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"It's a dangerous world.

4 коментара
Mr. Thiccums 30 окт. 2018 в 13:25 
Person to the left: "Are you shure about this?" Person to the right: "Uhhhhh Idk, I found this planet and I just wanted to go ok. Thought it would be a good idea." Guy in the middle: "IT'S RAINING FRICKIN' SPACE ROCKS OF DEATH!!! How is this a good idea?!"
TheSilverInfinity 25 окт. 2018 в 20:42 
the derp eyes lol
Naii Starwing 21 окт. 2018 в 3:09 
Meteors! Quick! Burrow!
Rmisor 19 окт. 2018 в 17:26 
a nice style of drawing. nice artwork