Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 12 pozycji
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Aktualizacja: 7 października 2019 o godz. 13:16

- Fixed Boss Arena materials being invisible when the player has Order Independent Transparency disabled.

Aktualizacja: 6 października 2019 o godz. 8:08

- Fixed acidgat exploit in boss fight.
- Excluded all geo in boss arena from umbra.

Aktualizacja: 3 października 2019 o godz. 16:39

Operation Wipe
- Added Boss Fight.
- Added 5 new toilet types/upgrades.
- Added Selectable Challenge system.
- Added Radios.
- Added Replayable Music EE.
- Added Heavenly Plunger.

- Removed the Apothicon Servant.
- Reduced the Acid Gat ammo count.
- Buffed the Upgraded S12.

- Fixed PHD Flopper Icon.
- Improved Perk Shaders.
- Adjusted Umbra Tome.
- Improved Clipping.
- Detailed behind barrier.
- Fixed sink hit detection.

- Reset leaderboard.
- Old leaderboard have been deprecated and moved to the pinned discussion. This has been done due to balancing changes and this leaderboard will never be updated again.

Aktualizacja: 12 września 2019 o godz. 1:32

- Removed sliquifier.

Aktualizacja: 11 września 2019 o godz. 9:22

Operation Moist
- Added music easter egg.

- Added HarryBo21's Gewehr43.
- Added HarryBo21's Kar98K.
- Added HarryBo21's M1 Carbine.
- Added HarryBo21's M1 Garand.
- Added HarryBo21's MG42.
- Added HarryBo21's FG42.
- Added HarryBo21's Sliqif
- Added HarryBo21's BAR.
- Added HarryBo21's Double Barrel.
- Added HarryBo21's Trench Gun.
- Added HarryBo21's PTRS41.
- Added HarryBo21's Skorpion.
- Added HarryBo21's CQB.
- Added HarryBo21's PDW.
- Added HarryBo21's Type 95.
- Added HarryBo21's MTAR 21.
- Added HarryBo21's M8A1.
- Added HarryBo21's HAMR.
- Added HarryBo21's Remington 870mcs.
- Added HarryBo21's KSG.
- Added HarryBo21's SMR.
- Added HarryBo21's S12.
- Added HarryBo21's Raygun Mk. II
- Added HarryBo21's Ballista.
- Added HarryBo21's DSR50.
- Added HarryBo21's Barrett M82A1.
- Added HarryBo21's SVU.
- Added HarryBo21's War Machine.
- Added HarryBo21's RPG.
- Added HarryBo21's M16.
- Added HarryBo21's Olympia.
- Added HarryBo21's China Lake.
- Added HarryBo21's MG08/15.
- Added TheSkyeLord's Venom X
- Removed Makarov.
- Removed Ray Gun Mk. 3.

- Added Madgaz's Crusader Ale.

- Fixed invisible god zombie bug.
- Precached some assets.
- Fixed flying model.
- Improved hit detection of sinks.

Aktualizacja: 10 września 2019 o godz. 8:26

- Fixed light leaks.
- Improved sink model.

Aktualizacja: 10 września 2019 o godz. 7:44

- Updated thumbnail.

Aktualizacja: 10 września 2019 o godz. 7:40

- Removed default character model.

Aktualizacja: 10 września 2019 o godz. 7:19

Operation Diarrhea
- Added Poop Grenades.
- Added Special Sinks.
- Tweaked lighting.
- Improved toilet hit collision.
- Improved toilet plunger sounds.
- Vandalized the walls some more.

Aktualizacja: 9 września 2019 o godz. 2:10

Operation Flush
- Added Harrybo21's PHD Flopper.
- Added Harrybo21's Electric Cherry.
- Removed Stamina Up.
- Removed Quick Revive.
- Fixed bleedout bug.
- Added Ray Gun Mk3.
- Removed the KS-23.
- Fixed missing weapon materials.