Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

P90 | Madness combat
153.090 MB
3月21日 12時56分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

P90 | Madness combat

LnDest 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Madness combat | Collection
14 アイテム
Content ?:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\232090\3194971304 move to path C:\Users\YOUPC\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Published\BrewedPC\Packages\Weapons

Made a skin | ArTeMiYY

Originally ♥♥♥♥ | Tripwire Interactive
12 件のコメント
ArTeMiYY  [作成者] 3月29日 6時26分 
glad to hear
Nico Nico...PẰNG! PẰNG! OwO 3月29日 6時18分 
Oh yeeahhh , this is amazing, I will follow you from now on haha
ArTeMiYY  [作成者] 3月29日 4時52分 
in the future I will make these skins for cosmetics as well
ArTeMiYY  [作成者] 3月29日 4時50分 
I will make this skin for all weapons
Nico Nico...PẰNG! PẰNG! OwO 3月29日 4時42分 
i wish you could make a version of this outfit for the pistol '' glock '' in the future XD
ARandomNoob 3月25日 5時49分 
I had a aneurysm reading this. Cheers big ears!
LnDest  [作成者] 3月23日 3時59分 
ARandomNoob what the triptvari stedali is rape of the game in all poses in a paid game, paid skins, donated weapons, a battlepass should have been added then the game would have been 10/10 for preschoolers with events in the style of gyyyg not flashpound but FISHPOUND YYYYY
ARandomNoob 3月22日 15時06分 
Bear this is what tripwire should've add as skins, unfortunately they did the complete opposite

But thanks to modding, these great skins exist!
LnDest  [作成者] 3月22日 13時59分 
Mr. Bear, thank you, it’s nice to read that someone liked it)