439 ratings
Best strategy in PUBG (100% Win Rate)
By Gantster
A great strategy that has won me 100% of my games.
The Strategy
Step 1:
Land relatively far away from the plane's trajectory, but you'll still find people who land with you for no reason.

Step 2:
Loot the buildings near you, and then proceed to find garbage pistols, cosmetic clothing, and a crappy shotgun. You will also need to find a frying pan and a Jesus Helmet (Lvl 3 Helmet) to protect you from all the thots out there.

Step 3:
Run around out in the open looking for a car and try to find a Dacia, this is essential as Dacias are the best car in the game, right? Who cares abot UAZs or Buggies, when you have the superior Dacia.

Step 4:
Drive around aimlessly for a few minutes doing donuts or whatever and then loot low grade gear from small houses scattered about. Don't worry about the kill barrier, even if the playzone is half a world away, since the kill barrier does about as much damage as a wet noodle.

Step 5:
This is the part where you start regretting your previous actions, as you've just made the realization that you have bad gear and the end game is approaching. Start driving toward the center of the playzone and find a hill to camp on.

Step 6:
At this point you're just sitting behind a tree hoping everyone will kill each other. Proceed to sit back and eat doritos or something.

Step 7:
Hold back your tears at the death screen, as you've been sniped by someone with a Kar98 out of nowhere. Proceed to call aimbot, blame it on luck and your friends (if you have any). Then rage quit by leaving the Discord call (Again, if you have any friends), turning off your computer, and going to bed because it's probably past midnight.

A reinaction of your final moments (Demonstrated with old 2011 memes)

Watching yourself camping behind a tree

The realization that you have been totally aimbotted

Travis Jr 3 Oct, 2017 @ 12:23pm 
Fuck this guide made me win three times
Operator 16 Jul, 2017 @ 6:02am 
Hi guys. Im am looking for someone to play doubles or squads with in PUBG. Add me at will! ;)
Duncan 15 Jul, 2017 @ 4:13pm 
10/10 would read again
Travvan 15 Jul, 2017 @ 7:56am 
Loved it. 10/10 guide like and favorite
Tsukiortu 14 Jul, 2017 @ 9:28pm 
What i always get the best shit from random houses
Mayh3mlol 14 Jul, 2017 @ 8:52am 
Fleeya 13 Jul, 2017 @ 10:55pm 
best rage guide
mattloveOHIOST5 13 Jul, 2017 @ 4:28pm 
21/7 g8
DR. DOOFUS 13 Jul, 2017 @ 2:41am 
best guide to grace this earth 11/9
degenerate 12 Jul, 2017 @ 11:16am 
I rate this guide 11/10 IGN