Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
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Aggiornamento: 31 gen 2022, 20:25


-Fixed France Communist 1960s Tree Not Loading
-Fixed VPs In Bangladesh
-Fixed CTD With Paratroopers
-Event Chain Fixes with the Indonesia War
-Fixed a Bug Where the Treaty of Taipei Would Fire Twice
-Fixed Bangladesh Focus Title Loc Not Displaying
-Fixed Declare Global Nuclear Power Being Set Higher then Allowed for Cost (Adjusted to 2k Political Power)
-Fixed Heavy Armements IV
-Fixed Super Heavy Armaments
-Fixed AA slots for some hulls
-Small naval GFX fixes
-Adjusted South Korean Industry to be More Realistic
-Fixed Stalin Retirement Focus
-Fixed Burmese Communist Units Spawning in Manchuria
-Fixed train tech requirements
-More Naval Fixes in the days to come
-Added locs for 4 added SOV ideas in tree
-Added focus descs for new focuses in Khrushchev branch, more descs expected in coming hotfixes

Aggiornamento: 31 gen 2022, 12:46


------New Mechanics------
Trade system utilising money
No Step Back supply system, leaders system & doctrines system integrated
Fully historical railways
Pakistan election GUI
Biafran/Hauasaland war mechanics
Burmese insurgency
ECSC decisions tab mechanic
------New Focus Trees------
India 1960s, 1970s
Pakistan 1960s, 1970s
Bangladesh 1970s
Burma 1950s
Dominican Republic 1950s
France 1950s Rework
Nigeria 1960s
Turkey 1950s
PRC Defeat 1950s, 1960s
Communist Austria 1950s, 1960s
Communist France 1950s
Communist Kurdistan 1950s
Communist Malaysia 1950s, 1960s, 1970s
Communist Turkey 1950s, 1960s
Communist Greece 1960s
Communist Thailand 1970s
Communist Burma 1950s, 1960s
Bulgaria 1960s
Belgium 1950s
Stalin Rework Including Stalin Lives Longer Route
------New Misc------
Man the Guns naval tech rework
New Balkan War event chain
1965 Indo-Pak War
1971 Bangladesh Liberation War
Indonesian Liberation War
Asian Liberation War
Multiple new provinces in South Asia - India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc
New Dominican states
European development decisions (ECSC system, etc)
All military leaders integrated into characters system
Cyprus war
Numerous No Step Back related GUI elements
New overseas bases for the USA - Rammstein, etc
------New Portraits------
Asia - PRC, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan
Americas - USA, Cuba, Dominican Republic
Europe - Belgium, East Austria, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, Italy
Middle East - Saudi Arabia
------New 3D Models------
USA - USS Iowa (1980s), Ticonderoga class, Nimitz class, SSN688, Forrestal class, Spruance class, Belknap class
USSR - Whiskey class
------New Tech GFX------
Africa - Egypto, Libya, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, South Africa
Asia - Thailand, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma/Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan
Europe - Luxembourg, Switzerland, Ireland
Middle East - Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq
Misc - New Zealand, Brazil
More accurate recommended countries for 60s, 70s bookmarks
Sino-Indian War improved
Algerian War improved
Improved interesting country overviews
Removed US homeland insurgency during Vietnam war
French North African puppets expanded
Improved Soviet invasion of Turkey, Yugoslavia
More accurate Biafran OOB
Improved historical accuracy of North Vietnam 1950s tree
Removed electricity from trade window
Turkmenistan, East Kazakhstan demographic accuracy improved
UK military focus nerfs
Multiple Arab league fixes
Hundreds of new missing vanilla localisations integrated (i.e. missing tooltips)
Fixed flag alignment on country select screen
Fixed Italian Somaliland event
Encryption techs updated to La Resistance standards
Multiple French fixes
Congo Crisis fixes
Goa war fixed
Crossing the Golan now requires Golan not Steirmark
Brezhnev typo fix
Corrected Vietnamese state names
Fixed an Afghan event
Numerous minor production view GUI fixes
Intel ledger fixed
Tech GUI fixes
Hundreds of misc bug fixes

Aggiornamento: 9 ott 2021, 18:23

Major optimisation work - Should prevent some startup crashes
New unit counters
New Authentic Sounds for rifles. M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, PPSH, Lee Enfield, K98, Mosin, Thompson, Sten, G3, FAL, AKM, AK74, M14.
New Ambient battle sounds
New voices for USA
Israel division unique namelist
France 1949 air OOB
Italy 1949 air OOB
Canada 1949 air OOB
89 French squadrons unique namelist
Italy airforce unique namelist
Sweden 1949 complete OOB
Yugoslavia Tech Tree
Finland Tech Tree
West Germany Luftwaffe Focus Rework
Added conscription policy to countries that should have it
UK unique division icons
Localisation/GFX for Western+Eastern arm trader
Aid Balkan Reconstruction in the Stalin tree now includes PDG and YUG if they are in a faction with the USSR
Removed Rhodesian songs playing for everyone
Main menu, country select GUI improvements
Soviet technical advisors ideas now last 1000 day
New names for communist Iran
Puppeting via influence now requires 5x the GDP of the target
Reduced ATGM tooltip ambiguity
Centred final strategic bomber tech
Changed a few IDF focuses to better represent what they should be. Also added a money cost to them.
Denmark Tech tree
Israel Tech tree
Sweden Tech tree
Bulgaria Tech tree
Romania Tech tree
Albania Tech tree
France Tech tree
WGR Tech tree
UK Tech tree
UK 1949 OOB
Reduced ATGM cost by 40%
Reworked conscription bonuses/maluses
Stop Ulbricht being repeatedly purged
Allow ROC to continue down intervention tree if Korean war has ended
Fixed ROC-Japan relations event having inaccurate description
Fixed ROC, Canada wrongly receive nuclear weapons in their focus tree
Fixed spelling of Cho Bong-Am
Fixed some winter skins not appearing correctly
Fixed IDF M4A1 Sherman incorrect turret rotation
------New 3D Models------
Reworked MiG-21 from the ground up. The MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21bis now each have their own high-quality models.
Kar98K, m/45 SMG, RK62
One new 1949 IDF soldier
M-50 Super Sherman+M4A4 Sherman IDF Skin
Il-2, Il-10, Il-4, Yak-9, Yak-3, La-7, Yak-23, Tu-2/Pe-3
Yugoslavia Infantry, Planes and Tanks
Albania Infantry and Tanks
Romania Infantry, Motorized/mech infantry, Tanks, and Planes
Bulgaria Infantry, Motorized/mech infantry, Tanks, and Planes
Spain Infantry and Tanks
Sweden Infantry, Motorized/Mech infantry, Tanks, and Planes
Finland Infantry, Motorized/mech infantry, Tanks, and Planes
Greek Infantry and Tanks
Swedish Planes: Viggen, Draken, J 29 Tunnan, J 21, Lansen
A lot of French airforce textures
Italy airforce textures
Fleet Air Arm planes(Bucaneer, Sea Vixen, Sea Hawk, Wyvern, Sea Fury, Seafire)
Canadian Airforce
------New Portraits------
Gerald R. Ford
Salvador Allende
Zhou Enlai
Ariel Sharon (General)

Aggiornamento: 4 set 2021, 7:19

Added Austerity and Debt Events/Penalties
Added 1951 Irish election
UN Resolutions May Now Only Be Submitted Once Per 18 Months Per Nation
*Complete AI logic rework regarding wars and division management. NATO and USSR now properly keep troops in Germany, actively prepare war and have different recruiting stance depending on whether they are at war or not.*
11 new authentic cannon sound for planes
Coded the new sounds according to the armament each plane should have. Example: F-15=M61 Vulcan sound. P-51D=M2 Browning sound.
New and improved ambient jet sounds
New and improved ambient propeller planes sounds
Canada 1949 Order of Battle
Added Canadian Naval OOB for 1949
Australia 1949 Order of Battle
Denmark 1949 Order of Battle
Belgium 1949 Order of Battle
Czech 1949 Order of Battle
Poland 1949 Order of Battle
Hungary 1949 Order of Battle
Italy 1949 Order of Battle
Norway 1949 Order of Battle
Egypt 1949 Order of Battle
North Korea air tech tree
Japan Tech tree
Austria Tech tree
Greece Tech tree
Italy Tech tree
Spain Tech tree
Portugal Tech tree
Australia air Tech tree
Sweden partial Tech tree
South Korea Air Tech tree
South Korea division unique namelist
PRC Units voice
Many focus icons for African focus trees
Balance PDG_50s stability and PP modifiers
Changed PDG_50s focus timings
Improved PRC and ROC 1949 Order of Battle
Improved ROK 1949 Order of Battle
Israel early APCs/IFVs GFX
French tank tree improvement
Belgium Tech tree improvement
South Korea Tech tree improvement
DDR Tech tree+model coding
Czech Tech tree+model coding
Poland Tech tree+model coding
Hungary Tech tree+model coding
Norway Tech tree
Japan Tech tree
Vietnam region from forest to jungle terrain
ATGM rework. handheld ATGM are now infantry equipment you have to produce instead of separate battalions
New ROC national spirit tooltip localisation
Reset the KMT China's Capital to Nanking, since it is more historically as their Capital
Add the removal of CHI_disorganized_military2 debuff to KMT_1950s_Victory.txt, now if CHI won the CCW, they can remove the debuff though focus tree (at KMT_Launch_Investigations_into_the-Army focus)
Make the main political of branch of ROC Taiwan only available when KMT lose civil war
Improved header GUI on all topbar pages (e.g. production view)
Nefed Beria's Pan-European Union
Hungarian Revolution focus tooltips
France receive money focus tooltips
Gave India a couple dockyards at start
Some New Failsafes for PRC Mil Access if Soviets Join the Korean War
Removed old Irish decision to move the capital
Changed the "Communism Banned" spirit for Cuba to have a shorter timer
Added country flags to Bulgaria
Fixed 60s ADR tree using wrong ideology tag
Fixed Belgian loc bugs
Minor Fixes to the Second Malayan Emergency
Fixed Mukden Cultural Revolution Decision, no longer targets Samoa
Fixed French Equatorial Africa Event Spam
Fixed an issue with Pre-Industrial States between 7-10 Million Population Not Upgrading Properly
Iranian Map Fixes
Albania Removed from Warsaw Pact if the Albanian Subversion Succeeds
Fixed FAL texture causing crashes
Fixed a bunch of models missing head locator causing error log spam
Removed a set of old unused textures
Fixed a long standing bug causing animation desync
Maintenance of plane models coding. Jets should now have jet sound, propeller planes should now have prop sound. Many incorrect locators also fixed.
Fixed Rhoedesia sometimes being called Zimbabwe
Ensured historical Hungarian Revolution outcome when on historical AI mode
Israeli 50s tank purchase focus fixed
Fixed King George VI death event typo
Corrected location of Smolensk powerplant
Fixed Lothar Bolz portrait not showing up
Fixed preseving SEATO disbanding it (US 70s focus tree)
Fixed icon error in Spain 50s
Fixed 1958 Iranian elections happening in 1954
Fixed localisation for alternate presidents presiding over the Cuban mis…
Minor improvement to Suez crisis localisation
Fix KMDB design company icon
Fix Union policy GUI
add chinese_civil_war_over global_flag when KMT won civil war
Fix bug of adding construction in Curacao, now it will built in Fukien
Since Tientsin usually not in CHI control, block any effect to Tientsin for now
Fix Segment Equatorial Guinea Tree Being Inaccessible
1968 election now always historical on historical AI
Filled in missing Egyptian icons
------New 3D Models------
Improved PRC and ROC infantry
DDR infantry
Czech infantry
Polish Infantry
Belgian Infantry
Danish Infantry
Luxembourg Infantry
Norway Infantry
Egyptian Infantry
Italian tanks
Improved US Vietnam infantry
PRC/KPA: Type 59 tank, T-34/85
GMCC truck, M35 truck
M26 Pershing, M46 Patton
Leopard 1A3, Leopard 1A5, Leopard MEXAS
Centurion Mk5(Australia)
Canadian motorized/mechanized infantry
Load of generic tanks for NATO and PACT
Unique textures for US tanks in Korea
North Korea planes
vz. 58 rifle
South Korea
K1 Tank, K-200 APC, M48A5, M48A3, P-51D, F-86, F-86D, F-4C, F-4E, Updated Infantry
MAS-36, MAS-49, MAT-49, F-100, F-84E, P-47, Mirage F1, AD2, F8F, F4U, Aquilon
F-86, F-86D, F-104, Infantry
F-86D, Hawker Hunter, Meteor, F-104
F-86, F-86D, F-104, F-4EJ, F-15J, Type 61, Type 74, Type 90, Infantry
Spitfire, Meteor, Beaufighter, P-51D
AD2, F8F, F4U
------New Portraits------
Updated Federico Chavez portrait
Added portraits to Communist Congo path

Aggiornamento: 7 ago 2021, 10:11

Tibet becomes the same color as the PRC if it is puppeted
New Filipino political parties
Add timed peace deal for Chinese civil war (peaces out around historical date when major VPs are captured)
PRC Tech tree GFX
Belgium Tech tree GFX
Canada Tech tree GFX
Norway Tech tree GFX
Netherland Tech tree GFX
Denmark Tech tree GFX
UK Early planes GFX
Israel Light tank GFX
8 US 50s focus descriptions
Add scrollbar to focus description
New MI5 national spirit icon
Improved minimum wage national spirit localisation
Improved a number of Bulgarian 1950s national spirits
Improved DDR television event localisation
Improved UN, WMD tab tooltip localisation
Improved Level 3 nuclear strike to target more divisions
Easier "desperate defense" decision for ROC
Reduced KGB debuff
Fixed Suez crisis
Fixed JFK assassination
US 50s CIA arms trafficking focus fixes
Fixed Zaisser name typo
Fixed Albania 50s focus tree
MacArthur events typo fixes
Fixed WGR F-86 using the wrong model
Removed 4 deprecated portraits
Fixed timings on ROC mainland tree - Now completable before 1960
Fixed news event for Tibet being puppeted by the PRC
------New 3D Models------
Soviet/PACT: BTR-40, BTR-50, BTR-60P, BTR-60PB, BTR-70, BTR-80, BMP-1, BMP-2
Soviet: 1960 Infantry, 1980 infantry, T-64
USA: M4A3E8, M59 APC, M75 APC, M113 APC, 1980 Infantry
UK: Saracen, FV432, Spartan, Rarden, Warrior, 1960->1980 infantry
Canada: M113, Infantry 1945->1980
West Germany: M113 APC, SPZ 11, HS.30, Marder 1, Marder 1A3
Israel: M113 APC, M4A1 76mm, Sho't Kal
France: AMX VTT, AMX-10P, VAB
Netherlands: Bren Carrier, AMX VTT, YPR-408, YPR-765, M113 APC, 1945->1980 infantry
New rifle models: M16A1, M16A2, AKM, AK-74, FN FAL wood+polymer, Famas F1, G3, Sterling SMG, Sten Mk5, L85A2, Lee Enfield, M1 Garand, M2 Carbine, M14, Uzi, Romat FAL
------New Portraits------
Victor Roman
Ramon Magsaysay
Maurice Thorez
Iskander Mirza
Julius Raab
Salim Rubai Ali

Aggiornamento: 23 lug 2021, 14:02

24 new ground 3D models/national textures:
USA: M1 Abrams, M1A1 Abrams
England: Centurion Mk3, Centurion Mk7, Chieftain Mk3, Chieftain Mk7(Stillbrew), Challenger Mk1
West Germany: Leopard 1, Leopard 2A1, Leopard 2A4
France: AMX-13, AMX-30
USSR: T-34/85, T-55A, T-62, T-72A
Poland: T-34/85, T-55A, T-72A, T-72B
DDR: T-34/85, T-55A, T-72A, T-72B
Czech: T-34/85, T-55A, T-72A, T-72B
Israel: Merkava Mk1
Fixed IDF vehicles size(No more Godzilla BTR lol)
Improved Korean War flow
Improved North Korea OOB(Closer to history)
North Korean air OOB
Sweden tank+tank destroyer GFX
South Korea tech tree GFX
ROC tech tree GFX
Dutch trucks GFX
Bulgaria 50s tree changed to be more historically accurate
Added Missing Iranian 1960s Elections that were blocking the majority of the Iranian 60s Tree
UIA, Crusaders, Mau Mau insurgencies now easier to remove
Reduced ROC army debuff
Fix Milovan Djilas name spelling in Yugoslav focuses
Prevent Soviets (Khrushchev) funding Nasser if he is not in power
Fixed many missing localisations
Removed deprecated space GFX
Fixed Goli Otok focus not removing the relevant national spirit
Nerfed UK 50s tree
Fixed UK Hydrogen Bomb focus
Weakened UK starting position
Brought UK tank designer buffs in line with other tank designers
Fixed Castro being killed on Historical AI
Added event chain for Yugoslav annexation of Bulgaria + Albania
Removed deprecated Argentinian focus tree and unused Soviet military focus tree
Improve policy tooltips
Fix policy GUI background bug
Fix UN Korean War Volunteers idea not being removed
Fixed main menu cutoff on small screens
Union, healthcare laws nerf
Industry tech nerfs
Redo various industry buffs
------New Portraits------
Juan Arevalo
Pierre Mendes
Georges Pompidou
Valery dEstaing
Alain Poher
Themistoklis Sofoulis
Juan Galvez
Abdul Rahman
Abdul Salam Arif
Saddam Hussein
Ed Muskie
Anastasio Debayle
Jerry Brown
Hu Jintao
Jiang Zemin
Franz Jonas (not currently implemented)
Franz Muhri

Aggiornamento: 26 giu 2021, 9:07

-83 new 3D models/national textures for planes!:
CL-13, Avro Vulcan, Hawker Hunter, Vampire, Tornado ADV, Tornado GR, Sepecat Jaguar early and late, F-4K, Harrier GR1, Harrier GR7
Su-15, Mya-4, Tu-16, Tu-22, Tu-4, Su-9, MiG-29, Su-27, Tu-160, Tu-95, Su-24, MiG-25
Tu-4, MiG-15, MiG-19, MiG-21
F-86D, Mirage IIIC, Mirage IIIE, Mirage 5F, Mystère IV, Vautour II, Ouragan, Sepecat Jaguar, Etendard IVM, Super Etendard
F-86D, F-15A, F-15C, F-15E, F-14A, F-14D, F-16A, F-16C, F-104, A-10, B-1, B-2, F-117, P-2V, P-3C, AV-8A, AV-8B
Mirage IIIC, Mirage 5F, Mystère IV, Vautour II, F-15A, F-15C, F-15E, F-16A, F-16C
West Germany:
F-86D, CL-13, Tornado IDS, F-4F, F-4F ICE, F-104
East Germany:
MiG-21, Su-22, MiG-23, MiG-29
MiG-21, Su-7, Su-22, MiG-23, MiG-29
MiG-21, Su-22, MiG-23, MiG-29
-Reduced division counter size. Should help with screen overcrowding.
-Lots of texture optimizing for better performance alongside a set of new national textures for some tanks
-Further balanced PACT starting economy
-First iteration of the Australian tech tree
-Complete rework of the Israeli tech tree
-Complete rework of the Israeli 1949 OOB
-Three new infantry model for Israel and multiple texture variation
-Slight rework of the DDR tech tree
-Slight rework of the Polish tech tree
-Slight rework of the Czech tech tree
-Slight rework of the PRC tech tree
-Added armored recon support battalion
-New soviet winter infantry 3D model 1945-1980
-2 new infantry models for Nigeria
-1 new infantry model for Biafra
-2 new infantry models for South Korea
-Voice for East and West Germany
-Army group icons for West Germany
-Modified Korea general topography. Less hills, more mountains
-Further improved the North Korea OOB. North Korea should survive better now.
-Fixed North Vietnam having its 50s focus tree in the 60s
-Changed deportations in PDG focus tree
-Adjusted Bosporus partion focus in Stalin focus tree
-Prevented democratic ideologies justifying wars on nations which have not created any world tension
-Fixed a decision relating to KMT warlord relations
-Massively improved Suriname decolonisation
-Added events concerning post-decolonisation emigration from Suriname
-Added 3 leaders for Hausaland
-New Marcel Naegelen portrait
-New Formosa flag
-Article 9 now limits the maximum Japanese division count
-Improved GDP number realism (1/4th of previous numbers)
-Nations now prevented from annexing puppets (fixes the USSR annexing the Eastern Bloc)
-Fix typo in De Gasperi's description
-Minor adjustments to subjects GUI in
-Fix a bug in Yugoslavian influence decisions
-Fix typos in Somalian national spirits
-Nerfed Soviet starting spirit construction speed bonus
-Fixed misc. GUI errors
-Improved Truman portrait
-Updated mod thumbnail on workshop (.mod file entry added)
-New plane icons for air battle GUI
-Fix Archibald J A Wavell portrait not showing in game
-Siignificantly reduced volunteer cap scaling with military size
-Increased volunteer transport speed by 50% (7 days)
-Added event for the North Sea flooding of 1953
-New Li Zongren Portrait
-Fixed President Halleck Super Event
-Fixed Harriman 1960 election option not making him the US leader
-Korean War ceasefire event now cancels (disappears) when war ends
-Event fix in Spanish focus tree
-Fixed some broken focus bypasses for US 50s focuses about the Chinese Civil War
-President Halleck news event
-Fixed Presdent Harriman enfores Brown V Board event referencing Truman
-Added event picture for McCarthy's "Enemies from Within Speech"
-Fixes to US House of Representatives decisions

Aggiornamento: 18 giu 2021, 22:42

-Buffs to PDG, SRT, KRD, and MLA
-New portraits for PRC/CUB
-Nerfed UN volunteers to Korea (again)
-Improved main menu on screens over 1080p
-Cut main menu video (Will be moved to a submod)-
-Optimised US moon landing super event
-Improved focus and event localisation organisation
-Fixed UK MI6 focus increasing agency creation time
-Gave Cuba WWII level production technologies
-Removed Winds of Change speech
-Removed deprecated Stalin's funeral speech
-Improved UN GUI
-Fix De Gasperi typo
-New Li Zongren portrait
-Total file size savings - ~300mb
-Fixed over sight in Kenyan tree that blocked a certain path
-Fixed bugged Kenyan events
-Fixed the missing cores for east african federation
-Tooltip added to the UN Veto Button
-Fixed PRC infantry scale
-New 3D model for Czech early infantry
-M47 Patton, M48 Patton, M60A1 Patton 3D model
-4 new texture for French infantry
-Complete rework of the French tech tree GFX
-Complete rework of the UK tech tree GFX
-First iteration of the Netherland tech tree
-First iteration of the Canadian tech tree
-12 new 3D models for US planes
-Complete rework of the French land OOB, including indochina units
-Complete rework of the UK land OOB
-Unique namelist for French divisions
-Tweaked problematic focuses in the Nigeria 50s tree
-Redid some victory points that had their location messed up

Aggiornamento: 5 giu 2021, 20:39

Hotfix 13
Some new GFX for Soviet and USA
New West Germany Infantry models
New US infantry models
USA 1949 entirely OOB completed
Soviet 1949 Air OOB done
Fixed Cultural Revolution not triggering
"Purge" of Deng Xiaoping made more realistic
Added localization for Nixon's Native Policy Event
Fixed Mosul Uprising Event
Fixed French Victory in Indochina Event Picture
Added Missing Earl Warren Event
Added Iraqi Voice Units
Fixed Population Data in Cairo and Tibet
Fixed Minor Issues Related to the HoI4 Anniversary Patch
Fixed Stalin Bug

Aggiornamento: 8 mag 2021, 22:39

Hotfix 12
ROK 50s tree descs
removed unused belgian low quality focus icons
fixed a missing bracket in the death of brezhnev event
fixed a missing \n in the three miles island event
Fixed Dominican Republic being my personal guinea pig and thus unplayable
Fixed Super Event Quotes
Fixed Demand Istria Event Giving Part of Ukraine Instead
Fixed Japanese Demand Taiwan Event Not Giving 2 States
Fixed Romania Tree Not Swapping to Generic 1960s in 1960
Fixed Congressional Elections
Soviets can request yugoslavia submit peacefully+partition event
minor icon work
US Light fighter GFX
US recon plane GFX
Soviet Tac+strat bomber GFX improvement
Soviet artillery GFX rework
30 unique division icons for USA and USSR
Foreign Legion unique icon for France
Fulda geography from forest to plain
Fulda Gap added to the map
Guard units name fix(Accurate Russian)
French air tree complete GFX rework
New Khrushchev public housing icon
New demographics button
Construction view GUI fixes
Fixed Jiang Qing being the wife of all Chinese leaders
Fixed a Suez crisis event showing Nasser as the leader of Egypt even if he is not
Fixed spelling of "Betrayal" in 2 events (typo fix)
Major volunteers rebalance
Korean War volunteer rebalance
Removed deprecated portraits
Reduced severity of Great Chinese Famine to be realistic (Was killing 100m+ before)