Monster Waves 4
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更新: 2018年6月2日 @ 9時35分

- Reuploaded because of incorrect descriptor file.

更新: 2018年6月2日 @ 3時51分

- Increased version from 2.0.* to 2.1.*.
- Updated distance triggers syntax.
- Updated if else statements in scripted effects.
- Updated if else statements in events.
- Updated deposits.

更新: 2018年4月19日 @ 10時43分

- Reverted the guardian drives to bio drives.

更新: 2018年4月18日 @ 13時29分

- Added rewards for ship kills. Rewards include food, minerals, energy and all forms of research.
- Changed the bio components of the Cloud and Crystal monstrosities to guardian components.
- Updated ship size speed variables to latest versions.

更新: 2018年4月10日 @ 13時10分

- Changed the localisations Never to Disabled because that looks better and is used by Pirate Waves.
- Added new difficulty policies based on those of pirate waves.
- Integrated difficulty settings in the event script.
- Added needed scripted triggers for checking difficulty settings.
- Added localisations for the difficulty policy settings.

更新: 2018年4月2日 @ 3時18分

- Enabled attacking unarmed civilian stations for all monsters spawned through this mod.

更新: 2018年3月22日 @ 13時38分

- Reduce fleet base spawn chances even more. Should balance out more compared to previous version.

更新: 2018年3月22日 @ 12時12分

- Added the goal of attacking large fleets to the fleet orders of the monsters. Will make them more aggresive.
- Created new variant country types for the monsters of this mod because Paradox introduced some imcompatible stuff. Almost exactly like the old ones; < 2.0.
- Integrated new country types in the country creation effects.
- Integrated new country types in the triggers.
- Integrated new country types in the events.
- Refactored the creation of the monster waves countries to an effect.
- Created new debug event to destroy the monster countries. Called with monster_waves.666 through the console.
- Extended the planet types the monster visit with habitable planets. :)
- Also included some special planets that fit.
- Increased the minimum range for the random target of the monster considerably. Should make them move far away before choosing a target to attack if any exist.
- Modified the fleet order to repeat the boring part 3 times before attempting attacking a large fleet.
- Modified the country creation event to be repeatable but only execute when one of the countries does not exist.
- Removed the creation of countries from the debug event.
- Modified the new country types to remove the Paradox script from disrupting the fleet orders. Country types are now almost identical to before 2.0 except that they block pirates.
- Modified the drone country creation effect to have the secondary color orange to correctly color the drone trails.
- Reduced the aggro range from 100 to 50 for all monster types.
- Increased the scale of the Ether Cloud model.
- Readded the space creatures settings to the countries.
- Added scaled difficulty modifiers to the monster countries.
- Lowered the base ship spawn chance to compensate for increased power from difficulty modifiers.
- Added the country creation to the manual spawning events.
- Decided to start the mod earlier: 50 years before midgame starts.
- Added extra modifiers to the fleet spawn effects.
- Changed the events to start executing 50 years before midgame.
- Removed the year restriction on the normal policy settings. It's now visible from the starts of the game.
- Updated the Steam description.
- Modified the fleet power check to tbe the closest system with a space owner rather than the exact system.
- Increased the base chance again. Now 4%.
- Added restriction of being a default country to the fleet power modifier trigger.

更新: 2018年3月3日 @ 6時04分

- Monstrosities policy is now hidden when the mod is disabled.
- Disabled the game log effects.

更新: 2018年3月1日 @ 12時56分

- Logo update.