Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

257 arvostelua
HDB 640188
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1.629 MB
26.6.2017 klo 15.36
22.8.2017 klo 17.20
3 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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HDB 640188

HDB 640188 (Boon Lay Dr) by Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!

If you like this, please give it a 👍, it really helps a lot!
And feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks! =)

This is 1 of the older buildings around my neighborhood.

10-Story Building
- Level 1 Growable
- After Dark ready
- 2008 tris, 1024 x 512 textures
- Custom LOD model: 182 tris, 256 textures

RICO Ready
- Size: 1x4
- Service: Residential
- Sub-service: High
- Level: 1
- Home: 60
- Cost: 188,500
- UI-Category: reshigh

I really enjoyed creating these buildings. HDB buildings is the core of Singapore's architecture.
If you like my work and like to show support like buying me a can of Coke, I have added a Paypal link below. Thanks for the support and feedback!

17 kommenttia
坤坤爱打球 4.3.2022 klo 4.48 
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [tekijä] 16.7.2018 klo 0.34 
Yeah i mingle around with that idea before. I've tried the lighting props that is available in the assets editor, but they are just, simply a spot light. In my latest submission, i played around with the illumination map and try to be smart with the model's UV. Do check it out! To see if it is what you meant ;) HDB 640834
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [tekijä] 16.7.2018 klo 0.31 
My latest entry is an attempt at doing it 1:1. So the building is bigger, bigger than the grow-able footprints. Do check it out!
Lord King Phalanx 25.6.2018 klo 23.29 
I think it would be cool and also more accurate if the corridors/stairs were litted at night. Is it something that is possible to have?
alborzka 22.1.2018 klo 8.34 
Yeah it's pretty versatile, allows you to make a whole bunch of things :D
I decided to scale it to ~2x so that it's roughly 2 units wide or 16m, that way each apartment is like 7-8m deep. Seems to be roughly how deep they are on google maps anyway :P
Here's what it ends up looking like , and then I just hid the smaller one using MoveIt and putting it under the big one :p
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [tekijä] 22.1.2018 klo 7.25 
Wow thats an interesting mod!

Fun fact: The numbers 640188 [] in the name are actually the postal code of the block! You can go into google street view and take a look!

Do drop a link to the screenshot of the re scaled building! I wanna see!
alborzka 22.1.2018 klo 6.41 
Actually I did mean physical size of the building, not number of households/population etc :p I did some experimenting last night and learned I can use Procedural Objects to make a "prop" copy of the building, scale it to the building's real-life size, and then plop that over the original building to give it the illusion that I made a bigger building haha :p I have no problem with doing that, but I just don't know the sizes of the buildings -- do you know where I can find measurements of the buildings you uploaded so that I know how big to scale them?
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [tekijä] 22.1.2018 klo 6.09 
Ah i see you point. It does make sense!

When i did my first building, i was Initially doing it as a grow-able. Then as time pass, i added RICO settings while still having grow-able footprints in mind.

So with Building Themes and Realistic Population and Consumption Mod , players can create a automated organic grow-able with better population and consumption.
alborzka 21.1.2018 klo 0.31 
Ah I see! To be honest I kind of wish they were 1:1 scale, I wonder if there's an easy way to make them 1:1 in asset editor or something? Even if its RICO and no longer growable I don't mind, but if it's not possible then no worries :p
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH!  [tekijä] 21.1.2018 klo 0.03 
Hello! Yeah, they are not 1:1 scale. Yes, it is unimaginable for someone to live in a 2m deep apartment hahah.

It is a design decision to make it that way, so as it fits a 1 x 4 footprint. And it also somewhat bares the similarity of houses here in Singapore. As our land is very limited, so is our house size. They somehow gets smaller and smaller with every new batch of flats built. 😅