Portal 2
35 人が評価


Formerly known as Alpha05, this chamber was reproduced from scratch following the DTS SNAFU. This is the first chamber I made in which you decide which direction you want to go. You'll have to play through it at least twice to see all of the rooms. There are two different rooms in which you must choose to either go left or right.

Be sure to say 'hi' to your friend, the companion cube.
22 件のコメント
stormsend 2019年8月6日 19時12分 
I really enjoyed the puzzles. Can't say as much for the maze. I was so confused I started getting claustrophobic. If I didn't get it when I did I was going to quit and come back after I settled down a little. Ha ha. Imagine that. I didn't think the puzzles were easy. Right about my level. Had fun solving this well made map. Thank You for a lot of work.
Andi  [作成者] 2016年6月21日 11時13分 
Thank you, that's good to hear. :)
jandlml 2016年6月19日 21時35分 
i think i tried this one before and couldnt get through it. solved it today. really enjoying your maps!
GBMusicMaster 2015年9月13日 12時07分 
Let me know when you do that, and I'll play it again!
Andi  [作成者] 2015年9月12日 22時26分 
When I originally made this chamber, I hit the entity limit very quickly. Now that I can use hammer, I will remake this chamber as I envisioned it. Thanks for playing.
GBMusicMaster 2015年9月12日 12時48分 
This was fun, if a little confusing during the maze (I'm sure that's the idea). I only played one side of it, but I had a good time. Thumbs up!
Andi  [作成者] 2014年9月2日 12時39分 
Thanks, I wanted to expand on this idea but element restrictions made it impossible.
The Sojourner 2014年9月1日 0時06分 
Didn't need the reverse funnel; I'd love to see two buttons to open the exit instead of just one :p2cube:
Andi  [作成者] 2014年1月26日 8時27分 
Thanks, it was meant to be larger but entity restrictions made this chamber smaller that I would have liked,
dire.fcs 2014年1月25日 21時02分 
That was new! Have to play twice! Very nice idea!