Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

112 ratings
Helpful Advice for New Players
By Chickenbomb
Just some helpful tips I've learned from the first 50 or so hours of playtime. This is all general advice for survivors new to the game. This is not meant for advanced play.
Basic Tips
This is all general advice for survivors new to the game. This is not meant for advanced play.

1. If you've been put on a hook for the first time, DO NOT use the "Escape" button, it only has less than 5% chance to succeed, and it drains your life each time you attempt it.

2. If the killer is camping you and it's your first time on the hook, repeatedly start the "Escape" channel/animation but let go of the button before the bar fills up to half. Do it over and over because other survivors can see you hanging, and your movements. It'll signal to them that the killer is close by and/or camping.
I got this info from a different guide for this game, published back in June 2016.

3. If you know a killer is camping another survivor, go repair generators. There really is no point in trying to rescue someone hooked if the killer is still in the general area. DO NOT UNHOOK A SURVIVOR IF THE KILLER IS RIGHT THERE OR CLOSE BY. All it does is give the Killer more points, as they can one shot the person you're saving, and put them right back on the same hook.

4. If you ABSOLUTELY have to rescue someone, and you know the killer isn't camping, wait for more than 2 seconds after the killer has left. The killer knows when someone gets unhooked, and you're only making things worse by freeing someone when the killer can just turn around and kill either one or both of you.

5. Running and vaulting a pallet or a window gives the killer a giant orangey circle to alert them. The signal doesn't specify WHAT happened at that spot, just that a survivor did something to make noise. Sometimes you can use this to your advantage to distract a killer.

6. Going into closets makes a noise, even if you walk in. The Killer won't get a signal like running, but if he's close enough, he'll hear the metal creaking.

7. Crouching is your best friend. If used correctly while trying to get away from the Killer, he could lose track of you.

8. If you're injured, try to avoid running if you know the killer is close. When you run, you leave red scratch marks all around you, that the killer can follow.

9. There are Killer perks that give them the big orange signal when you disturb a crow. The highest rank of this skill has a radius of 36 meters.

10. Other players can heal you. If you get rescued from a hook and the killer isn't around, walk, DON'T RUN, to a good hiding spot, or follow the other survivor and let them heal you. You can cancel the heal at any time by hitting the Run key. Default is Shift.

11. If you see closed bear traps on the map, it means the Killer is the Trapper. That means to be careful when vaulting windows, pallets, fixing gens, or saving other survivors.

12. There is a killer who does not give off a heartbeat (terror radius) until he's practically on top of you, it's Mike Myers. Don't think that just because you don't hear a heart beat, that there's no killer near you.

13. If there are 3 fixed generators and 2 dead survivors, keep an eye out for something on the ground that looks like a metallic hatch. It'll open if you have the Key as an item. The location of the hatch is randomized, and it is only visible if the number of dead survivors and the number of repaired generators adds up to 5. So if you have 3 dead survivors, you'll need 2 generators repaired for the hatch to show up.

14. If you're trying to find a game as a survivor, and the matchmaking seems to be taking forever, go to the main menu and pick the Survive With Friends option. If you ready up from there, the game will start normally. It's a workaround for a lobby glitch.

15. If you want to see the hosts ping, Google a addon called MLGA. It used to be supported by the DbD devs but not anymore because it also gives you the option to blacklist/favorite hosts you play with/against. EAC has stated publicly that they will not ban anyone for use of MLGA, and I still reccomend it, as the ingame ping tool is very inaccurate.

16. Don't drop pallets when you see them, it's a waste. Wait until you're being chased by a killer before you drop them, if you time it correctly, it will stun the killer for a couple of seconds. Dropping pallets before you need them will notify the killer of your location, as well as letting him destroy them whenever he wants. Thanks to Sakura for this tip.
Streborrm 4 Jul, 2017 @ 3:58pm 
Yeah heres a tip for rank 20s. If you get hit and managed to escape killer YOU CAN STOP RUNNING PANICKED LIKE A CHICKEN WITH ITS HEAD CUT OFF.
I watch these guys with bond n empathy 3 and it's like, bro, you lost the killer you don't need to keep sprinting away like hes right behind you (and then run smack right into him cause they are just running and not thinking)

ALSO stop being immersed lol.
Pirate shaped cookie 4 Jul, 2017 @ 12:56pm 
As a killer here are mistakes I see on a regular basis from new players.

1) If you see one of your companions in a dying state; don't rush the unhook. This is time better spent on other activities. While the killer is on the march to a hook they can plan a counter strategy if they sense you. I have taken out three people after a hook with evil within 3 because of the speed upgrade greater lunge and one hit opportunity.

2) You are not that good a pallet looping. Many killers have seen hard core PL and you just don't compair as a novice. They have a sightline advantage as the chaser where you see where you are running.

3) Don't count on the flashlight if you load in with it. I can see it and know who is using it as thier ace in the hole.

I could go on but those are three easy ones.
I want you to get better because it is more fun for me to play vs great players and teams.
anguta_morbhead 4 Jul, 2017 @ 8:42am 
i tryed but if the killer know how to play i am going to die in sec and i try y best. there are just too good killers out there
Aki 4 Jul, 2017 @ 8:02am 
Thank you it helped me a lot, im new to the game ^^
Alexiel_Avadonia 3 Jul, 2017 @ 6:30pm 
it's the safe version of hex checking, only other methods are generators for ruin, getting hit for third seal, and devour hope is generally only if it's too late most of the time unless you see the totem before bad things happen
Alexiel_Avadonia 3 Jul, 2017 @ 6:29pm 
oh and if you wanna check if a killer has hex based perks, go to the nearest dull totem (the white skull things), if it says "Cursed thrill of the hunt" assume the killer probably has more hexes and is using that perk to defend them
Alexiel_Avadonia 3 Jul, 2017 @ 6:28pm 
tons of people don't know the hag trick for some reason :/
Alexiel_Avadonia 3 Jul, 2017 @ 6:28pm 
here's some other good tips for new players on how to make each killer less overwhelming, doc's treatment and therapy don't work from inside closets, hag's traps can be crouched over, constantly break michael's line of sight to prevent him from stalking, it's impossible to disarm trapper traps from running, run erratically to dodge nurse's blink; if she cant predict your movements she can't hit you effciently, listen closely for wraith and michael, you can hear them before they get on top of you, and if you're camping a palette and billy threatens to chainsaw, just duck out of the palette's ally he's probably not gonna be able to make a super sharp turn after it
「The Grand Admiral」 3 Jul, 2017 @ 6:10am 
EHHHH! ik sakura. gg
BigRat 3 Jul, 2017 @ 2:18am 
Pallet lounging is a good way to take a hit. IMO it's better to just drop it and run for the distance it gives you. It's honestly not worth 1000 points if you'll just waste pallets for your team and possibly lose 5000 for dying. Other than that great guide. <3