Darksiders Warmastered Edition

Darksiders Warmastered Edition

Kratos - By The Gods What Have I Become ? The GraveDigger - Death Kratos, The Destroyer Of Worlds!😈😎
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Komentarzy: 4
Fürst Maltuel Vrost 8 maja o 4:29 
Why the fuck is this here? Some people are just stupid...
A Dreamt Monochrome 9 marca o 1:36 
This has nothing to do with Darksiders, but okay.
Puro Zazahitter 18 sierpnia 2022 o 18:04 
real darksiders footage
𐌰𐍁𐌱𐍂𐌴𐍅 26 maja 2022 o 0:12 