Оценок: 272
Tekken Psychology a.k.a Yomi
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How does One win a Fight?

Obviously, it's when you drop your Opponent's HP to 0 -- but the Process of emptying your Opponent's HP is what matters, really.

Have you ever heard/thought about "The Invisible War"?

Yomi - The Japanese expression for Mind Games commonly used in gaming. It's the intuitive process of determining the situation, Observing your Opponent's habits, Anticipating their move, Execution of Effective Strategies, Manipulation of Deceitful Play, and Abusing their weakness/es.

So how does One successfully take advantage of such situation?

В избранное
В избранном
First of all, having an idea on what's this game's all about is important.
The Mastery of your Character
By mastery, I mean not just knowing your character's every move but the ability to maximize all of it's capabilities - effectively, The Knowledge of successfully landing your Punishers, The Knowledge of Juggling & Okizeme(Ground Game), Wall Game, Wall Splat, Bound, Screw, Power Crush, Wave Dash, Back Dash, Korean Back Dash, Counter Hitting.
Observation Skills
(a)Reading your Opponent's Habits and Reaction.

(b)Knowing the rhythm of your Opponent is crucial, an experienced Tekken Player will always find ways to deceive you; to make you bite his/her traps. Always return the favor: Counter your Opponent's counter; start processing it with your mind first.

(c)Grab the opportunity of gaining the "Upperhand" when there's a chance, always look for an opening then strike hard.
Hightened Awareness
(a)Having a good reflex is a plus, it occurs naturally when you're experienced with different characters in different situations. Just like how every Human has different personalities, they too, have different Mannerisms and Habits with their characters -- altering your perception with that specific character; enabling yourself to Adjust and Adapt, therefore "Learning" something new that would be kept in your Unconscious Mind and shall pop-out with your Reflex Actions when placed in a familiar situation. It's like you're collecting cards, placing it down, and revealing it at the right time where/when it's most effective.

(b)Stage/Map Familiarization also plays an important role especially if it involves: (b1)Floor Break & (b2)Wall Break -- It is important to know when and how to successfully execute effective combos when such situation occur.

(c)Set-up & Launchers are always something to look out for, the Result is the Sum of your Spacing, Decision Making, and Reflex.
FPS Game
(a)Startup Frames is the time interval(measured in frames) where an attack will approach the Opponent. This plays an important role in Punishing Games, Set-up & Launchers, Counter Hitting & Poking.

(b)Active Frames is the time(measured in frames) where the move's damage actually gets inflicted to the Opponent. Normally it only has one frame interval but some moves will have bigger active frame window, which affects the property of an attack on different situations.

(c)Recovery Frames is the time required before the animation of a move ends before the character is allowed to do another move(usually measured in frames). This is important to understand as it enables you to have a good perception in connecting your attacks.(Kazuya's PEWGF(Perfect Electric Wind God Fist) is a 13 Frame Launcher -- to execute a successful follow-up PEWGF after doing an ordinary EWGF(14f-15f) or PEWGF, recovery frame must be observed and understood).
Delaying Tactics
This is the Very Art of Yomi(Mind Games).

(a)Spacing is very important as it enables you to clear your Uncertainties with your Decision Making and will provide you a good Perception of the situation that you're in. Also, Spacing(with Side Steps & Back Dashes) provides a good distance to avoid getting trapped, and to make your Opponent whiff -- a good opportunity to Punish.

(b)Counter Hitting requires a strict Timing and Intuition -- made easy with proper Delayed Attacks. But beware though... As Delaying Tactics could be the cause of your own defeat when not used properly.

(c)Side Stepping is a great move to perform as it enables you to dodge several attacks, surprise enemies, uncovering an opportunity to perform Punishers & Launchers if you catch your Opponent off-guard BUT it could also be the cause of your own defeat due to Homing Attacks(Homing Attack is a type of attack that hit an opponent even when they sidestep).

(d)Wake Up Game strictly depends on your good Anticipation and Delaying Tactics on when to get up or rise when it's most safe, another option would be to perform a rising attack from lying on the ground.

(e)Tech Trap is a great modus to perform as it provides you a good amount of Options and Opportunities hence gaining the advantage of handling the Mind Games against your knocked Opponent. Delayed Unblockable Attack + Proper Timing shall land successfully on a rising Opponent.

(f)While Running - provides you a good amount of Options and Oppotunities as well -- with your Observation Skill, you'd know When, Where, and What to attack. You may also cancel your Dash and deceive your Opponent into a Set-up, Power Crush, or Launcher.
(a)Poking is effective for combo breaking(tenstrings) and it's also used to determine your Opponent's Reaction from several attacks. It surprises your Opponent -- ruining their rhythm. Also, Low Framed Pokers are Great Punishers.

(b)Low Hit Attacks are Fighting Games' Classic Attacks/Finishers/Punishers/Set-Ups; Low Hit Attacks always involve Psychological Warfare against your Opponent. It's Abusive and Annoying whenever it lands. People hate it, You hate it, I hate it. But against an Experienced Player who could actually Anticipate your Low Attacks with your Character's Animation, Low Hit Attacks aren't different from a High and a Mid Attack.

(c)Power Crush is a type of move introduced in Tekken 7. These moves absorb damage from a Mid or a High attack, and it still continues despite taking damage. It is Vulnerable from a Low Hit Attack though.

(d)Repetition is effective if you could read your Opponent's Bad Habits. It is also good for annoying People who kept on falling for the same Trick. But it is also bad as it'd make you more Readable, Predictable, and Vulnerable to Counters.
"The best defense is a good offense" is true. It always provide you a good opening for opportunities.

(a)Spacing - See Delaying Tactics' (a).

(b)Parry is risky as it requires a strict timing to be effective but proper execution is very Rewarding.

(c)Low Parry is risky as well as it requires a strict timing and distance to be effective but very Rewarding with proper execution as it opens you to various Options for Okizeme.
Is having the Ability to Read and Predict your Opponent's Mind and Next Move; With intuition and experience, such ability is possible to use; It requires a Good amount of Practice; Great amount of Time and Experience against Human Players; The Ability to Outsmart Opponent's Yomi; Abusing your Opponent's Weaknesses; Taking Advantage of your Opponent's Bad Habits; Proper Attitude; Lightning Fast Decision Making; Hightened Awareness; Wide Perspective; And Great Mentality.
If I ever missed some good Pointers, pardon me for this is my 1st Guide.

I'd like to thank www.tekkenzaibatsu.com for providing me the Tekken Knowledge that I needed since 2005(I hope I didn't disappoint you guys with this Guide that I wrote).

For those of you who aren't familiar with Tekken Terminologies, please check: http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/wiki/Tekken_Jargon

Thank you very much.
Комментариев: 14
Blurring 5 сен. 2023 г. в 19:07 
Thanks for the insight!
ferventfoureyes 12 апр. 2023 г. в 23:07 
Very insightful! Like someone else mentioned, just add a segment for throw breaks! Otherwise, FANTASTIC!
ᴛᴀʟᴜ 🐦 8 апр. 2023 г. в 4:46 
Dorya is all you need to win the game
Bubastis 26 янв. 2023 г. в 20:31 
Remeber to ki charge
Ass Krumper 19 сен. 2021 г. в 3:33 
1 jab -> command grab
some1 26 июн. 2021 г. в 6:27 
Love the mindset. This is not only a guide to be better at Tekken. I appreciate your work =)
DiscoDuck 10 ноя. 2020 г. в 12:23 
I didn't know Sun Tzu had a Steam account.
< blank > 7 окт. 2017 г. в 20:05 
good game
Tekken 8 is NOT Fun!!!!!!! 6 окт. 2017 г. в 15:24 
decent guide for beginners...especially the PC heads. But you forgot one of the most important defensive options in the game and thats throw breaks. Hella simplified in T7 but much harder to do consistently in older Tekkens especially in Tag1 where throw escape timing was hella strict. Plus reading which hand/arm is extended 1st to know which throw to break(right hand extended means right throw or 2+4...left hand extended means left throw or 1+3 etc). Also...studying the character's roster to know who has what tools available to them such as Reversals, Parries, Punch Parries, Specific limb punch Parries (King's Right Punch Parry), and Reversals that can be "Chickened" in other words, Reversals that can be reversed for small damage. Up until T7, DJ(Devil Jin) had a reversal that could be chickened but he got some bullshit that takes damage and acts as an counter for any hit property on an any attack...lame.
Bachuuu 19 июл. 2017 г. в 15:16 
Good stuff