Guard events incase German invasion;
* added content for Brirish capitulation by Germany.
- New country tags: Bahrain, Sikkim, Brunei, Sarawak and Somali nations.
- German East Asia partially reworked.
- Raj collapse and civil war partially reworked.
- Added new states in Anatolia, Arabia, Balkan, China, and etc.
- Adjusted Some events for Russian Civil War.
- Added few flavor news events.
- AddedA lot of new portraits and icons.
- Minor additions:
* Romanian royalist advisor added;
* Gran Chaco conflict events;
* United States can sale some munitions to the Great War participants;
* Vasyl Vyshyvany in Hetmanate events;
* Jerusalem Mutasariffate;
* Mod achievements;

Fixes and Rebalances:
- The Great War balance adjusted.
- Carriers removed (will be tweaked with seaplane tender and interwar carrier later).
- Raise stability/party popularity/war support decisions modified.
- Italo-Turkish War ai balanced.
- French/German surrender conditions adjusted.
- Tons of bugs fixed.

Opdatering: 23. okt. 2022 kl. 14:53

V.0.9.071 - Patchfix
- Fixed an error in the Russian focus that releases autonomies, hopefully prevents the crash.
- Fixed Darfur not being annexed.
- Nerfed Wadai.
- Added irregular cavalry units.
- Fixed an error in German AI strategy.
- Tweaked Transcaucasian countries.
- Fixed Litbel not being puppetted if Lithuania didn't exist upon the formation.
- Added missing units to the Portuguese civil war.
- Fixed Romanian State of the Army even triggering before the Great War.
- Added Swiss unit models.
- Some new focus icons.
- Some new portraits.
- Added a general for Italy.
- Added an advisor for France.
- Loc fixes.
- Added a game rule for Sykes-Picot.