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How Stealth Mechanics Work (My Journey to "S" Rank)
Tilted tarafından
Basically, I made a couple of test maps to try and figure out what triggers what points bonuses at the end of a map, to maximise my score and gain "S" Rank on all maps.

This Guide will be Short & Sweet.
If you have any feedback or want info on other abilities that I've missed, just ask and I'll be happy to test it and add it into this simple guide.
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  • There are built- in Penalties for killing guys. I have confirmed with the Developers that S rank is ony possible with a "No Kills + No Detections" run.
  • Killing an enemy will "Disturb them" - but if you Murderize 'em you get +100 points anyway (but no S Rank)
  • Restarting from Checkpoints is fine as long as you reload it before your Death Animation completes.
  • Distracted only counts it you don't kill the guy. AKA if you distract him, even if he then returns to his route, then kill him, you get +100 for "Hostile Killed" instead of +100 for "Hostile Distracted"

Complete Stealth.
You can only get this if you don't kill anyone S Rank + All-Kills is therefore impossible at this time.

Test Map for you to practice the Mechanics on;

Reloading Checkpoints
It turns out that this little discovery, on its own has saved me huge amounts of frustration. I initially thought you had to do the whole Chapter in one run, no restarts, but;

It seems that loading froma checkpoint, even after being killed, if fine and will not reset the "No Respawns"- as long as you reload the checkpoint before your death animation.
Hostile Distracted
Every time you "distract" an enemy, these add +100 to score. (If you don't distract them, and only leave them Undisturbed (see the next section), you still gain the same +100 score.

Things you can do to Distract;
-Ringing the Bell (unlocked mid-game)
-If you get a Full-White bar (really only possible on Easy / 1 Skull)
-Use a Clone

Be aware that getting seen is not Distracted, but Spotted - and bad.

IF YOU KILL THE GUY, YOU DON'T GET A DISTRACTED BONUS. This holds true, even if you let him go back to his previous Route.
Hostile Undisturbed
Hostile Undisturbed
+100 Points, just the same as "Hostile Distracted". So Either method is fine on any combination of enemies for increasing your score.

  • Kurosaga (Blinding Sands) does not Disturb Hostiles.
  • Killing an enemy will "Disturb them" - so you are better off to Distract them.
Distracted / Spotted / Detected

: No 'Detection bar' animation at all.


: If you get a Full-White bar (really only possible on Easy / 1 Skull)


Player Spotted:
if you get a Full-Yellow bar
DECREASES SCORE (BAD) - will fail S rank.

Player Detected
: If you get a Full-Red bar
DECREASES SCORE (BAD) - will fail S rank.
Other Bonuses
No Respawns.
Don't die, or reload Checkpoint before your Death Animation completes.

No Alerts.
When they Blow that Horn and they all come running, no S Rank for you (reload your save quickly enough though and you're fine.)

Complete Stealth.
You can only get this if you don't kill anyone. I think that this is a bug. I have spoken with the Developers and this is an intended mechanic. S rank is only possible if you obtain zero detections, and zero kills.
My Test Map
A pretty Simple (It could have been simpler) Map with 3 Enemies (2 stationary, one roaming) so that I could test Various Stealth Mechanics for writing this Guide.

Feel Free to use it to test your own theories, and comment in here if you think you've found something that I need to update for this guide.

Test Map on Steam Workshop;
Final Words
"S" Rank seems a little messy now. At the time of writing this it was locked to 100% perfection, with no kills. It seems that after the DLC was released the requirements have been lowered, which makes achieving S easier.

The Devs now consider the game 'finished', have stated that revisiting Aragami isn't on the table for them, as they are working on a new game, and fixing bugs across platforms is... problematic.

The information contained within this guide is still accurate, it just may be that achieving S is now a much easier matter. I have not (and don't intend to) do multiple runs to find where that threshold is. Besides, perfection is possible, so why settle for less? :)

Have fun on the stabby stabby!

24 Yorum
ба бах 14 May 2023 @ 8:55 
Insert Name Here 27 Ağu 2021 @ 8:40 
Turns out that you can reload from checkpoints if your game accidentally crashes , so be sure to Alt-F4 out of an unfavourable situation.
Insert Name Here 27 Ağu 2021 @ 2:21 
Is this still up to date? I tested Chs. 1 and 3 and the No Respawns bonus now disappears if you reload from a checkpoint at any time.
Tilted  [yaratıcı] 6 Haz 2021 @ 21:36 
re read it. they updated one last time after I wrote this. I haven't updated it all. GG's anyway.
BottomScorer 5 Haz 2021 @ 13:39 
"I have confirmed with the Developers that S rank is ony possible with a "No Kills + No Detections" run."

Not true. I have S rank with "All Threats Killed".
Wesu. 3 Haz 2020 @ 9:50 
Yeah, I got an S rank on chapter 12, Never Detected and All Threats Killed.. So you can really get an S by killing stuff.
tuxdelux 23 May 2020 @ 11:26 
I got Rank S on the first chapter with Never Detected and All Threats Killed.
blaccdixk 18 Ara 2019 @ 19:04 
No problem, glad I could help, and thank you for your guide!
Tilted  [yaratıcı] 18 Ara 2019 @ 19:00 
They've definitely changed something, you've discovered some kind of bug I'll have to hit Lion (Dev, whome I'm in contact with); you see it SHOULD NOT be an S rank because you got spotted (-200) and due to that you didn't get the "complete stealth" bonus: both of which are required for a 'true' S rank.

I'll have to reinstall, rerun this but I"ll hit the devs up. I think they need to rework something in here. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll get tot he bottom of it, then update you / the guide depending on what I find out
blaccdixk 18 Ara 2019 @ 15:45 
Sorry to double post but it looks like the scrolls didn't add any points in either run