Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

96 ratings
Tips for new players
By The Last Monkey on Mars
I wanted to make a quick tip post for new players coming to the rising storm games who have never played this kind of game before. I see a lot of the same mistakes made in this game that you don't really see very often in the older games, and I assume this is because there are a lot of people playing this new game who have no experience with this style of game.
Play your role
-If you're new to the game, choose grunt. They are very effective and versatile. You'll notice when choosing your roles, grunt is the most widely available role, this is because grunts are mostly used for collective firepower, but also to put pressure on the enemy, and eventually, to die. Grunts are cannon fodder; Useful but expendable. The other roles are mostly support roles and they should be played to support the grunts do their job.

-Pointmen are good for close quarters combat, but more importantly they carry arguably one of the most important tools in the game: the smoke grenade. Use this every chance you get. This is a good role to play as squad leader.

-Squad leaders are the leaders of 5 other soldiers and you are responsible for communicating with your squad, the team, and the commander. The squad leader's role is not to f-ing die. Do not die often as squad leader. Stay close to combat, but remain in concealed areas or areas that offer good cover, but a good vantage point of the capture point. If you're on the American side, you are the mobile spawn point, it is very important that you stay alive so that your squad can quickly spawn on you, otherwise they will constantly have to respawn from the back of the map causing rienforcements to the battle take longer, and it is generally annoying having run to the fight only to die again and have to do it all over again 2 or 3 more times. If you're on the Vietnamese side, you need to make a tunnel using your pick ax early on in the game. Place them close to objectives that you are defending/attacking. Tunnels act as spawn points for your squad and are very useful for quickly attacking/defending points and allow the Vietnamese team play with a bit more flexible attacks. Build a tunnel first in a safe area close to an objective, then sneak around the enemies flanks and place one behind enemy lines. This is good for a quick ambush attack that can disrupt enemy attacks on other objectives. A very important job of squad leaders is to use your binoculars. Aim with RMB and mark with LMB. You mark points on the map that would be good targets for airstrikes. This is something only squad leaders can do, and it is an essential duty of squad leader. This role can be played without a mic, but you must communicate somehow with your team. That being said, if you can, please use your mic. This role is so much more rewarding for you and your team if you talk in game. A team where all the squad leaders are talking and the commander is talking, rarely loses, and if you do lose, it was still a hard fought match and feels rewarding still.

-Machine Gunner is a support role. Use your firepower to suppress the enemy. Notice how used the word "suppress" and not "kill". You are a support role, and you can get plenty of kills as a machine gunner, but if you play this role trying to get as many kills as possible, you are doing yourself and your team no favors. Suppress enemy positions to allow the grunts and pointment to get close and cap a point. If you are defending, then use this role to cut off routes to the objective, or completely halt the enemies advance. Machine gunners can be a huge nightmare for the enemy if you play your role right.

-Other support roles: Sapper, Grenadier, RPG Trooper. These roles are good for enemy suppression. Sappers are good for making traps and are mostly a defensive role.

-Commander/radioman: The commander is the role in the game where only very experienced players should be filling in. To properly play this role, you really need a mic and actually use it. There aren't any exceptions. You need to communicate with the team and squad leaders to coordinate plans for attacking and defending. The more vocal you are, the better. Radiomen need to be around the commander at all times. For a commander to call in airstrikes or really anything, they need a radio to call it in. This is where the radioman comes in. You allow the commander to call in support and stay mobile. Commanders can call in support without a radioman, but there are only so many radios around the map and radiomen allow commanders to call in support quicker because commanders don't need to run across the map to do it.

-Combat pilots and trasport pilots are not roles I know really well and is best left for someone else to ellaborate on.
Play the ♥♥♥♥ing objective. I see this way too often on this game where there are 6 friendlies on the edge of the cap zone and not moving in to cap it. This isn't because they are pinned down, but because they are waiting for the enemy to pop up and blow their head off. This is doing a disservice for your entire team playing this way. Every map has cap zones marked blue and red. The blue ones are friendly zones and if it is blinking red, that means it's getting attacked and you need defend it. Red zones are enemy territories and you need to work with your team to attack it. Both defending and attacking has not so much to do with killing the enemy team. Though killing the enemy team in the objective is the ultimate goal, the means to completeing that goal is to get in the objective. GET INSIDE THE OBJECTIVE. I cannot stress this enough. GET INSIDE THE RED/BLUE ZONE ON THE MAP. MAKE SURE YOUR CHARACTER IS OVERLAPPED IN THE BLUE/RED ZONE ON THE MAP. This is because you can kill as many enemies inside the objective as you want, as long as there are more of them in there than there is of your team, they keep/capture the objective. You need bodies in the objective. When attacking an objective, it does no one any good whatsoever to just be taking pot shots at enemies inside the objective with 5 of your buddies. If the coast is clear, run into the objective. If the coast isn't clear, ask for help, call out enemies, clear the way. If it is still not clear, ask for the commander to call support. If it is still not clear, you are going to have to charge into the bullets with your team and hope enough of you make it to kill a few enemies, after a few waves of attack, you should be chipping away at the enemy to finally make a beach head on the objective for your team to get into the objective. REMEMBER TO PLAY YOUR ROLES.
Use your mic!
Not everyone in the match absolutely needs a mic. But a perfect, ideal game is where the squad leaders have a mic and the commander has a mic. If you have a mic, use it.
Be aware, be Patient
Try to avoid falling into a pattern of running back to the battlefield and forgetting to slow down and be cautious and get killed in the middle of the street. Sprint to get closer to where the action is, but remember where the lines in the battlefield are, and be patient. Find the right time to peak your head out. Find the right time to charge a point. Remember though, even if you do everything right, you will still die plenty. The goal in this game is to not die unless you are doing something to help your team.
The importance of killing
The game's scoreboard has no k/d. It shows how many kills you got, but not how much you have died. This is because while kills are good for the game, k/d is not that important. You will regularly see top players have 2 to 5 kills. This is because caping points and defending points give you higher scores. Killing an enemy while inside a cap will give you more points, killing enemies inside their cap will give you more points. Capping a point gives 12 times the points as getting one kill. Also, you will die far more often than you kill in this game. It's important to accept that. This is not cod. Getting 30 kills and no deaths as a grunt is rare and the people who do that usually do it by playing some dirty tricks like camping or flanking the enemies solo behind their lines.
Drifto616 18 Mar, 2021 @ 2:27pm 
game has 1 full server like wtf
AceLagu 12 Mar, 2021 @ 5:41pm 
how can i connect my xbox1 to this game?
Hunter 15 Jan, 2021 @ 3:32am 
Buffhungstud69 28 Aug, 2020 @ 8:17am 
transport and combat pilots are not hard to use however i would recommend inversing the mouse before you fly its a lot easier but do not fly a public match until your comfortable with landing without blowing up. another issue i see is people flying full speed at the objectives and never slow down just to crash into rocks. if you play the practice and pilot if you can land in all 3 yellow smokes quickly and not crash your more then ready to fly in a game with people shooting at you.
For combat pilots the goal of the loach is to spot no more no less the guns are not that good to encourage you to fly over however its not a bad idea to atleast shoot a little bit but dont make it your main concern your job is to spot for your team and keep the commander alive so he can call marks and get better marks the cobra is a bit heavy and the cannon is a bit off kill tunnels entrenched and pierce buildings co pilot is to suppress
T h e A M a n 23 Aug, 2020 @ 3:30pm 
don't be a transport pilot if you don't know how to fly
LarryMK 23 Aug, 2020 @ 11:13am 
can somebody please tell me how to work a mic in the game
sr grey. 8 Nov, 2017 @ 8:39am 
I can tell that the guide pic isnt from Rising storm and its 100% taken from subrosa discord,xddd git gud cuddles
Silly Goy 17 Jul, 2017 @ 4:39pm 
@sledgehammer. Attrition is good and all but it is still better to go hard playing the objective and die 10 times than camping outside for only kill points just to not die. Unless a good sniper who is really making a dent.
oomph 13 Jun, 2017 @ 8:13pm 
Mr. Aronson that isn't very good advice.
Sedghammer 12 Jun, 2017 @ 4:52pm 
Have to disagree with the K/D argument. You can win by attrition quite easily.