Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

67 valoraciones
High quality 60/120/144 FPS Interpolation
Por MrClonkig
In this guide you will learn how to make high quality interpolated videos using StaxRip and SVPflow in your desired framerate.
EDIT: Smooth Video Project Pro has now a build in transcoding feature that enables easy converting videos to a high framerate. If you don't want to spend some money you can still use this guide but if you're a lazy guy I highly recommend buying it here: Buy SVP Pro[www.svp-team.com]

In this guide you will learn how to make high quality interpolated videos in your desired framrate. 60fps is just an example and I am using it because most users probably are having a monitor that can only output 60hz. You can bascially make any framerate you desire but beware this will take more resources and time and the final product may vary.

How does this work? It's bascially like the technique used from big TV companies to make the image more fluid. It is just much better because it is customizable. Some fancy complex math does this magic. This is also my first guide I have made so please be gentle. I am open for constructive criticism. English is also not my native language so there might be some grammar errors.
Why you need it

"It looks much more lifelike and it is much easier to watch, especially in 3-D." - Peter Jackson

"3D shows you a window into reality; the higher frame rate takes the glass out of the window" - James Cameron

Although HFR version of Hobbit has not been and possibly will never be released on Blu-ray, you can get almost the same experience at home with SVP.

Also take a look at some examples[www.svp-team.com] that explain why it is worth to try it out.

This is copied from: https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Main_Page
If you want to know more about it just visit their website.
Stuff you'll need
  • A good CPU. More cores and threads the better. A fairly new quad core should be fine.
  • High quality source material. (Blu-Ray, DVD, Good Youtube Video, etc)
  • Any 64bit Windows should be fine.
  • StaxRip[github.com]
  • SVPflow[www.svp-team.com] (Scroll down to the very bottom at additional downloads)
  • Latest 64 bit Python version[www.python.org] (Choose either Windows x86-64 executable installer or Windows x86-64 web-based installer. You'll need to scroll down after you clicked on the version number.)
  • AviSynth+ x64[www.avs-plus.net]
  • VapourSynth x64[github.com] (This NEEDS to be installed after Python)
Installing stuff
We need to install Python first before we can install VapourSynth. Execute Python and please choose customize installation and check the mark to install for all users at the Advanced Options part. After installing Python install VapourSynth and AviSynth+.

Extract StaxRip in a destination of your choice. I have used "C:\program files\StaxRip" in this example. You can extract it anywhere you want.

Open StaxRip. On the first run a window should open that asks for a settings directory. Just select anyone. I personally prefer to keep all data at the directory of the program itself which should be the first selection. This window should only pop up once. Once StaxRip is open it should look like the picture below.

Click on Filters -> Filters Setup -> VapourSynth. After that click on Tools -> Directories -> Plugins. A new window will open. Extract here the content from the svpflow "lib-windows\vapoursynth\x64" folder

Creating templates
Open StaxRip and double click on source in the "Filters" section in StaxRip and a new window called code editor will open.

Insert the following in "Source" and name it "ffms2".

clip = core.ffms2.Source(r"%source_file%", cachefile = r"%temp_file%.ffindex")

Checkmark "Resize" and insert the following and name it "svp".
IMPORTANT: Please replace "threads=4" with your PC's threadcount.
core = vs.get_core(threads=4) clip = clip.resize.Bicubic(format=vs.YUV420P8) crop_string = "" resize_string = "" super_params = "{pel:1,scale:{up:0},gpu:1,full:false,rc:true}" analyse_params = "{block:{w:32},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,distance:-6,bad:{sad:2000}},type:2}},refine:[{thsad:4000}]}" smoothfps_params = "{gpuid:11,rate:{num:5,den:2},algo:23,mask:{area:50,cover:80},scene:{mode:0}}" def interpolate(clip): input = clip if crop_string!='': input = eval(crop_string) if resize_string!='': input = eval(resize_string) super = core.svp1.Super(input,super_params) vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(super["clip"],super["data"],input,analyse_params) smooth = core.svp2.SmoothFps(input,super["clip"],super["data"],vectors["clip"],vectors["data"],smoothfps_params,src=clip) smooth = core.std.AssumeFPS(smooth,fpsnum=smooth.fps_num,fpsden=smooth.fps_den) return smooth smooth = interpolate(clip) smooth.set_output()

It should then look something like in the picture below. After that hit OK.

Click on MKV on the very right and select MP4. Then click on options in the small box under it. Set the quality to 18 and the preset to Slow. Hit OK and click on Project -> Save as template and name it "Interpolation Anime VS"

Double click again on Source in the filters section and replace in "Resize" the part from "super_params" to "smoothfps_params" with:

super_params = "{scale:{up:0},gpu:1,rc:true}" analyse_params = "{main:{search:{coarse:{distance:-12,bad:{sad:2000}},type:2}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}" smoothfps_params = "{gpuid:11,rate:{num:5,den:2},algo:23,mask:{area:100,cover:80},scene:{mode:0}}"

Hit OK and click on Project -> Save as template and name it "Interpolation Movies VS"
Changing desired FPS
If your target framerate isn't the value you desire like for example 74,925fps in the picture down below but you want 60fps you'll need to change a small part of the code.

Double click on Source in the filters section and change the highlighted part in the picture below. It bascially means Source FPS*num/den=Target FPS. So for example to make this 29,97fps video to 59,94 fps I would need to replace it with "num:2,den:1" because 29,97*2/1 is 59,94.

Rendering a video
Load one of the templates you have created by clicking on Project -> Templates . Interpolation Anime VS for animated content and Interpolation Movies VS for everything else.

After that click on Source on the very top left or right click and open. Select Single File and choose your desired video.
If the video has audio a window will open where you can select which audio stream you want to select or none at all. Make your choice and select OK.
A new window will open that will close relatively shortly and StaxRip will open again. Hit next and a new window called Jobs will open where we just need to press Start. The rendering time depends on how good your CPU is. I have a 6800k and the videos don't take very long to render but this may vary from machine to machine.

That's it! You are done. Now enjoy your glorious 60FPS wallpaper!
25 comentarios
Denveous 17 AGO 2020 a las 9:07 
@[Universal Basic Income] Solid1

Still there from what I see, maybe you should write a new one.
Solid1 18 JUN 2020 a las 10:50 
Where is Filters → Filters Setup → VapourSynth on the latest stable release of StaxRip?

Your guide really needs updating.
Solid1 18 JUN 2020 a las 10:21 
Thank you for your guide.

Which, looks simpler than another one that I used in the past https://www.spirton.com/convert-videos-to-60fps/ .
MrClonkig  [autor] 18 ENE 2020 a las 9:31 
Can you please provide some more information? What error do you exactly get?
Moizsh10 15 ENE 2020 a las 13:47 
Everytime I go to use the plugin option for VapourSynth in StaxRip it gives me an error, are you aware of any fixes for this?
MrClonkig  [autor] 18 ENE 2019 a las 12:44 
Alright. Like I thought. I also guessed something like that.
Linkmstr 17 ENE 2019 a las 12:40 
It's fine now. After fiddling around and searching online, I've found a similar setup. I think my issue was having Staxrip trying to detect the plugins folders, so I had to manually load the plugins in the scripts "LoadPlugin" and all that.
MrClonkig  [autor] 15 ENE 2019 a las 7:17 
Hey thanks for letting me know. I have looked into it but the guide still works without problems for me. Can you tell me which error you exactly get?
Linkmstr 5 ENE 2019 a las 19:57 
Will there be an updated guide? I've tried follow this guide, but I've been getting a lot of errors and such and I've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times already.
MrClonkig  [autor] 1 AGO 2018 a las 9:06 
My guess is that it has something to do with gpuid in the code in smoothfps_params: gpuid:11. Try changing it to 12. It then should use the second GPU device. If windows sees the igpu as the first GPU device this should fix it.