Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

59 평점
Denying Rhineland at 1936
Lavrentiy Beria 님이 작성
So you want to deny Rhineland? Good for you I know A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WAY:

First and foremost, take all your colonial and cavalry divisions to Maginot Line to guard the border, even if Germany has 100 divs armed to the teeth it will take too much time and blood to make a breakthrough.

Then proceed on granting independence to your colonies, I mean all of them EXCEPT Vietnam due they are your only colonies that have actual resources you use and maybe Lebanon if you want that extra civilian factory. Why? you may ask, simpl: if you TFV you can take advantage of their puppet status and abuse their manpower for extra troops on the future. That's a story for another day, but I do it so in case the scenario as follows doesn't work (IF) so I won't give them those colonies.

Any divisions are too far away to use, delete them, you will need their weapons.

Now for air forces, make sure you put them all to northern France, put fighters and CAS to support your efforts there but for the bombers, put them on night mission only against Germany, get their industry and infastructure to shreds(kind of, you just delay them really heh).

Now for the Italian border in case Italy decides to make something "funny" short to say, move some infantry divisions and all your mountain divisions to the mountains. They will act as deterrence or they will end up having Isonzos to their hands(you know my meaning mate).

So you have lots of divisions left? Good move them all to Paris and PRESS B FOR CHRIST SHAKE so your divisions won't get shrieked by attrition on their way there. When the civil war starts, you proceed and attack the commie territories fast and hard with lots of spare divisions.

But we did left a lot of things out still didn't we, for focuses now. You don't need to be genius, go straight for British alliance and strengthening your NU is all that matters. Otherwise you gonna die spectacular way.

For you navy, put them on a giant doomstack(all of it you ♥♥♥♥) and send them on the North Sea, when the war starts go straight for Search and Destroy on English Channel and German ports on the west NOT BALTIC SEA SHENANIGANS, those two regions only so you won't be spread thin and catch their navy in time. Put your subs on a different fleet and put convoy raiding on same regions.

Once you defeat the Commune with your Parisian Shock Troops, Proceed to move your motorized either to Maginot or reserve but on separate General just in case. Most or all your infantry to the Alps and proceed pushing Italy if you can or hold until you get the Alpine forts focus so you can use many divisions of those later either guarding Belgium or the African front.

Now for you tank divisions, move them all to your northern French ports because Germany would definately try to naval invade you. Don't push your lack. Keep one Tank Brigade and a infantry division on Paris(that one is optional, but you still need those tanks parked there)
On similar note, you will need tank brigades(not divisions) to guard southern ports on same Italian tactic or infantry divisions but make sure they get low priority weapon supplies, you need those elsewhere.

But Frank, I want to attack Germany and defeat them, this sounds like a defense plan and defense plans suck.
I have a solution mate but you gonna need the help of the MIGHTY BRITISH EMPIRE

With the British player, you must make combined battle plans from DAY 1 or otherwise the plan won't work, a reinforced British doomstack the north and Med on the south it will be good to take out Axis navies once and for all, making them cry for eternity.

British player MUST bomb Germany for all of eternity anything above a hamlet and make sure they stay rubble until further notice.

If British player is a stupid coward, none of this would matter. It would only raise world tension just at 25 to 28 and give a free hand to the Soviet Union to attack other nations on the east. A prolonged war only benefits them and them alone. Britain is essential to this battle plan or there is no hope.

Same strategy can apply for Czechoslovakia if happened early.

Well that's my guide folks, a message follows after that:

Like this guide or I will eat your children, curse your parents and let my boi Tyrone take "care" of you for the rest of eternity muahahaaa
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Fanstar1 2017년 12월 29일 오후 8시 15분 
rejecting the rhineland is not allowed in pretty much all multiplayer with homerules
Dreyfus0414 2017년 6월 23일 오후 5시 51분 
German troops march into the rhineland

France: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSaazixWhko
Yellow Umbrella 2017년 6월 22일 오후 6시 58분 
@vixni♥ because France deserves world domination
Vixni 2017년 6월 20일 오후 12시 12분 
but y
Lavrentiy Beria  [작성자] 2017년 6월 18일 오전 11시 09분 
@Andrew This guide is mostly multiplayer wise orientated
andreas 2017년 6월 18일 오전 6시 26분 
When i reject the rhineland, germany just says "okay". No war. Only agaisnt the soviets.