Hearts of Iron IV
Irenthar: City of Hate
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Обновление: 15 ян. 2023 в 14:52

-Made Kaltumör much harder to reach
-Fixed Skaelinger OoB placing units in impassable states
-Had Rogal Dorn fortify certain positions - primarily cities and chokepoints
-Told Schneefilde and Wertszvörde to not give up hard-fought Perkav territories to newly-balkanized Perkav chieftains, even if the Union asks real nicely
-Fixed Schneefilde's border conflicts with Perkavland not unlocking when they should
-Fixed a bug that prevented Schneefilde from having access to a bunch of characters
-Added a decision for Schneefilde to retake Czrena
-Fixed a bug preventing the Union from completing Allies in the Mountains if they succesfully backed Rimatü in the Nordtorf Summit
-Various bugfixes

Обновление: 31 дек. 2022 в 8:48

-Made playable on the latest patch (1.12.*)
-Added a prison mechanic
-Generals that lost a battle have a tiny chance to be imprisoned
-Began rework of Intelligence Agencies into Adventurer's Guild
-Added new random event
-Made out of food combat penalties significantly harsher
-Starvation is now absolutely devastating to a nation; avoid it at all costs
-Improved AI's ability to feed itself
-AI will now (hopefully) disband units if it is facing starvation
-Added traits to Arthenon, Astrellion and Stoutfellow
-Gave Stahlhof some extra troops when the Prinzkriege break out
-Buffed the amount of troops Stahlhof gets upon dealing with the Adalinatruppen
-Made Ordorian rebels the agressor in the Traditionalist-Moderate Civil War instead of the legitimate government
-Improved Ordorian supply lines
-Made railways and supply hubs a lot cheaper
-Fixed non-Human Puritans thinking Tesliran is an exception to their racial hatred
-Added some railways to Getaland
-Made Commissiaries get the generic focus tree
-Buffed equipment attack values
-Fixed ORD-RTH-SKA war peacing out in status quo ante bellum
-Added a starting national spirit to Ordoria to represent the ancientness of that state
-Nerfed Rthauiaur again
-Made Skaelinger not take the Ironblood foci if they'd already committed to other politics
-Made Skaelinger only able to demand the Khorinor Mountains from Rthauiaur if Rthauiaur actually controls them
-Added SKA Focus tree descriptions (partially)
-Added SKA to the interesting countries bookmark
-Halved infantry equipment IC cost due to carts taking up more MFs, bringing it back in line with vanilla IC cost
-Made invading Bilodya and Tlarthingia no longer mutually exclusive for Constitutionalist Irinthios
-Bumped up BER's Eerherstel-Erkevan railway since the supply node doesn't count as connected otherwise(???)
-Fixed TLA portraits not fitting in their canvases
-Fixed a bug where a flag allowing the Union to go to war with Perkavland if they rejected diplomacy would not set properly
-Fixed Surveying Perkavland decisions not showing up
-Fixed continuous foci overlapping with St. Vichtlas' focus tree
-Fixed a bug where Skaelinger Radicals would revolt in the middle of an Ordorian invasion, leaving the Rthaur to die
-Added generic decisions to buff stability and/or war support
-Added VPs across the board
-Ordoria and the Commissiaries now always have resistance/compliance mechanics enabled in conquered lands, though they do get the full building slots
-Updated portraits used in foci for SVT, STA, and UNG
-Updated the mod to use the new character system
-Tweaked Skaelinger AI behaviour
-Added non-aggression pact between Stalhof and Neureik
-Began migrating advisor portraits to a new folder to prevent clutter (internal mod structure thing)
-Added Thryxvanor
-Added some achievements
-Prevented Stahlhof from using generic ideology decisions until they've taken the 'The Crown Infallible' focus
-Fixed a bug that would prevent the player from taking the The Two Thrones focus as the Union
-Made AI actually more likely to invade navally
-Added generic unit leader traits for more personality in your generals
-Reduced Kurgur rations consumption to represent self-sufficiency (placeholder solution)
-Made the AI far more happy to trade, especially for fuel
-Various bugfixes and UI improvements

Обновление: 31 дек. 2022 в 8:47

-Incorrect upload, disregard

Обновление: 1 февр. 2022 в 12:09

-Buffed supply-related defines
-Fixed the majority of supply nodes missing (seriously what the FUCK)
-Various bugfixes

Обновление: 1 февр. 2022 в 9:40

-fixed Freiprinztümer border skirmishes not working

Обновление: 1 февр. 2022 в 9:04

-added indicators for UNG and STA showing approximately how (dis)loyal the Freiprinzen are
-added indicators for Kriegsspiele Preparedness showing who is currently in the lead
-fixed ideas not showing properly
-fixed corps commander tab not having any of the buttons you'd expect
-slightly buffed Skaelinger's starting industry
-gave Bilodya a workshop, as a treat
-had mercy on Stahlhof's focus tree PP requirements; foci now continue even if you no longer have the required political power
-updated some GFX
-introduced the Marelian Calendar. Sort of.
-added supply wagons
-made FPT loyalty influencing work for newly-conquered countries
-tweaked FPT starting loyalties
-fixed trains not showing up properly
-set light cav equipment as supply equipment, replacing vanilla's trucks
-halved light cav equipment build cost to account for their new role
-added a Wastelands tag to cover the states not assigned yet
-various bugfixes

Обновление: 29 ян. 2022 в 13:49

-Told your PC it can read the mod files from your workshop folder and does not need access to my hard drive to launch
-Halved supply consumption across the board

Обновление: 29 ян. 2022 в 12:25

-Updated for No Step Back
-Added a ship for your naval warfare pleasure
-Added Getaland, Dialand, Ith, Tarnland, Gowie and the foundation for several other states
-Added a whole bunch of strategic regions
-Tweaked Freiprinz AI regarding loyalty, the Ungerdaler civil war should be more balanced now
-Added the Rooks
-Added loyalty and piety foci to Holzbrenn
-Made Stahlhof more likely to launch the civil war
-Buffed Neureik's loyalty to Stahlhof
-Added a trait to Schwarzenbach
-Added scripted peace deals to both outcomes of the Ungerdaler Civil War
-UNG can now bypass the foci to help BER or SKA retake Vergall states if they've already done so
-Updated OST - thanks, Dreg!
-Integrated the new trait system. Sorta.
-Fixed an edge case where Eastern Ordoria would be given all of Skaelinger's land
-Gave the Skylynaur Commissiary lands Skaelinger conquered in skirmishes with the Krugur
-Told Ordoria to not to make invading the Union over some jungle borderlands their #1 priority
-Tweaked the AI
-Some minor Skaelinger bugfixes
-Slightly improved Schwarzenbach's portrait
-Fixed the ports of Tion not working properly
-Various bugfixes
-Fixed a bundle of map errors

Обновление: 10 окт. 2021 в 11:07

-Skaelinger Fixes 2: I Am Good At My Job Edition. Mostly minor stuff, though.

Обновление: 10 окт. 2021 в 10:18

-Fixes for Skaelinger rebel tags revolving around not getting the Skaelinger focus tree