Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

62 평점
167m Long train station (Mass transit support ver)
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5.221 MB
2017년 5월 21일 오전 3시 47분
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167m Long train station (Mass transit support ver)

This train station is +47m more longer train station track use Move it!.
(167m station track.)
This asset is can use mass transit update ver.

Move It!を使用して駅のホームを延長したアセットです。
Mass transitアップデートに対応したバージョンです。

Station track can most long length is 167m. Cant more after mass transit update.
Mass transitアップデート以降167mが限界。原因は不明

Train can stop in 168m platform. (If it real size. Please check yourself.)
11cars-- default train,
10 cars(16m car)-- NYC subway A division,
9 cars(18m car)-- 京急(Keikyu), 京阪(keihan),阪神(hanshin), NYC subway B division,
8 cars(20m car)-- Japanese JR and other(without Shinkansen), British commuter train, Korail, 台鉄(Taiwan), Russian Metro, Электричка(Russian commuter),
6 cars(~26m car)-- EU and US typical cars, Russia railways, China railways and CRH, Shinkansen,Taiwan MRT, Singapore MRT,
M+6T+M(8cars)-- TGV,

How to make longer train station.{GUIDE}

댓글 9
stillissac 2023년 6월 3일 오전 12시 41분 
broken now
Frank 2023년 2월 17일 오후 4시 06분 
Is there a long railway of train station with long platforms be created? I need one, thanks for that.
튀김 2021년 1월 18일 오후 6시 19분 
한국어 번역 해주시길 바랍니다.
Please translate it in Korean
CrashCast E 2019년 5월 12일 오후 12시 11분 
Whenever I use this station, trains don't use it? Solution?
luntai8 2018년 1월 11일 오전 6시 17분 
@konfox0527 Thanks.In order to make citizens walk properly,I have to use trains less than 8 cars for now.My personal opinion is that to fix this issue a mod is needed.Expect someone can do the job.
konfox0527  [작성자] 2018년 1월 10일 오전 1시 52분 
C:Ss train car have "Door", they walk for first or end cars door over platform. It can see nomal length train with short platform may be.
I want more longer platform over 200m. but I cant found it.
luntai8 2018년 1월 9일 오후 5시 08분 
Is there anyway to support even longer station tracks via mods?I'm trying to use 400m long passager trains which has 16 cars,just like real highspeed trains in China.Although the passagers still can get on and off,they walk weirdly to get on the cars outside of the station track.If station tracks can be stretched over 168m without path-finding failure,this issue will be fixed perfectly.
konfox0527  [작성자] 2017년 8월 26일 오후 10시 32분 
I cant fix your ploblem because I could not reproduce it situation.
I will reseach to continue. but There is no confirmation fix it.
Fine Road Anarchy +
Fine Road Tool
Multi-Track Station Enabler 1.2.0
plese chack these mod if you can.
8ar10der 2017년 8월 25일 오전 7시 42분 
no park place ? The ciztizen's car can't find a place to park their car. Please add it. Thanks