Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

108 valoraciones
A Pilot's Guide To The Huey
Por Kidd Nelson y 1 colaboradores
Always wanted to fly in RS2 but not sure your ready? This guide will describe the basics/advanced tips to becoming a legendary Huey pilot. The guide will discuss landing positions, controls, landing areas, crash landings and how to avoid AA and RPGs.
What Is the Huey
The Bell UH-1 Iroquois also known by it's nickname Huey, is a transport helicopter that was used in the Vietnam war to transport soldiers to the battlfield or for reinforcement needs. The Huey was also used in the medical department to take wounded soldiers from the battlefield to hospital tents located in the main base of operations. This helicopter was powered by a single turboshaft engine, with two-blade main and tail rotors.

I'm using the advanced flight model, I have used basic and advanced and have not noticed a big diffrenece. If you are use to flying in Arma like I am, use advanced flight model but if you are just starting out use the basic flight model. The controls are quite easy to get the hang of. Using W will Tilt the nose down S will tip the nose up, A will yaw the heli left D will yaw the heli right. Landing at first is a bit daunting. However, you are able to learn by entering the helicopter range, the landing process can be hard depending on were your trying to land. The easiest way to land is fly over a landing zone, press G to hover and slowly progress downwards. But this is the worse type of landing and will get you killed constantly. One of the most commom ways of landing is flying towards a landing zone while tilting the nose backwards and reducing throttle which will slow you down enough to perform a smooth landing. But there are many tight landing zones which require more than that. For These Landing Zones you will need to use Q and E, Q will turn your heli left and E will turn your heli right. If your trying to land in a tight space use Q or E and reduce throttle to start lowing your helicopter, while your using Q or E use your mouse as a guide for your landing. What ever you do DON'T reduce the throttle all the way down, doing this will result in either killing yourself and others aboard or hitting the ground to hard that your wreck your heli, only fully reduce throttle if your close enough to the ground. Leave some throttle on to ensure a smooth landing.
Landing Zones - An Lao Vally
Im using An Lao Vally as a exmaple to landing zones since it's the most common map for using the huey. I will discuss what landing zones are easy and what landing zones require more skill.

This Is one of the Most common landing spots for landing and is quite easy to perform a smooth landing. This landing zone is located near Foxtrot, Delta and Echo.

This landing zone is also quite common and easy to land but more dangerous, this is due to it being quite close to Bravo which most of the Vietcong spawn around. Usually 1 soldier with a RPG will sit around that specific landing zone waiting in the bushes for you to land, then before you know it you and all the passengers have been blown out the sky, so be mindful of that.

Now this landing zone if only only a couple of meters away from the previous landing zone, but it's more difficult to land and still post a dangerous threat to you. This landing zone doesn't give alot of landing space and you will need to use Q or E and the help of your mouse to be able to pull this landing off. Remember don't decrease or your throttle leave some for a smooth landing. Also keep mind the RPGs.

Now this Landing zone is a death wish as it's straight on Charlie, This is one of the most fought for control points and it will always have vietcong scurrying aroud. It also depends on which side you land on, landing straight will most likley get you killed since your facing the way the enemy comes from. Landing so that your tail is facing the oppsite way could work, however, it poses a threat to your tail rotar. Also there will mostly likey be a RPG class there waiting for a chance to blow you into oblivion. Landing here doesn't take alot of skill, it's just extremely dangerous.

Even though you are still landing pretty much on Charlie, this landing zone is more of a preferd spot. This Landing zone reduces many risk form landing on the previous LZ since it's a safe distance away from the enemy and will save your life and ensure better saftey for your passengers. It's a tight squeeze however and will need a good pilot to succesfully land. But it's better to land there if your team has taken Charlie.

These are not all the landing zones just the most used, you can land pretty much anywhere.
Landing Zones - Song Be
Now the Song Be landing zones have been requested alot, so I have decided to play jump into a empty server and find suitable landing zones. These landing zones however are only basic, I couldn't find any hardcore landing zones.

The first Landing zone is located at G, this Landing zone doesn't require a load of skill to perform a landing, you don't have to worrry about theats such as any vietcong with Rpgs or just regular infantry men. Also make sure to watch out for the bushes, the hitbox for them seems to be a little wider than they appear to be.

The second closest landing zone is E (Echo) This landing zone as well as G doesn't require a master pilot. However the way you postion the Huey is very important. The way I have postioned the huey is on a angle, this will allow the gunner on the side closest echo to lay down covering fire for a short period of time until everyone has bailed. I have noticed alot of vietcong with RPGs sit around here so be mindful.

Now You have mastered 2 quite easy landing zones, however C (Charlie) will have you in for a ride.This landing zone requires you have quite some skill in situational awareness and controlling due this this landing zone being directly on a hill amongst trees and rocks it can prove to be a challenge at times especially if you have vietcong spraying bullets at you. Make sure to watch your back rotar for any objects that may be behind you.

Now the problem with this landing zone is your quite open from attacks. This landing zone is known as F (Foxtrot). The image you see is about as close as your gonna get to the point due to the thick bushed and trees preventing you from finding a landing zone with cover, so make sure to lift of as soon as your passengers bail from the heli. watch for Snipers as they tend to sit around this area.

Now B (Bravo) Landing zone is a bit of a sneaky one, You can come in for a landing directly behind the point, besides your passengers will gain the high ground. Usually you can just reduce throtttle and take your heli in for a gentle landing, your not open to alot of threats however, I would still keep a ear out for those pesky RPGs.

Now for (A) landing zone you have entered into the heart of enemy territory I would only suggest landing here once you gained control of most points. This is were most vietcong will spawn so yes it's extremely high threat.

I am open to any landing zones you have found useful, please don't be afraid to mention them below.
Crash Landings
Crash landings can occur if you have either been hit with a RPG, have your tail blown of, tail rotar damage, main rotar damage or you have been hit some many times you loose power.
Now you may be wondering, how to I survive a crash landing. Lets say you have just had your tail rotar taken out, your helicopter will start spinning. To reduce spinning lower the throttle on the heli this will stabilize the heli and you should be able to return to base and get your helicopter repaired.
But lets say you have found yourslef in a more serious situation, you have just had the whole of your back tail blown off. now you will start spinning rapidly, lowering your throttle wont help but you can have a safe crash landing. first try and get a estimate on where abouts you are then decrease most but not all throttle and brace for impact. Now if your main rotar has been destroyed and your quite high in the sky then you better hope for the best. however, if you close to the ground you should just slide depending where abouts you are when your rotar is hit.
Avoiding AA And RPGs
Lets first talk about RPGs, on An Loa Vally 64 player battles there will usually be always 2 RPG men. A good RPG player will usually make accurate predictions on where and how far the heli is. They usually sit around Landing Zones waiting for you. However, flying low can save you to a extent. If your flying in the same route they will wait for you to come back and then blow you out the sky. However if your good at flying it shouldn't be a problem. Flying high can usually help avoid RPGs but you have to land sometime.

Now onto AA, AA can be set up by the vietcong commander. Most of the time one of your teammates will tell you over the mic that they have AA up. If your flying at medium to high point you
will hear beeping this is indercating that you have been locked on to. If the beeping turns into a solid beep it's pretty much to late for you. But to avoid AA you can fly low, if you hear the beeping decrease throttle and decend to a low level and the beeping should stop.
Now I know this has been mentioned in other huey guides. But please if the pilot lands hop out, they wont wait for you to jump out. As it has been said don't say "I'm gonna be a huey gunner". The pilots need the extra points for the next passengers that spawn in. If your playing with a friend it's up to them wether they decide to let you stay in or not. Support your team rather than sitting in the gunner seat hitting jack sh*t.
I hope this guide has turned you into a teacher rather than a learner, Have you mastered the skies yet learned how to land and what to avoid? tell me below. If you have enjoyed this guide don't forget to rate and share it to anyone wanting learn how to fly. Thanks again, safe flying!
12 comentarios
Jc929 19 JUN 2021 a las 17:52 
There is one mare way to land that is even more difficult but can get you down in high intensity fights fast.
- Go towards the point you want to land at full speed with 2/3 collective then roll to 90 degrees and turn left or right this kills your speed with your main rotor and causes you to drop you should end up at about treetop level.
-then level out and drop the collective to 0 and get on the ground.
if done right you can get from the air to landed in about 10 seconds but it takes practice to get it right.
rigby250 20 OCT 2017 a las 23:05 
@Superduper372 you should never land in combat with G. this makes you VERY vulnerable to enemy fire and will always get you killed. I would suggest going into a practice room and practicing a normal landing before choosing the transport pilot in a full ame to avoid harassment.
Superduper372 20 OCT 2017 a las 15:57 
Yo I have trouble landing. Ok how I land is I press G which auto hovers and I slowly go down IF I am directly over where I am going to land but I usally have to go around a few times before I land and I get alot and I mean A LOT of people with mics saying "Jee where did he get his pilot license?" And shit like that I hope you can give me some tips. Thanks.
O-D-COLE 15 OCT 2017 a las 2:51 
There is also a LZ in Song Be that I use a lot due to its strategic location. If you ever need to cap A, this is the LZ for you. Basically when heading towards A, stay on the right hand side of the river and land in the small fishing village straight accross from A. This LZ is protected by small buildings and plenty of trees so it is highly unlikely you will be killed after you have landed. This LZ may require more skill depending on where you land, there is a large open field and a much smaller farmland area which is surrounded by waist high fences. The smaller LZ has one or two trees and small buildings that you will have to be careful not to destroy your helicopter but has more protection from incoming fire.
☯CentaurW4♞ 28 SEP 2017 a las 23:25 
I thumbed up this guide just because I don't actually know you can land near Charlie. How about another guide for all the place you can land in Song Be?
SupermarioPS 28 SEP 2017 a las 6:59 
Like all the other Chopper guides lacks a hint for passengers/SL to place LZ smoke for safe/desired LZ. Coordination is a life saver.
Done with T + MMB or selecting a Landing Zone via the command wheel. Rookie pilots with a smashed Rotor will live to crash another day.
arj202 the jumpbear 27 SEP 2017 a las 14:24 
Best guide i have ever seen. You helped me learn how to fly and i am now mostly only a pilot.
Kidd Nelson  [autor] 2 JUL 2017 a las 6:42 
@frost I haven't really played Song Be personally. However, Doominater might have some idea ill check with him.
Frost 2 JUL 2017 a las 5:51 
Hey mate, great guide for a begginers like me :D Learned a lot but still I've got issues to smothly landing. Anyway, I've got a question - could you post a list with good LZ's for Song Be? It's actually pretty hard to find a good spot to land there
Kidd Nelson  [autor] 12 JUN 2017 a las 14:15 
I completely forgot about that, thanks again.