Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Inhalte (5)
Coloured Buttons
Erstellt von Gundahar
Colours the important buttons in the main UI and some others. Prevents miss clicks and vitalizes the somewhat plain UI. Compatibility ● Works with Ironman & multiplayer ● Should work with all other mods that dont change these specific buttons Download http...
Strategic View Adjustments (MP/A variant)
Erstellt von Kondi
Compatible with 1.12 This version of SVA is multiplayer and achievement compatible. For the main mod which includes more extensive changes, ...
Coloured Ship Icons
Erstellt von Lanyakea
Coloured Ship Icons This mod colourizes the ship icons on the map for better visibility. Ironman and Multiplayer compatible I was a bit sceptical about this one at first. It probably isn't as useful as the Coloured Air Force Icons you can reach here. But I...
Coloured Air Force - Standard
Erstellt von Lanyakea
Coloured Air Force - Standard Hey there :) The new air inteface is great and a vast improvement, but it still gets messy at times, right? Have you ever wondered whether these nifty new aircraft icons in the Air Mapmode could use some colour in order to mak...
Japanese Language mod
Erstellt von flowlanss
本ModはVer1.11.13で更新を停止しています。 ver1.12以降はこちらをご利用ください。 Ironman Compatible(実績解除可能) このModは、Hearts of Iron IVを日本語化するModです。 すべてのDLCにも対応しています。 日本語化の内容について、センシティブな表現がある場合がありますが、ゲーム内のフレーバー的表現を尊重しているにすぎず、特定の民族等を貶める意図は一切ありません。 使い方 (ゲーム初回起動の場合)ランチャーからプレイをクリックし、ゲーム本体を起動後...