Disputed Systems
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Aktualizacja: 27 marca 2018 o godz. 18:06

Better compatibility with Caligula Caesar's excellent Potent Rebellions 2.0 mod. Will be working with that and his Dynamic Political Events going forward. So far the only point where either is required is that rebels tend to become Despicable Neutrals without PR2.

Aktualizacja: 26 marca 2018 o godz. 18:47

Better picture

Aktualizacja: 26 marca 2018 o godz. 18:23


Aktualizacja: 26 marca 2018 o godz. 17:42

Planetary rebellions now generate disputed systems where appropriate, without taking over the starbase in those systems. For now they will be despicable neutrals, as I haven't worked out all the issues with Caligula Caesar's Potent Rebellions 2.0 mod that I intend to cooperate with.

Added 2 CBs and matching war goals so you can attack disputed systems without claims (that you're not allowed to have on your own starbases). One is for the case where the enemy capital is in dispute, another for where the rebels joined another empire, who won't fight you as hard.

Aktualizacja: 3 marca 2018 o godz. 10:49

Initial Upload