Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

Ancient Empires 2.0 - Part 1 of 2
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Aggiornamento: 25 set 2021, 4:52


Small update on some recent bugs reported.

Greek and Egyptian Generals were errored - Corrected
Greek and Egyptian wives were errored - Corrected
Added Meroe capital building icons that were missing
Switch Meroe UI to Egyptian type theme

Aggiornamento: 19 set 2021, 6:11

**NEW UPDATE** Changelog

- Added Achaemenid Empire to Custom Battle with with 60 new historical units added, in anticipation of Alexander the Great Campaign
- Added several new units to the Army of Alexander customer battle faction

- 25 new loading screens - Community delivered
- Corrected Roman General model not matching to unit card
- Corrected "Hostage" event, showing Attila portrait, now shows generic portrait
- New unit "Upgrade" UI button
- - updated Unit cards
- Achaean Euzonoi
- Epirotoi Haploi
- Cilician Skirmishers - AOR and Reg
- Achaean Thurephoroi
- 20 new generals for Carthage - dynamic uniforms every upgrade level - Brought to you by Benjins AAA Generals for Rome II
- New "teenage boy" variant for Carthage/Greeks

"Plenty of Fish" Update
Added many more wife options for various cultures
- 15 total wife options for Rome
- 10 total wife options for Hellenistic and Greek factions
- 15 total wife options for Carthage (10 Greek wives, 5 new Carthage wives)
- 15 total wife options for Egypt (10 Greek wives, 5 new Egyptian wives)
- 6 total wife options for Berbers
- 6 total wife options for Africans
- 10 total wife options for Eastern Factions
- 10 total wife options for Persian factions

- Corrected Patavium not starting out as a Barbarian controlled city

- Fixed Asian elephant missing texture
- Fixed missing Carthage neo-phonencian infantry being missing on barracks
- Removed cappadocian AOR being available to cappadocia
- Removed empty slings from Pontic Pikemen
- Fixed missing Steppe unit shields
- Slightly nerfed Ligurian Warband AOR
- Significantly reduced upkeep of some Roman Auxilia units to be less than the superior Roman Legionnaries
- Rebalanced Late Macedonian Agema to not be inferior to the Early variant
- Removed AOR Black sea spearmen and Black Sea Hoplites for Black Sea factions
- Removed AOR Rhodian units from Rhodes
- Fixed Sycthian Spearmen AOR having melee infantry icon
- Fixed decal issue on hellenic marine hoplons
- Corrected wolf pelt texture issue for Roman Generals
- Mercenary Etruscan Hoplites - new unit card
- Increased price and upkeep of Bactrian Heavy Thureophoroi
- Removed Mercenary Parthian horse archers having flaming shot

- Somewhat reduced AI recruitment capacity on Casual difficulty
- Slightly reduced ramming damage against heavy ships
- Reduced AI Ptolemaic Kingdom's cheat money

Aggiornamento: 19 mag 2021, 14:17

g - May 19, 2021 Update


- Added Region Trading script
- Lowered Infant mortality rate for older children
- Reduced government office administration costs by 1%
- Fixed Warrior nobility army tradition going from +6xp to +3xp, now in the correct order
- Added increased raid income to level two tribal organisation army traditions
- Added more effects to Greek city states technology trees to give more interest and variety in their effects
- Renamed Armenian capital city to correct name of Yervandashat
- Lowered Armenian noble cavalry on the capital city recruitment line
- Improved Colchis AI survivability chances
- King of Kings title changed to King
- Fixed Kushite Fertility increase technology not having effect
- Added Message about how 100% control disables assigning political offices

- Added Army of Alexander the Great to Custom battle (Work in Progress)

- Fixed unrecruitable Promoti Cavalry
- Fixed Arab cataphract unit cap from 2 to 10
- Added a mixture of European faces to Armenian units
- Increased Ammunition on recruitable artillery units to be balanced against mercenary artillery
- Fixed AOR Median Skirmishers unable to aim javelins
- Fixed Ligurian Slingers set to Archers in UI
- Seleucid Galatian Settler prices significantly reduced to make them a viable option (Cheap melee infantry)
- Fixed Bithynian naval units being unable to recruit
- Fixed Numidian veteran auxiliary cavalry for Rome having invisible spears
- Fixed Thracian Auxiliary Cavalry missing some shields
- Fixed Invisible Iberian Naval units

- Added 20% increased missile block chance to units in Forests
- Pike unit animations changed to hold pikes when not in pike formation (Will still fight with swords)

- Small fixes to rotations and bugs on various maps
- Larger update to come by June

Aggiornamento: 6 apr 2021, 12:53

Changelog - April 6, 2021 Update


- Small tweaks to battlmap buildings
- Pella revamped and fixed. Design and layout changes.
- Some rotation issues corrected

- Farm AOR Balearic isles unit changed from javelinmen to slingers
- Added missing abilities to Marian Praetorians
- Fixed Augustan Cohors shield graphical bug
- Fixed invisible at a far distance bug for Southern African Units
- Fixed invisible at a far distance bug for many Celtic units
- Changed Briton units standard bearer to be a druid warrior
- Auxiliary iberian scutarii for Carthage missile block reduced to match its shield visuals
- Fixed Turdetani Leader missing sword

- Slightly reduced hoplite mass
- Made rear charges slightly more effective
- Fixed some missile block discrepancies

- Added text string about buildings self repairing at 20% HP per turn so that people are aware they dont always have to pay
- Import food edict replaced with political propaganda edict
- Road effects reworked to reflect replacement of import food edict
- Starving provinces now automatically import some food from your global food production, may or may not be enough to cover its deficit
- Global famine negative effects increased

- Changed 2 songs which sounded to celtic
- Converted 8 more Rome II speeches to Rome 1

Aggiornamento: 29 mar 2021, 22:27

Changelog - March 29, 2021 Update


- Fixed squalor missing on Rome level 2 allied state
- Added slavery effects to appropriate resource buildings
- Fixed top level Mint being unable to be built when required building was also constructed

- Updated effects for naval double time to match forced march
- Further reduced upkeep on decisive mode and slight reduction in upkeep of Romes core polybian troops
- Returned AOR troops to Roman farms but only on 3rd and 4th level farms to prevent AI aor spam
- Added new effects and improvements to Roman technologies to be more historical, interesting and useful
- Also reworked Carthage technologies to be more historical and useful, with a focus on allies, native discontent and navies
- Moved Carthaginain Auxiliary forced technology to be much earlier in the tech tree
- Major restructuring of Carthage's recruitment to rely more on foreign units
- reworked Nomadic horde integrity values to actually work as intended by our design philosophy
- Shortened some long province names for UI sake

- Added Kolchis naval recruitment
- Added unit cards for marine units which display when disembarked
- Carthaginian Marines armour buffed to linothoraxes, Carthaginian marines are now better than Roman marines (until marian reforms)
- Fixed missing legs on many roman auxiliaries
- Fixed Aestii warriors missing arms
- Pike units slightly weaker in melee
- added elephant option for Baktrian commander unit
- +1 point added to elephant skin armour value

- Fixed some map rotations
- Fixed some errors with new Roman Port (Taras)

- New building slot icons

Aggiornamento: 23 mar 2021, 15:06

- Increased AI siege engines per turn from 2 to 3 to give them a better chance at assaults
- removed more aor units from being recruited by their own faction
- Added missing lance to Parthian Cataphracts
- fixed incorrect Garamantian horse armour value
- Tweaked some macedonian phalanx stats
- Fixed numidian spearmen price error
- Removed formed attack from Hoplites as it doesnt really work and negated rear cavalry charges
- reduced the mass boost from formations which were too powerful against rear cavalry charges
- buffed elephant tusks slightly
- New roman colonist unit added as a garrison unit in new unconverted settlements
- Increased mercenary ballistas from one to two ballistas (mostly to help the AI in sieges)
- Slightly increased artillery accuracy

- Displayed fertility level downgraded by 1 level (4 is our average, but was displayed as Poor before, now correctly displayed as average"
- added a correct mounted unit card for Mercenary Cadusii Hillmen
- Displayed fertility level downgraded by 1 level (4 is our average, but was displayed as Poor before, now correctly displayed as average"
- added a correct mounted unit card for Mercenary Cadusii Hillmen
- Many new UI icons
Front end UI
Battle map icons - speed, melee, halt
Campaign Battle - auto resolve, fight, retreat and auto resolve options - victory end result options
Campaign UI - Advisor, overview, diplomacy, treasury, zoom to location

- Roman culture trait Imperial Ambition now gives -50% conversion cost for buildings, instead of the previous +2 military integrity per ongoing war which quickly became overpowered
- added growth to import food edict
- AI building Dismantle bug hopefully fixed
- removed 529 duplicated tables on occupation_decision
- nerfed the raze occupation option
- significantly reduced amount of mercenary ballistas, and they now start depleted and replenish over time
- Fixed issue where Rome occasionally had 0% budget allocation for building and conversion
- Slightly reduced AI campaign aggression to help them besiege for longer
- Slight buff to industry income from Artillery construction building for Rome
- Bug fix where some political actions such as adoption would previously not result in anything
- Significantly increased Romes changes of surviving as AI
- Fixes Roman main chain building priorities. Rome will now primarily build State Owned main settlements, with other settlements being lower priority
- removed AOR units from being recruitable on Romes farms
- Updated campaign AI construction values for: Barracks: should now construct barracks with higher priority than before, and in particular regular barracks to get access to its core roster. Main settlements: all factions should now seek to construct all branches (state owned, allied, friends of the king etc) of the main chain, although with higher priority for the state owned branch as a rule

- Fixed even more "Rome" warcries on non roman factions

- Fixed missing admirals for some custom battle factions
- Reduced combat ship fire resistance by -25
- Increased transport ship movement speed to give them a better chance

Battle Maps
- 3 new roman cities - 2 roman generic ports
- Cities updated - Tarraco, Malaca, Caralis, Adiacium, Arminium, Taras, Rhegion
- Fixed Hispalis missing a city
- Update battlemap upgrades - Will still have issues with unique cities until final resolution completed.

Aggiornamento: 17 mar 2021, 17:57

- Removed Hoplon naval units for custom battle, thureos only now
- Gave correct attribute to Germanic Spear Militia
- Added Cavalry Charge Prevention to more unit types. This attribute prevents cavalry from being able to do a full frontal charge, so this is effectively a cavalry nerf without actually touching the balance.
- Fixed Jewish Spearmen having hoplite phalanx ability
- Fixed Auxiliary Italian Spearmen having wrong weight and armour stats
- Fixed some missing Carthaginian allied/mercenary units from their barracks
- Slightly reduced unit upkeep in decisive mode
- Slightly increased public order base level in Decisive and Challenging mode
- Added basic AOR units to farms so that basic AOR spearmen type units are available around the map
- Fixed some shock infantry being classed as shock cavalry

- Reduced the economic impact of farms for gameplay purposes, to encourage the use of industrial buildings
- Added slave reduction per turn modifier to Industry, some Entertainment buildings and to Estates
- Added slave income bonus modifier to these same buildings
- Governor's Palace now gives -% building maintenance for *all* buildings, as opposed to just Public Works, but at a slightly lower effect
- Experimental AI building demolition fix

- Adjusted the way some effects are displayed

- Characters in kingdoms/empires can now be assigned to any office (provided sufficient rank and influence) without the requirement to have served in a previous office before. This does not apply to republics (Rome and Carthage)
- This should partly solve a known issue where characters, despite meeting the elegibility criteria, could not previously be assigned to higher offices

- Global tax rate now give: 60%, 80%, 100%, 120%, 140% taxes (minimal, low, normal, high, extortionate) respectively
- Reduced the duration of Blessings (from conquest of cities)
- In an attempt to help increase slave population faction-wide following the conquests or looting of settlements, Blessings now give a time-limited boost to slave population across your empire. Should prevent too many slaves appearing in a single province
- Deleted CA's AI task priorities which may have been conflicting with our own

- New loyalty icon
- New icon for Cavalry Charge Prevention attribute

Aggiornamento: 16 mar 2021, 7:02

Changelog - March 16, 2021 Update


*Note this is a re-upload of March 15th update to fix a bug during the upload process.

- Added more socii units to Roman Republic custom battle roster.
- Added new large icons to Rome, replacing most of the carryovers from RTW.
- Fixed an issue where bronze and silver coinage had switched places on the mint roster.
- Increased naval atillery damage to match land artillery
- New roman panel UI - Can better see text

- Fixed field forts for Greeks, Easterns, and Barbarians - Forts are now available for all cultures
- Fixed some Illyrian and Dacian settlement maps with no river
- Map upgrades and culture changing: Fixed numerous issues with maps not switching to proper culture after conquering, (barb to roman, roman to barb) that causes siege towers not properly built (short or tall). Now once you upgrade your main line settlement on your conquered settlement, map will be switched to proper culture and wall heights.
- Fixed a bad Greek port in Asia
- Fixed missing walls for Romans and barbs - conflict with the blood pack originally
- New Greek & Roman River city map - generic - Added to Hispalis and Ancrya
- Fix to barbarian gates not taking damage - Now have normal damage

Audio Fixes
- Glory to Rome - Merc Greek Ballista
- Rome is mother to us all - Merc Greek Ballista
- Roma invicta Cretan Archers - Pergamese unit
- Raiders of Rome - Pergamese fleet when raiding
- Hex fix for battle deployment audio
- Removed a weird click noise at the start from one campaign track

Discuss this update in the discussions section.

Aggiornamento: 16 mar 2021, 6:00

Reverted to March 9th Update due to bug.

Aggiornamento: 15 mar 2021, 16:14

Changelog - March 15, 2021 Update


- Added more socii units to Roman Republic custom battle roster.
- Added new large icons to Rome, replacing most of the carryovers from RTW.
- Fixed an issue where bronze and silver coinage had switched places on the mint roster.
- Increased naval atillery damage to match land artillery
- New roman panel UI - Can better see text

- Fixed field forts for Greeks, Easterns, and Barbarians - Forts are now available for all cultures
- Fixed some Illyrian and Dacian settlement maps with no river
- Map upgrades and culture changing: Fixed numerous issues with maps not switching to proper culture after conquering, (barb to roman, roman to barb) that causes siege towers not properly built (short or tall). Now once you upgrade your main line settlement on your conquered settlement, map will be switched to proper culture and wall heights.
- Fixed a bad Greek port in Asia
- Fixed missing walls for Romans and barbs - conflict with the blood pack originally
- New Greek & Roman River city map - generic - Added to Hispalis and Ancrya
- Fix to barbarian gates not taking damage - Now have normal damage

Audio Fixes
- Glory to Rome - Merc Greek Ballista
- Rome is mother to us all - Merc Greek Ballista
- Roma invicta Cretan Archers - Pergamese unit
- Raiders of Rome - Pergamese fleet when raiding
- Hex fix for battle deployment audio
- Removed a weird click noise at the start from one campaign track