Army Gals

Army Gals

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ARMY GALS Endings Guide and Walk-Throughs
Vytvořil: DerEider
This Guide presents the “walk-throughs” as “Paths” that were followed to attain the 21 ARMY GALS endings plus other Achievements. Along with these Paths, are included the “strategies” and reasoning behind each Path. The Paths shown are not unique solutions. There are other “Paths” that will reach each ending.

Choices important to a particular Path / Ending are Underlined. Other choices seem to be not so important. My selections for these “unimportant” steps are included without underlining in case they later may be found to have some effect. A Gamer may want to try other choices for these selections to see whether the Ending is affected. If you find such an example, please feel free to leave a “Comment” so other ARMY GALS Gamers may benefit from your discovery. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Some “non-choice” events are included in {brackets} to give context to the day's choices for that path. Examples of such events would be the Gals having an {Argument} or {Yelling}, or the survival party finding a {Cabin} or a {Stream}.

Often, multiple endings are possible by branching from a particular save point during the primary path. For some of these cases, a note is inserted to “Save Game”. After completing the primary path, one could Load this save and follow an altered path, or “Spur,” to get to a different ending without having to replay the whole game from the Start.

There seem to be three endings for each of the Army Gals. A high “affection” level would lead to a “Good” end, like ”Andrea Love”. Very low affection would lead to a “Bad” end, such as ”Andrea Revenge”. Affection somewhere in between might yield a “Guilty” ending, like ”Andrea Guilty”. The Gamer can alter this affection level for a particular Gal by making choices that pay attention to, or please {or displease} that Gal.

Happy hiking, Y'all !!
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ARMY GALS Ending Paths: Overview & General Considerations
This Guide presents the “walk-throughs” as “Paths” that were followed to attain the 21 ARMY GALS endings plus other Achievements. Along with these Paths, are included the “strategies” and reasoning behind each Path. The Paths shown are not unique solutions. There are other “Paths” that will reach each ending.

Choices important to a particular Path / Ending are Underlined. Other choices seem to be not so important. My selections for these “unimportant” steps are included without underlining in case they later may be found to have some effect. A Gamer may want to try other choices for these selections to see whether the Ending is affected. If you find such an example, please feel free to leave a “Comment” so other ARMY GALS Gamers may benefit from your discovery. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Some “non-choice” events are included in {brackets} to give context to the day's choices for that path. Examples of such events would be the Gals having an {Argument} or {Yelling}, or the survival party finding a {Cabin} or a {Stream}.

Often, multiple endings are possible by branching from a particular save point during the primary path. For some of these cases, a note is inserted to “Save Game”. After completing the primary path, one could Load this save and follow an altered path, or “Spur,” to get to a different ending without having to replay the whole game from the Start.

There seem to be three endings for each of the Army Gals. A high “affection” level would lead to a “Good” end, like ”Andrea Love”. Very low affection would lead to a “Bad” end, such as ”Andrea Revenge”. Affection somewhere in between might yield a “Guilty” ending, like ”Andrea Guilty”. The Gamer can alter this affection level for a particular Gal by making choices that pay attention to, or please {or displease} that Gal.

A general rule advised by the Dev is that in order to reach the Endings for the Gals, NEVER talk to the same Gal at night two days in a row. Also to reach any Gal's ending requires going through the ”Accuse” choices. A prerequisite for these is that Kyle must have suspicion that there was “foul play” in Shelton's death. That means Kyle must check either the “Tire tracks” or “Under the car” on Day 4.

Regarding the Paths for Andrea, Edda and Raen, several alternate endings can be reached by
Saving your game on Day 10
just before the choice to Protect the 3 girls or Hannah. After completing the main Ending, simply Load that Day 10 save and retrace the path from there to the “Accuse” choices. Repeat this process for each other Ending you want to try. For example, the Raen Love path also could lead to Andrea Revenge, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, Guilty Girls, Gunshot, & Hannah Love, by selected a different “Accuse” option or by Protecting Hannah instead of the Gals. Use the Skip function to speed past any text you don't wish to re-read. Skip automatically will stop at the next choice point.

Several Gamers trail-blazed the paths to the many Army Gals endings. I have tried to note the principal Pioneers in each Path section. I appreciate all your efforts in enabling me to find my way through the maze of alternative choices. Also, the Devs at Dharker Studios deserve a lot of credit for making this game available.

I still am trying to nail down the "Ironman" Path. I think I have it, but I cannot get an in-game confirmation that it's correct. This may be because it is not an "Ending." I will add it "as is" and continue to see what else I can determine about it. In the meanwhile, having it posted in the Guide will allow other Gamers to check it on a fresh game that has not already gained that Achievement.
It has been confirmed that the "Ironman" Path in this guide does work.

Thanks for your reading this "Tome" ... AND ... GAME ON, Y'all !!
Using this GUIDE
The Guide is set up with two sections for each of most of the 21 Game "Endings".
Each section has a "Tab" along the right margin. Clicking that Tab takes you directly to the Ending named on the Tab.

The first section for each Ending provides some background "Strategy" and reasoning for developing the "Paths." If you feel that you don't need any “hand-holding”, just check out this first section for each Path in order to get a feeling for how to proceed through the maze of Endings choices.

The second section gives the actual Path, with choices listed by day.
Sooo, if you don't want to read all the grand philosophical thinking behind the choices made,
just jump to the second section for each Ending and follow the “Path” trail-blazed for you.
Enjoy the hiking !

Several Endings consist of just ONE Tab. These Endings were combined as "Spurs" added onto another Ending. That single Tab tells you where that Spur may be found.

Best of luck, Survivalist !
BEAR Attack Ending #1
The details of the Bear Attack Path may be found on several paths, including
Food Insanity & Sacrificed Endings #4 & #3, and Enslaved Ending #6.
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to try to impress the Gal's with your "Macho-ness" :(

Yeah ... "Intimidate" this !!
CHERYL End - Ending #2
Refer to the Path for Raen DEATH - Ending #16 for details and walk-through of
the CHERYL End Path.

You know macho Kyle's really hot for Cheryl after squeezing her from behind all day on that bike.
And all that talk about her taking his bike virginity starts to make a guy think about ... things ;D.
Then a night with her in the Motel :o. It's more than a guy can bear >:D.

So, here's his chance to score BIG !!

You may find the Sacrificed Path in Food INSANITY Ending #4.

We already know Kyle's an idiot. He decided not to search the car for supplies and food. Then he decided to throw some valuable food to feed the Bear. So ... Why not have him, the experienced Woodsman that he is {NOT}, take the "Lead" going through Bear Trap country.
The perfect set-up for Sacrificed.

Pity poor Edda though.

Edda gets all the tough duties :(
INSANITY & SACRIFICED & BEAR Attack Endings #4 & #3 & #1
Jalhalla; posted a path for Food Insanity in APR2017.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Food Insanity + Bear Attack + Sacrificed Endings NOTES: The strategy for this Food Insanity path is simple. Ignore potential food sources, don't gather food along the way, throw food away and take on another mouth to feed. This has been derived from the Enslaved Path to take us near “Bear Country”. Perhaps it may be a good idea to avoid Reed's places {won't go North on Day 8 }. We will avoid looking in the Wreck's trunk and under the car so no Army Gals' endings will be possible. And on Day 9, “We have to do something” is a must choice.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save-game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that may be done from the Day 10 save {IF we get that far}, by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused,” include Andrea's Revenge, Raen Death, Edda Victorious, and the “Hannah” endings.
Important clue: the Path doesn't go that far :(

Food Insanity & Sacrificed PATHS
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time” & “Let's do this!” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} Slip inside with her. ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} I'm no good at poker. {Marshmallows} Talk to Raen Have a fun conversation. Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea ==> {Defeat} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Search the car floor. {Cell phone} Search around Shelton. {Nothing} No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. Go Northwest. <{SAVE Game for ”Bear Attack” ending}> Intimidate the bear. Kyle is eaten. Congratulations!
BEAR Attack Ending #1 is completed!
Load Day 5 Save and Lure the bear to continue the Insanity path. Lure the Bear. Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 6: {NO Arguing} Go North. {Bear traps} <{SAVE Game for ”Sacrificed” ending}> “Let's try it.” Argue. {Kyle leads}
Load Day 6 SaveLet's try it.” Allow it. Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 7: Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go Straight {Edda cares } Talk to Raen. Not this time. {Peaceful} Day 8: {Save game to change choices} Go Northwest. {Humming} {Naked woman} “Reluctantly agree.” Talk to Raen. {In the bag already} Day 9: {Female voice} We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} {Game} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Andrea. {Not up to it} Day 10: {OUT of food!} {Stream} {Days & days}
INSANITY Ending #4
WITCH Food Ending #5
The details of the Witch Food Ending #5 may be found in the HAREM Ending #17.

Basically, if Kyle is interested in leaving THREE cute Gals {idiot !!} and chasing a Naked Girl through the woods, he will find out all there is to know about Witch Food !!
ENSLAVED & BEAR Attack Endings #6 & #1
Bae_Watch – Softpa on 19APR2017 posted a path for Raen Sick ending.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Enslaved & Bear Attack Endings. NOTES: The “strategy” for the Enslaved path simply is to encounter Reed twice. We know he has that dungeon at the end of the Hannah tunnel adventure. But Reed also has a Garden and a trashed Cabin out there somewhere in the forest. So all one must do is steer toward those. Since we are wandering a bit from the tried and true paths for the Gals' endings, I will take advantage of the opportunity to go “find us a Baar” as well. And on Day 8, we'll turn due North, to see what's there. {{ An alternative is to go NW on Day 6 ! }} It seems that on Day 9 it is necessary to choose the “We can't help them” option, since Hannah messes with the Enslaved ending . {She cheats with a screwdriver}

This is derived from the Raen Sick path, in which taking advantage of Raen's friendliness is restricted to avoid driving her to the Raen Death ending. Talking with Raen is fine, and limited “hanky-panky” will be alright. But giving in to her every time definitely will lead to her “Bad” end. On the other hand, a strictly “Puritan” relationship with Raen will lead to the Raen Love ending. However since “Enslaved” is the goal, these considerations are moot.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save-game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

By going Northwest on Day 5, Kyle gets an opportunity to demonstrate his machismo with a bear. One may achieve a truly Quick ending by first Saving the game before making the choice of how to deal with that bear. Then pick Intimidate the bear. How stupid can he be ? Kyle's bear food.

Resume the Enslaved path by loading that Day 5 save and choosing the somewhat more sane Lure the bear away.

On Day 9, the path can be altered to ”Raen Sick” by choosing ”We have to do something” rather than “We can't help them." This also makes the Hannah Endings attainable by choosing "Protect Hannah" rather than the 3 Gals.

What's that lunatic going to do ?
Enslaved & Bear Attack PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “Uh, hi. I'm Kyle” & “I'm going to die, aren't I?” "I'll take the couch". Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} Slip inside with her. ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} “I'm no good at poker.” {Marshmallows} Talk to Raen. Have a fun conversation. Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea. ==> {Defeat} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk. Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. Go Northwest. { SAVE Game for Bear Attack ending } Intimidate the bear. Kyle is eaten. Congratulations !
BEAR Attack Ending #1 is completed!
Load Day 5 Save and Lure the bear to continue the Enslaved path. Lure the Bear. Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 6: {Arguing} Investigate. Go North. {Bear traps} “Let's try it.” Allow it. Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go RightI don't think it's a good idea.” Talk to Raen. Not this time. “What happened the night before I got here?” Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Raen. Go North. {Cabin} Interrupt Raen. {Food fight} No talk this night. Day 9: {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Raen. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. { ? Nap ?} {Cave} “I'll Check it out.” {Captured} {Chains} …
GUNSHOT - Ending #7
GUNSHOT is associated with the HANNAH Ending #20. In any of the ARMY GALS' endings that take the ”We have to do something” choice on Day 9, there also is a Day 10 option to ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Gals. If this is selected, the ensuing fight with Reed presents another choice: ”Look for a weapon” or ”Turn around swinging”. Gunshot results if Kyle looks for a weapon.

ARMY GALS' Paths that include that Day 9 "We have to do something" choice include the following: IRONMAN Achievement, Andrea Guilty, Andrea Love, Edda Victorious, Raen Death, and Harem End. Although technically not a "Gals'" ending, the "Accidental Death" Path presented herein also chooses "We have to do something" on Day 9, So it also could be used to attain the Gunshot ending.

Never bring a rock to a gun fight !!
Edda LOVE Ending #8
sehro posted a path on 18APR2017 for Edda Love.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Edda Love + Andrea Revenge + Raen Death Endings, as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTES: The strategy for this Edda Love path is to take all actions that would make Edda respect Kyle more and make Kyle seem more responsible and competent. That could prove to be difficult !! This entails Kyle's “talking” to Edda, in preference over the other Gals, whenever possible {within the limitation of NEVER talking to the same Gal at night two days in a row} and includes a Day 8 pledge of “not going anywhere”. Kyle also should avoid taking advantage of Raen's “friendliness” lest that degrade Edda's respect for Kyle. The Day 1 “What about your tent?” is an example of that. Edda feels that Raen is like her younger sister.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 “Protect” save, by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused,” include Raen Death, Andrea Revenge, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

If you choose “We have to do something” on Day 9, selecting “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings. Otherwise, Hannah is not in this path.

Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} What about your tent? ”We probably shouldn't be doing this.” Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip poker could be fun.” ”Let's play something else.” {Spin the bottle} “Let's not.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk, Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} “Edda can handle it.” Go North. {Stream} “Into isn't the right word.” Don't push any of the girls. Talk to Andrea. {Defeat} Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing. Talk to Edda. {Not chatty} Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go North {Stream; wash off} Grab Edda's foot. Use a net. {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Edda. {Shouldn't ignore your instincts} <{Save game to change Choices }> Go Northeast. Warn Edda. Press the subject. Talk to Edda. I won't go anywhere?” {Priorities} Day 9: {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Edda. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “It was nothing.” {Captured} “Tell her to stop.” {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” endings} Protect the 3 girls. Spare him. {Hannah is killed]

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Edda ==> Edda LOVE Ending #8 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Raen DEATH Ending #16 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}
Edda GUILTY Ending #9
sehro  posted a path on 19APR2017 for Edda.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Edda Guilty + Andrea Revenge + Raen Death Endings. as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTES: The strategy for this Edda Guilty path is to take most {but not all} actions that would make Edda respect Kyle more and make Kyle seem more responsible and competent. That could prove to be difficult !! This entails Kyle's “talking” to Edda, in preference over the other Gals, whenever possible {within the limitation of NEVER talking to the same Gal at night two days in a row}. Kyle also usually should minimize taking advantage of Raen's “friendliness” to minimize degrading Edda's respect for Kyle too much. Edda feels that Raen is like her younger sister.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 “Protect” save by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused” include Raen Death, Andrea Revenge, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

If you choose “We have to do something” on Day 9, selecting “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings. Otherwise, Hannah is not in this path.

Edda Guilty PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} Slip inside with her. ”We probably shouldn't be doing this.” Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip poker could be fun.” ”Let's play something else.” {Spin the bottle} “Let's not.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} “Edda can handle it.” Go North. {Stream} “Into isn't the right word.” Don't push any of the girls. Talk to Andrea. {Defeat} Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing. Talk to Edda. {Not chatty} Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go North {Stream} Grab Edda's foot. Use a net. {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Edda. {Shouldn't ignore your instincts} <{ Save game to change Choices }> Go Northeast. Warn Edda. Press the subject. Talk to Edda. Do I get something in return?” Day 9: {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Edda. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “It was nothing.” {Captured} “Tell her to stop.” {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” endings} Protect the 3 girls. Spare him.

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Raen ==> Edda GUILTY Ending #9 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Raen DEATH Ending #16 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}
Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10
CTR_Eagle_86 posted a path for Andrea Guilty.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Edda Victorious + Andrea Revenge + Raen Death Endings, as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls + Hannah Endings. NOTES: The “strategy” for the Edda Victorious path is to irritate Edda and have her feel that Kyle is an irresponsible, incompetent womanizer. This should be easy!! Edda thinks of Raen as a younger sister, so Kyle's messing around with Raen ought to go a long way toward achieving our goal. And do NOT catch any fish.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

By Saving your game on Day 10 just before the choice to Protect the 3 Girls or Hannah, you may do 5 endings {Edda Victorious, Andrea Guilty, Raen's Death, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls} without replaying the entire game by Loading that Save after each Ending. Also, in this case, selecting
"Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

Since this Path chooses “We have to do something” on Day 9, the option to select “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings.

Better you than me, Kyle."
Edda Victorious PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} Slip inside with her. ”We probably shouldn't be doing this.” Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip poker could be fun.” ”Let's play something else.” {Spin the bottle} “Uh, hell yeah?.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk Check the Tire Tracks[/b]. No talk this night.

Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. Go North. {Stream}
Sounds like my idea of a good time.” Push Andrea. Talk to Andrea. {Defeat}

Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen}
Say nothing. Talk to Edda. {Not chatty}

Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northeast {stream; mud}
Pretend to cover your eyes. No talk this night.
{ A “next day” is inserted }
Grab Andrea's foot. Catch it with your hands. {Shame}
{Trash detail} Talk to Andrea. {Just this once}

Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Edda. {Shouldn't ignore your instincts}
<{Save game to change Choices }> Go Northeast. Warn Edda.
Back off. Talk to Edda. {Why are you bothering me ?}

Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin}
{Game} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Raen. “You read my mind.”

Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Andrea. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave}
"I'll Check it out." {Captured}
{SAVE Game for other “Accuse” endings}
Protect the 3 girls. Kill him.

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Edda ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Raen DEATH Ending #16 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them => Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}

”HANNAH” Endings
Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Andrea. {Not up for it}. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Edda. I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “It was nothing.” {Captured} {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings} Protect Hannah. Look for a weapon. OR Turn around swinging. For Gunshot and Hannah Love endings, load the Day 10 save and choose ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Girls. Next, selecting Look for a weapon will result in Kyle's
Gunshot Ending #7 - GAME OVER !
Then load that Day 10 save again and select ”Protect Hannah”. This time, choose Turn around swinging, beating Reed to a pulp. However, the 3 Gals all are killed. After 3 years, Kyle finally does reach
Hannah Love Ending #20
Andrea LOVE Ending #11
NOTE: Your game must be Version 1.3 to do Andrea Love!
sehro posted a path on 19APR2017 for Andrea Love.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Andrea Love + Raen Death + Edda Victorious Endings. as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTES: For an Andrea REVENGE Path, refer to the Raen Sick or Raen Death or Raen Love paths. Your game must be Version 1.3 to achieve Andrea Love !!

The strategy for this Andrea Love path is to take all actions that would make Andrea like Kyle more and make Kyle seem more competent and responsible. That is going to be tough! ... Punk Rock, here we come !! This entails Kyle's “talking” to Andrea, in preference over the other Gals, whenever possible {within the limitation of NEVER talking to the same Gal at night two days in a row}.
Kyle also should avoid being too “friendly” with Raen lest that degrade Andrea's affection for Kyle.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 save by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused” include Raen Death, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

Since this Path chooses “We have to do something” on Day 9, the option to select “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings.

Andrea Love PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} “What about your tent?” ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2:Strip poker could be fun.” ”I am not a quitter.” Talk to Andrea {Defeat} Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk. Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} “Edda can handle it.” Go North. {Stream} “Sounds like my idea of a good time.” Push Andrea. Talk to Raen. “Maybe just a fun conversation.” day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing. Talk to Andrea. {Maybe just this once} Day 7: Keep to yourself. Go Northeast {Stream} Turn around. No talk this night {A “next day” is inserted} {Stream} Grab Andrea's foot. Use a net. Talk to Edda. {About missed night} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Andrea. Go Northeast. Warn Andrea. <{Save game to change “Talk to ...” }> Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} {Game} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Andrea. Kiss her. <<{Also works if Kyle picks “We can't help them.” No talk this night. }>> Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Andrea. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “I'll Check it out.” {Captured} {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings} Protect the 3 girls. Spare him. {Hannah is killed} { <OR> "Kill him" will lead to the same endings but Hannah survives. }

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Raen ==> Andrea LOVE Ending #11 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Raen DEATH Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}

”HANNAH” Endings
For Gunshot and Hannah Love endings, load the Day 10 save and choose ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Girls. Next, selecting Look for a weapon will result in Kyle's
Gunshot Ending #7 - GAME OVER !
Then load that Day 10 save again and select ”Protect Hannah”. This time, choose Turn around swinging, beating Reed to a pulp. However, the 3 Gals all are killed. After 3 years, Kyle finally does reach
Hannah Love Ending #20
Andrea GUILTY Ending #12
CTR_Eagle_86 posted an alternate route to Andrea Guilty in APR2017.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Paths for reaching the Andrea Guilty + Raen Death + Edda Victorious Endings as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls + Hannah Love Endings. NOTES: The strategy for this Andrea Guilty path is to take most actions that would make Andrea like Kyle more and make Kyle seem more competent. However, Kyle should not overdo this since that could lead to the Andrea "Love" ending. This entails Kyle's “talking” to Andrea, in preference over the other Gals, whenever possible {within the limitation of NEVER talking to the same Gal at night two days in a row} and emphasizing common interests with the Goth Gal.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save-game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 save, by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused,” include Raen Death, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

Since this Path chooses “We have to do something” on Day 9, the option to select “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings.

Andrea Guilty PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” "I'll take the couch.". Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} “What about your tent?” ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip poker could be fun.” Let's play something else.” {Spin the bottle} “Let's not.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk Check the Tire Tracks[/b]. No talk this night.

Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. Go North. {Stream}
Sounds like my idea of a good time.” Push Andrea. Talk to Andrea.

Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing.
Talk to Raen. “Maybe just a fun conversation.”

Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northeast {Stream} {Mud}
Turn around. No talk this night
{A “next day” is inserted}
{Stream} Grab Andrea's foot. Use a net. Talk to Andrea. {Just this once}

Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Andrea. Go Northeast. Warn Andrea.
<{Save game to change “Talk to ...” }> Talk to Edda. {About missed night}

Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Find cabin}
Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Raen. “Uh, hell yes.”
<<{ or “Let's just chat.” gives the same endings}>>

Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Andrea. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave}
“I'll Check it out.” {Captured} Tell her to stop.
{SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings}
Protect the 3 girls. Kill him.
{ OR ”Spare him” will lead to the same endings ; but Hannah is killed.}

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Andrea ==> Andrea GUILTY Ending #12 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Raen DEATH Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Accuse Edda ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Confront all of Them => Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}

”HANNAH” Endings
For Gunshot and Hannah Love endings, load the Day 10 save and choose ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Girls. Next, selecting Look for a weapon will result in Kyle's
Gunshot Ending #7 - Game Over !
Then load that Day 10 save again and select ”Protect Hannah”. This time, choose Turn around swinging, beating Reed to a pulp. However, the 3 Gals all are killed. After 3 years, Kyle finally does reach
Hannah Love Ending #20
Andrea's REVENGE Ending #13
sehro on 18APR2017 posted a path for Raen Guilty.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Andrea's Revenge + Raen Love + Edda Victorious Endings, as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTE: On this Andrea Revenge Path, we are aiming to alienate Andrea as much as possible. With this in mind, Kyle should strive to gain as much favor with Raen as he can. So, do NOT take advantage of Raen's friendliness at all so Kyle may help build up her self image. Kyle should interact with Raen in preference over the other Gals. Talking with Raen is fine, but keep it to just a “chat” or the like. And “hanky-panky” is definitely off the table for this path!. For Andrea's Revenge, on Day 9, “We can't help them” was chosen. This Path was derived from the Raen Love Path. Reasoning ? … A “known” alternate ending for the Raen Love Path is “Andrea's Revenge.”

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 save by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused” include Raen Love, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting
"Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

If you choose “We must help them” on Day 9, selecting “Protect Hannah” can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings. Otherwise, Hannah is not in this path.

Andrea's Revenge PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “Uh, hi. I'm Kyle” & “I'm going to die, aren't I?” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} What about your tent? ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip Poker could be fun.” “I'm not a quitter.” Talk to Raen. “Maybe just a fun conversation.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea. ==> {Defeat} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk. Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} “Edda can handle it.” Go North. {Stream} “No, that's definitely not my scene.” Push Raen. Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast. {Edda vs Raen} Side with Raen. Talk to Edda. Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go RightI don't think it's a good idea.” {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea {Just this once} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Raen. Go Northeast. Warn Raen. {gopher hole} Talk to Raen. “Not this time.” {BJ} “And it's appreciated, but no.” Day 9: {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Raen. {Glade} We could wish for something awesome!” {? Nap ?} {Cave} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} Tell her to stop.” * {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & other endings} Protect the 3 girls. Kill him

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Andrea ==> Andrea's REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Accuse Raen ==> Raen LOVE Ending #14 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Accuse Raen ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load a desired choice Save}
RAEN LOVE Ending #14
sehro on 18APR2017 posted a path for Raen Guilty.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Raen Love + Andrea Revenge + Edda Victorious Endings, as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTE: On this Raen Love path, Kyle should NOT take advantage of Raen's friendliness at all so he may help build up her self image. Kyle should interact with Raen in preference over the other Gals. Talking with Raen is fine, but keep it to just a “chat” or the like. And “hanky-panky” is definitely off the table for this path! For Raen Love, on Day 9, “We can't help them” was chosen. This forecloses “Hannah” endings.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 save, by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused,” include Andrea Revenge, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

If you choose “We have to do something” on Day 9, selecting “Protect Hannah” can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings. Otherwise, Hannah is not in this path.

Raen Love PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “Uh, hi. I'm Kyle” & “I'm going to die, aren't I?” "I'll take the couch." Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} What about your tent? ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: "Strip Poker could be fun." "I'm not a quitter." Talk to Raen. “Maybe just a fun conversation.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea. ==> {Defeat} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Edda can handle it. Go North. {Stream} “No, that's definitely not my scene.” Push Raen. Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go Northeast. {Edda vs Raen} Side with Raen. Talk to Edda. Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go RightI don't think it's a good idea.” {Trash detail} Talk to Andrea {Just this once} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Raen. Go Northeast. Warn Raen. {gopher hole} Talk to Raen. “Not this time.” {Offers BJ} “And it's appreciated, but no.” Day 9: {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Raen. {Glade} We could wish for something awesome!” {? Nap ?} {Cave} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} Tell her to stop.” * {SAVE Game for “Accuse” and other endings} Protect the 3 girls. Kill him

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Raen ==> Raen LOVE Ending #14 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Accuse Raen ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright Foolish End #18 {Go back to load the Protect choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen Guilty Girls Ending #19 {Go back to load a desired choice Save}
Raen SICK & BEAR Attack Endings # 15 & #1
Bae_Watch – Softpa on 19APR2017 posted a path for Raen Sick ending.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Raen Sick & Bear Attack Endings, and the Edda Victorious + Andrea Revenge Endings, as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTES: On this Raen Sick path, Kyle should restrict taking advantage of Raen's friendliness to avoid driving her to the Raen Death ending. Kyle's talking with Raen is fine, and limited “hanky-panky” will be alright. But giving in to her every time definitely will lead to her “Bad” end. On the other hand, a strictly “Puritan” relationship with Raen could lead to the Raen Love ending.

By going Northwest on Day 5, Kyle gets an opportunity to demonstrate his machismo with a bear. One may achieve a truly Quick ending by first Saving the game before making the choice of how to deal with that bear. Then pick Intimidate the bear. How stupid can he be ? Kyle's bear food.

Resume the Raen Sick path by loading that Day 5 save and choosing the somewhat more sane Lure the bear away.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 “Protect ...” save, by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused,” include Andrea Revenge, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him".

If you choose “We have to do something” on Day 9, selecting “Protect Hannah” can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings. Otherwise, Hannah is not in this path.

Raen Sick & Bear Attack PATHS
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “Uh, hi. I'm Kyle” & “I'm going to die, aren't I?” I'll take the couch. Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} Slip inside with her. ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Explore} I'm no good at poker. {Marshmallows} Talk to Raen. Have a fun conversation. Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea ==> {Defeat} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk. Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. Go Northwest. {Bear paw print} { SAVE Game for "Bear Attack" ending } Intimidate the bear. Kyle is eaten. Congratulations!
BEAR Attack Ending #1 is completed!
Load Day 5 Save and Lure the bear to continue the Raen Sick path. Lure the Bear. Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 6: {Arguing} Investigate. Go Northeast. {Edda vs Raen} Side with Raen. Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northeast. {Stream} {Mud} Pretend to cover your eyes No talk this night. {A “next day” is inserted} {Stream; wash off} Grab Raen's foot. Use a net. Talk to Raen. Not this time. “What happened the night before I got here?” Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Raen. Go Northeast. Warn Raen. Talk to Andrea. {Defeat} Day 9: {Female voice} “We can't help them.” No talk this night. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Raen. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “I'll Check it out.” {Captured} Tell her to stop. {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” or “Hannah” endings} Protect the 3 girls. Kill him.

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Raen ==> Raen SICK Ending #15 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright FOOLISH End #18 {Go back to load the “Kill him” choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen GUILTY GIRLS Ending #19 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}
Raen DEATH & CHERYL Endings #16 & #2
CTR_Eagle_86 on 18APR2017 posted a path for Raen's BAD ending.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Raen Death, Cheryl End & Gunshot Endings and the Edda Victorious + Andrea Revenge + Hannah Love Endings, as well as the Foolish End + Guilty Girls Endings. NOTES: On this Raen Death path, Kyle should take advantage of Raen's friendliness at every opportunity except Day 8. He should have sex with every girl that presents an opportunity. This provides a chance to do the “Quickie” ending for Cheryl. For this ending as a “spur” off the Raen's Death path, follow the guidance in the next two paragraphs.

In the opening scene at the Train Station, Kyle should evoke his macho-best responses to Cheryl so she will be impressed with his manhood { or whatever ::) }. Then at the Motel, he must choose to sleep with her {and hope he can take it :o}!

After Kyle's sleeping with Cheryl on the Travel night, proceed on the normal Path until Day 5.
At the first Direction choice, SAVE the game and select Northeast. This will take the party to Cheryl and her bike. Cheryl will get a rescue party, the survival trek will be over, and Kyle will get Cheryl End - Ending #2.” Then Load that Day 5 Save and resume the normal Raen Death Path.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save-game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 save and changing the choice of Gal to “Accuse” include Andrea Revenge, Edda Victorious, Foolish End, and Guilty Girls. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him", however Hannah is killed.

Since this Path chooses “We have to do something” on Day 9, the option to select “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings.

Raen Death PATH and CHERYL End PATH
Travel Day: {The “Order of the Day” is Sleep with Cheryl} {Both Macho responses to Cheryl are needed} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” "I'll sleep with you." Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} “What about your tent?” I can never say no to a pretty girl.” Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip Poker could be fun.” "Let's play something else." {Spin the bottle} Uh, hell yeah?” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Raen. “You read my mind.” Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. {SAVE game; for Cheryl End} => Go Northeast {Cheryl & bike}
CHERYL End – Ending #2
Load Day 5 Save Go North. {Stream} No, that's definitely not my scene. Push Raen. Talk to Edda. Day 6: {Arguing} Investigate. Go Northeast. {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing. Talk to Raen. "Uh … hell yes.” Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go Right {Bug on wall} “Well, if you're offering.” Talk to Andrea {Not interested} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Raen. Go Northeast. Warn Raen. {gopher hole} Talk to Raen. “Not this time.” “What happened the night before I got here?” {First night} Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnels} {Cabin} {Game} Ask Raen how she lost her virginity. Talk to Edda. {First night} Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Raen. {Glade} We could wish for something awesome!” {? Nap ?} {Cave} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & Hannah Love & Gunshot endings} Protect the 3 girls. Kill him.

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Accuse Raen ==> Raen DEATH Ending #16 {Go back to Load Protect choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to Load Protect choice} Accuse Edda ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to Load Protect choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? Alright FOOLISH End #18 {Go back to Load Protect choice} Confront all of Them ==> Raen's Proposition; ? No, Raen GUILTY Girls Ending #19 {Go back to Load desired choice Save}

”HANNAH” Endings
Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Andrea. {Not up for it}. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Edda. I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “It was nothing.” {Captured} {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings} Protect Hannah. Look for a weapon. OR Turn around swinging. For Gunshot and Hannah Love endings, load the Day 10 save and choose ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Girls. Next, selecting Look for a weapon will result in Kyle's
Gunshot Ending #7 - GAME OVER !
Then load that Day 10 save again and select ”Protect Hannah”. This time, choose Turn around swinging, beating Reed to a pulp. However, the 3 Gals all are killed. After 3 years, Kyle finally does reach
Hannah Love Ending #20
HAREM & WITCH Food Endings #17 & #5
CTR_Eagle_86 & sehro  posted alternate routes for Andrea endings in APR2017
The following is a basic walk through, with modifications by DerEider, for reaching the Harem + Andrea Revenge + Edda Victorious Endings plus the Witch Food + The Raen Death Endings, as well as the Hannah Love + Gunshot Endings. NOTES: The strategy for this Harem path is uncertain. One does not want any of the Gals to hate Kyle and hopefully Kyle may be able to make each of them like him enough that none will despise him after going through the “Accusations.” This is a tough balancing act. The Gamer cannot concentrate on just one of the Gals. Kyle avoids taking advantage of Raen's “friendliness” and tries to interact with Andrea in preference over the other Gals. This path has been derived from the “Andrea's Revenge” path. The "Witch Food" ending occurs as a Day 8 Spur, when Kyle's urge to chase a naked lady overcomes his better {?} judgement, if he ever had any. SaveGame before the chase begins.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

Alternate Endings that can be done from the Day 10 save, by changing the Gal or Gals “Accused,” include Andrea's Revenge, Raen Death, Edda Victorious, and the “Hannah” endings. Also, in this case, selecting "Spare him" gives the same endings as "Kill him", except that Hannah is killed.
Not included, by reason of avoiding complexity, is the simple “Spur” ending ”Sacrifice.”

Since this Path chooses “We have to do something” on Day 9, the option to select “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings.

To attain the HAREM End, note particularly the following guidance:
  1. On Day 9, Kyle HAS TO choose "We have to do something."
  2. The Day 10 "Tell her to stop" line does not occur with Hannah there.
  3. The Glade Wish HAS TO BE "We could wish for something awesome!" {4-way Orgy !!}
  4. Choosing EITHER "We can't help them" OR "I think Andrea's right" will lead to ALL Bad endings including either "FOOLISH End" or "GUILTY Girls" ... No Harem End !! :steamsad:

Harem & Witch Food PATHS
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” "I'll take the couch." Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} “What about your tent?” ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip poker could be fun.” Let's play something else.”Uh, hell yeah?” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Andrea {Defeat} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk. Check the Tire Tracks. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. Go North. {Stream} “Sounds like my idea of a good time.” Push Andrea. Talk to Edda. {Handy} Day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. Go North {Bear traps} “Let's try it.” Allow it. Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. Go Northwest {Storm ==> cave} Go left. {Bats} Talk to Andrea. {Not up for it} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Andrea. <{ Save game to change Direction.}> Go Northwest. {Music ?} <<{ SAVE game for “Witch Food” ending }>> Chase the woman. Run after the woman. {Cabin} {Perfect woman}
WITCH Food Ending #5 GAME OVER
Load Day 8 Save and resume the Harem End path. Chase the woman. "... Fine." { I'm not crazy !? } {Berries} Talk to Edda. {About missed night with Shelton} Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} {Game} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Raen. “Maybe just a fun conversation.” Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Andrea. {Glade} We could wish for something awesome.” {? Nap ?} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} Tell her to stop.
<<{There's no “Tell her to stop” choice in Day 10 if Hannah is there}>>
{SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings} Protect the 3 girls. Kill him.

”Accuse” ENDINGS:
Confront all of Them ==> HAREM End Ending #17 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Raen ==> Andrea REVENGE Ending #13 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Andrea ==> Raen DEATH Ending #16 {Go back to load the “Protect ...” choice} Accuse Edda ==> Edda VICTORIOUS Ending #10 {Go back to load the desired choice Save}

”HANNAH” Endings
Day 9: {Female voice} We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Andrea. {Not up for it}. Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Edda. {Glade} I think Andrea's right. {Cave} “It was nothing.” {Captured} {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings} Protect Hannah. Look for a weapon. OR Turn around swinging. For Gunshot and Hannah Love endings, load the Day 10 save and choose ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Gals. Next, selecting Look for a weapon will result in Kyle's
Gunshot Ending #7 - GAME OVER !
Then load that Day 10 save again and select ”Protect Hannah”. This time, choose Turn around swinging, beating Reed to a pulp. However, the 3 Gals all are killed. After 3 years, Kyle finally does reach
Hannah Love Ending #20
FOOLISH End - Ending #18
The Foolish End Path may be found at the end of each of the ARMY GAL's Paths as one of the "ACCUSE" choice options, titled "Confront all of them.". In this option, Kyle visits the 3 Gals in Edda's motel room and is faced with a difficult "proposition" from Raen. Should he take a "tumble" with Raen by selecting "Alright"? If he does, it's the FOOLISH End!

How could you all do this to me ??
GUILTY GIRLS - Ending #19
The Guilty Girls Path may be found at the end of each of the ARMY GAL's Paths as one of the "ACCUSE" choice options, titled "Confront all of them.". In this option, Kyle visits the 3 Gals in Edda's motel room and is faced with a difficult "proposition" from Raen. Should he turn the GALS in to the Police by selecting "No, Raen"? If he does, it's the Guilty Girls Ending!

Yeah ... and no makeup in prison either !
HANNAH Love Ending #20
Hannah Love is associated with the Day 9 choice ”We have to do something” to rescue Hannah from a sunken tunnel. This choice leads to an option to ”Protect Hannah” instead of the 3 Gals on Day 10. If this is selected, the ensuing fight with Reed presents another choice: ”Look for a weapon” or ”Turn around swinging”. Hannah Love results if Kyle turns around swinging.

ARMY GALS' Paths that include that Day 9 "We have to do something" choice include the following: IRONMAN Achievement, Andrea Guilty, Andrea Love, Edda Victorious, Raen Death, and Harem End. Note too that the Accidental Death Path also may be used to attain a Hannah Love ending by choosing to "Protect Hannah" on Day 10.

To illustrate the Hannah Love Path, I have followed the "Ironman Achievement" Path.
That's how I originally accidentally "stumbled" onto the Ironman while pursuing Kyle's passion for Hannah !!

CTR_Eagle_86 & sehro  posted alternate routes for Andrea endings in APR2017.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the Accidental Death Ending NOTES: By not looking "Under the car" or checking the "Tire tracks," Kyle finds evidence that Shelton's wreck was accidental. This has been derived from the Enslaved Path but will try to avoid “Bear Country”, Reed's places, and other difficult areas. We will avoid looking under the wrecked car so no Army Gals' endings will be possible. And on Day 9, “We can't help them” could be an easier alternate route. But then no Hannah End would be possible.

Important Choices are Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. You may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save-game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

On Day 6, an example is included of how to handle what to do if you do not like the results of Kyle's choice of "Direction". It is a good practice to Save-game at each Direction choice. So, in this case, I decided Kyle's party should not visit the Garden. Then the Save-game for Day 6 was loaded and another direction was selected.

Since this Path chooses “We have to do something” on Day 9, the option to select “Protect Hannah” on Day 10 can lead to “Gunshot” or “Hannah Love” endings.

His broken cell phone on the floor indicates
this probably was an "accident".
Accidental Death PATH
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {ANY responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time” & “Let's do this!” "I'll take the couch." Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} “What about your tent?” ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} "I'm no good at poker." {Marshmallows} Talk to Raen Have a fun conversation. Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda ==> {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Search the car floor. {Cell phone} Search the trunk of the car. {MRE's} No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. <{Save game to change choices}> Go Northeast. {Cheryl's bike} Stop her. {Edda falters} “Stopping here for the night?” Talk to Raen. “Let's just chat.” Day 6: {No Arguing} <{Save game to change choices}> Go Northwest. {Noose} {Garden} <{Reload the Direction choice}> Go Northeast {Edda vs Raen} Say nothing Talk to Edda. {Not chatty} Day 7: <{Save game to change choices}> Go Northwest {Storm ==> Cave} Go Left. {Andrea, Bats} Talk to Raen. Not this time. Day 8: <{Save game to change choices}> Go Northeast. Warn Andrea Talk to Andrea. {Defeat} Day 9: {Female voice} We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} {Game} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Edda. {Bothering her} Day 10: {Glade} “We could wish for something awesome.” {? Nap ?} {Cave} “I'll check it out.” {Captured} {Hannah} <{Save game for alternate paths}> Protect the 3 Gals. Kill him. {Night hiking} {Road} {Motel} {Pizza} {Train station}
IRONMAN Achievement
CTR_Eagle_86 & sehro  posted alternate routes for Andrea endings in APR2017.
The following is a basic walk through, with my modifications, of the Path for reaching the IRONMAN Achievement plus the Hannah Love + Gunshot Endings NOTES: This Path has been "Confirmed". So I am taking it off the "WIP" = Work in Progress list.

The Path for the Ironman Achievement is still under study and will be updated as more details are discovered has been independently verified. I am including the best information I have learned to date with the hope that you astute Gamers out there have better information than I on this Achievement. Astute Gamer chemicalvamp has confirmed that this path does lead to the IRONMAN Achievement. Thanks and a "tip of the hat", chemicalvamp.

In this Guide's Ironman Path, I have tried to pull the best of my recollections of what led to earning the Achievement. As a Steam "Achievement" and not a game "Ending", I have been unable to determine whether the Path as developed will actually trigger that Achievement {since I gained that achievement in my early gaming of ARMY GALS; before I knew what was going on}. I earned Ironman simultaneously with Hannah Love on one of my first couple play-throughs and was not expecting it.
I had not documented my path at all.

The Ironman Achievement requires Kyle to ”Let fate decide” the Direction to travel each morning. Also it may be necessary for a “Good” ending to occur at the same time. Therefore the Ironman Path will be derived from a ”Hannah Love” path. Hannah Love is less dependent upon the vagaries of a Gal's “affection” level. It does require the Day 9 “We have to do something” choice. So, the Ironman Path will use the "Andrea Guilty" path as it includes “We have to do something.”

In the "Andrea Guilty" Path, Kyle must suspect there was “foul play” in Shelton's death. Therefore, he has to look under the wrecked car. Strictly speaking however, "Foul Play" is not necessary for a "Hannah" ending, since Hannah may be encountered in the "Accidental Death" ending as well.

Important Choices will be Underlined in the Path. Other choices will be shown, but not underlined, to clarify those actually used for the Path. The Gamer may try other choices, but that will “Void your Warranty”! ;D There's no harm in trying such variations, but you should Save-game when you do, so you may easily get back to that point of departure from the Path. Some “non-choice” events are included in {Brackets} to help give context to what is going on in the game for the day's path choices.

This has been derived from the Andrea Guilty Path but the “Direction” choice always will be “Let fate decide.” However, we will hedge our bets by Saving the game just before each Direction choice. Should “Fate” send us in an unfavorable direction, we will have the good Lady Luck roll the Dice again until she sends us in a “Good” direction. We want to avoid “Bear Country”, Reed's places, and Witches.

The Ironman Path below was followed on 23MAY2017 and the actual results of the "Let fate decide" were recorded to show an example of how it could work.

Should it be the case that a “Good” Army Gal ending is a prerequisite, the "Andrea Love" Path could be used except that “Protect Andrea, Edda, and Raen” would be selected vice “Protect Hannah.”

IRONMAN & Hannah Love PATH
Record of Actual 23MAY2017 Play-through with Fate's Direction results.
Travel Day: {Do NOT sleep with Cheryl} {Any responses to Cheryl are OK} “You can counsel me any time.” & “Let's do this.” I'll take the couch.” Day 1: {The counselors left} {Tents} “What about your tent?” ”We probably shouldn't be doing this”. Day 2: {Liquor} “Strip poker could be fun.” Let's play something else.” {Spin the bottle} “Let's not.” Day 3: {Skinny dipping} Talk to Edda {Handy} Day 4: {Smaller portions} {Explore ==> Car wreck} Check the Trunk. Check Under the car. No talk this night. Day 5: {Shelton's pack} Volunteer. <{ SAVE game to change Direction }> Let fate decide.” {Bear paw print; 1st roll} {Stream; 2nd roll} “Sounds like my idea of a good time.” Push Andrea. Talk to Andrea. {Defeat} day 6: {Arguing} Leave it alone. <{ SAVE game to change Direction }> Let fate decide.” {Edda vs Raen; 1st roll} Say nothing. Talk to Raen. “Maybe just a fun conversation.” Day 7: {Auto shop} Keep to yourself. <{ SAVE game to change Direction }> Let fate decide.” {Stream; 1st roll} Turn around. No talk this night {A “next day” is inserted} {Stream} Grab Andrea's foot. Use a net. Talk to Andrea. {Just this once} Day 8: {Yelling} Talk to Andrea. <{ SAVE game to change Direction }> Let fate decide.” {Weird feeling; 1st roll} Warn Andrea. <{Save game to change “Talk to ...” }> Talk to Edda. {About missed night} Day 9: {Female voice} “We have to do something.” {Tunnel} {Cabin} {Game} Ask Andrea if she masturbates. Talk to Raen. “Uh, hell yes.” <<{ Select “Let's just chat” if going to “Protect the 3 Gals.” on Day 10. }>> Day 10: {Water bottles} Ask Andrea. {Glade} "I think Andrea's right." {Cave} “I'll Check it out.” {Captured} Tell her to stop. {SAVE Game for other “Accuse” & “Hannah” endings} Protect Hannah. ** Turn around swinging. After 3 years, Kyle finally does reach ...
Hannah Love Ending #20
** <<{ Select ““Protect the 3 Gals.” if going for an ”ACCUSE” Ending. Then select ”Kill him." This leads to ...
Andrea Guilty” Ending. }>>
Počet komentářů: 57
Banake 9. dub. 2022 v 13.49 
Squid771 24. led. 2022 v 12.21 
Fantastic guide, thank you for putting this together. Made it really easy to knock out all the achievements.

One small critique: the Accuse endings are mismatched between each girl and the resulting ending. But it was still easy to make the correct connections.
Dia 12. srp. 2020 v 13.56 
thank you really much, i have the game finish with your Guide :steamhappy:
rfrijhoff 12. čvn. 2020 v 12.19 
Great play through manual, but there are some errors. In the Edda love path @day 10 it's stated that Hannah is killed, but that it's Reed that's killed. Also it says in the accused endings that you should load the 'Protect ...' choice, however there's nothing to choose but one option and has therefor no influence whatsoever. This should be the 'Accuse ...' choices.
FlowerCatta 11. zář. 2019 v 12.52 
zeay 14. čvc. 2019 v 6.16 
On the Raen love path, following it exactly but saying no than yes at the end of day eight leads to the Raen sick ending
MangAnimE 4. čvc. 2019 v 18.35 
'Andrea Love Path'-'Accuse' section. Raen is listed twice & choice for Andrea is wrong
Mr. Jizzard The Tentacle Wizard 31. led. 2019 v 14.47 
Just install the patch and launch the game
dr explosion 31. led. 2019 v 13.10 
Could someone help me in getting the patched at start achivement? much appreciated
DerEider  [autor] 28. led. 2019 v 20.18 
That is correct. The 30 Achievements include 21 Endings.