Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

142 valoraciones
Old state house
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19 JUN 2017 a las 11:45 p. m.
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Old state house

The Old State House of Boston, To add some historic touch to your East-Coast themed cities.
The flag dependency is not essential but strongly recommended for patriotic reasons :)
For historic informations, I'll let my good friend Wikipedia[] tell you more about the place !
Modeled in concordance with my Fallout assets collection.

Custom textures based on photographs of the place (yes, there's the clock and the crest, yes, they were a pain in neck to fit ^^)
Custom LOD (at last, heh)

Polys : 3408
Verts : 5087
11 comentarios
See you at the Party Richter! 30 OCT 2019 a las 12:36 p. m. 
Thank you for making this.
reillycat23 25 JUN 2017 a las 9:14 a. m. 
I'm crying. I love this so much. Thank you. I'm making a city thats a combination if LA and Boston were to mish mash somehow and this is perfect for it. Thanks again,
abusloadofkids 24 JUN 2017 a las 5:43 p. m. 
@andrew.reker this guy knows where its at :)
andrew.reker 24 JUN 2017 a las 1:35 p. m. 
I'm going to assume this is also a subway station ;-)
Zhubathan  [autor] 24 JUN 2017 a las 9:13 a. m. 
@peterwlost : I have a case of overenthuasm when it comes to modeling and I do not keep up with the rest of the work. I currently have many models, both fallout-ish and bostonian, in need of texturing and try to discipline myself to finish them. So I wouldn't like to give you false hopes and promise assets I may end up not delivering :/
That said, I concur on the lack of domed state houses in the workshop. I *MIGHT* give it a shot, given I am doing Bostonian assets at the moment, but this is a big sidetracking endeavour on my other projects.
PeterBar 24 JUN 2017 a las 9:02 a. m. 
so can we hopefully await the massachusetts state capitol coming? Or maybe even other state capitols like the one in montpelier, vermont? :D thats one thin really still missing...
JHDesk 23 JUN 2017 a las 2:49 a. m. 
keep the historic buildings coming theyre fantastic
Zhubathan  [autor] 20 JUN 2017 a las 5:10 a. m. 
@Austin316hockey : Well, Mayor Hancock is inside doing chems, of course :D ...Or wandering the Commonwealth with the Sole Survivor, your guess is as good as mine :)

Thanks for the appreciation !
cosmic_cube_keeper 20 JUN 2017 a las 3:56 a. m. 
Heh, heh, first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this... "Where's Mayor Hancock?"

Excellent job!
Zhubathan  [autor] 20 JUN 2017 a las 12:43 a. m. 
@Appletini : I developed an unhealthy fascination with this city since Fallout 4 :)

A city I wish to visit if I ever travel to the US ! In the meantime, I tinker some assets :)