กำลังแสดง 1-3 จาก 3 รายการ
อัปเดต: 19 ม.ค. 2020 @ 11: 49am

1.2 Update

--- New Commands ---

/xp (xp) ~ Sets the current xp.
/xpcap (xp) ~ Sets the amount of xp needed to level up.
/level (level) ~ Sets the player's level.
/health (health) ~ Sets the player's health.
/healthcap (health) ~ Sets the player's max health.
/energy (energy) ~ Sets the player's energy.
/energycap (energy) ~ Sets the player's max energy.
/skillpoints (points) ~ Sets the amount of skill points the player has.
/speed (speed) ~ Sets the max speed of the player.
/accel (accel) ~ Sets how fast the player accelerates to the max speed.
/invertmovement ~ Inverts the movement controls.
/toggledroids ~ Toggles the visibility of the droids.
/inventorysize ~ Sets how many inventory slots the player has.

อัปเดต: 21 ธ.ค. 2019 @ 7: 20pm

1.1 Update

New Comamnds!

/gotozone (zone)
/calc (num1) (op) (num2)

Removed Commands

/teleport (x) (y) <this was replaced with the official /goto command>

Polished Commands

/cosmetic now only needs the name of the cosmetic like /give

อัปเดต: 2 ธ.ค. 2019 @ 2: 57pm

1.0 Commands:

/position : returns the player's location
/cosmetic cosmeticType cosmetic : equips a cosmetic
/clearweather : clears all weather instances
/teleport x y : teleports the player
/locate object : locates all instances of an object
/explode diameter : spawns an explosion
/zap amount : spawns lightning bolts that attack nearby resources / enemies
/refreshtoolbar : refreshes the toolbar
/crash : crashes the game