The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times

The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times

Оцінок: 141
Collectibles Guide
Автор: WinuX
A screenshot dump of all 36 collectibles.
До улюбленого
В улюблених
This "guide" is little more, than a screenshot dump of the 36 collectibles found in The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times. The screenshots are taken in the order I have found the collectibles, and the cursor is positioned on the collectible. The order in which you encounter the areas might be somewhat different.

Since some areas become unavailable as you progress through the game, collect everything as soon as you can. If you miss one entirely, you have to start a new game to have a chance to collect them all.

Doing so will net you three achievements.

If you find any errors in this guide, please let me know.

Коментарів: 24
eXe.Scorp1on 10 квіт. о 12:01 
WinuX  [автор] 28 листоп. 2021 о 23:54 
You are welcome!
Lilith 28 листоп. 2021 о 23:51 
Thx :redflower:
WinuX  [автор] 6 лип. 2019 о 10:05 
Welcome everyone!
ΓΛZ 6 лип. 2019 о 9:39 
爱跑的跳跳猪 26 груд. 2018 о 16:32 
thx alot!!!
SkyStarMania 16 жовт. 2018 о 11:51 
thx it helped pretty nice
i got 100% in 5h :D thx alot!
MrL0G1C 17 груд. 2017 о 4:32 
It'd be nice if the guide were split up in to areas / chapters - because once you leave an area you can't go back. Highlighting would be good too.
WinuX  [автор] 26 лип. 2017 о 9:52 
You are absolutely welcome!
Saltyman 26 лип. 2017 о 9:51 
Thank you very much ! Big help for the 3 achievements !