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The Belt (v1.6.1 Adams)
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4 mai. 2017 às 13:50
25 mai. 2017 às 16:47
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The Belt (v1.6.1 Adams)

Update for The Belt mod to version 1.6.1


- Q) Can i colonise with non robotic-pops?
- A) YES, pick either the asteroid miners trait, enabling your species to colonise asteroids from the start, or use robot pops (droids or higher) to colonise and then build the life-support system unique building, which will improve habitability enough for non-robot pops to migrate

- Q) Is the asteroid miners trait required to colonise asteroids?
- A) NO, it just helps (see above and below)

Changes from previous versions:

- added 'Eros' to the Sol system
- fixed life-support systems
- added a new asteroid type: non-colonisable 'Small Asteroids' - this was the only way to reduce the spam of habitable asteroids in galaxy generation. (let me know if this works well or not)
- add three new Solar System initializers; one allows the player to start in a version of Sol where Earth has become a tomb world, while Mars has been terraformed into a continental world. Second allows for a start in which Mars and Luna will start as continental worlds, but the player still starts on Earth as normal. The third is an updated version of the Deneb system to bring it more in line with the changes made to the standard version of Sol.
- added a species trait which grants +45% asteroid habitability at game start (costs 1 point and 1 pick)
- increased the min/max range of potential asteroid from 4-7 to 5-15
- asteroids now fall under the habitats tab in the outliner, should lead to less overwhelming planet lists
- added a fully functioning environment portrait to asteroids, courtesey of Herr-Doktor Dire (Big Thanks!), who allowed me to use and slightly alter some visual assets from his '[Star Wars] Coruscant - Start System' mod
- added Low-G labs for a 10% research buff, negating the planetary colonisation malus to research rate (Made by and used with permission of Great Lord Sval)
- reduced the buff creatd by the 'asteroid' modifier to be more balanced
- greatly increased the cost of Life-Support Systems, but in exchange they now provide more food and 2 unity.
- Also, any asteroid colony that does not have Life-Support Systems (or that has either habitability below 60% and/or Happiness below 50%) will be prone to the 'Effects of Low-G on inhabitants' events, which will create a new sub-species with the asteroid habitability preference along with new traits to reflect their evolution in a Low-G environment. To avoid biological divergance and the possible need to purge ensure all asteroids have good quality life-support!

NEW: No Low-G Labs Version (recommended for people who play without reduced research from colonies);

Uploaded without the permission of either Atreides (the mods original author) or Jotaro Kujo and von Stroheim (who were previously keeping this mod updated but appear to have abandoned it);

All credits goes to those I have mentioned above, the work I did to update this to Banks compatibility was minimal - if any of those mentioned have an issue with me uploading this please contact me and I will be happy to remove it!

Links to older versions:

Original Belt mod (Atreides) -

Belt Updated for 1.4 (Jotaro Kujo and von Stroheim) -
Discussões Populares Ver todos (2)
9 out. 2017 às 11:21
BUGS - Please report here!
xl Zema lx
14 set. 2017 às 16:25
Balance issues/suggestions
xl Zema lx
132 comentários
Hazel Horse 14 jun. 2018 às 20:06 
Update pls
Jalib AlMarah 5 mar. 2018 às 12:08 
For all of ya'll looking for some asteroids update, I took the liberty of attempting to provide you with a 2.0 update for The Belt.

Credits given to the authors where due, but there hasn't been activity on their part in forever, so here you are!
Afroformer 23 fev. 2018 às 17:33 
Will this be updated at all for 2.0?
Legionary 4 jan. 2018 às 14:59 
When is this getting updated to 1.9.1?
Grace of Thule 6 dez. 2017 às 15:58 
Hey Lamb. Do you want to repost the mod? This mod is depracated and the author hasn't said anything since 1.6.*.
Militus Immortalis 26 nov. 2017 às 15:34 
Any idea if this'll be fixed?
✩✩✩✩ General Scott 14 nov. 2017 às 21:34 
this mod still works for 1.8.3 but you need to enable it after you start a new game or else your starting pop will be 1
Old Man 19 out. 2017 às 13:49 
@kwheeler: Did a quick test and the below fix resolves the bio trophy issue. Not sure on the whole event chain part but looks good to go.
Old Man 19 out. 2017 às 13:38 
@kwheeler: May have found the issue but not 100% sure on the fix.

Simply put, find the file '00_on_action.txt' in both the following locations:




Then its just a matter of copy and paste the file from the Stellaris to the mod. The only issue I can foresee is that the event chain about picking whether to get the mining or growth bost may not activate as I think that file trigures it and I cant find the line that effects it. which either means I've missed it or its not there. Need to find out from @xl Zema lx what he edited in there. That should fix it... maybe... need to test it.
Old Man 19 out. 2017 às 12:57 
NB ALL: As far as I can tell this still works with 1.8 unless your playing as a machine race (which I haven't looked into yet), but to get the Asteroid Miner Trait back just add:

allowed_archetypes = { BIOLOGICAL }

Add this to the file 'the_belt_00_species_traits.txt' just below 'cost = 1'.

You should find this file in:


@kwheeler: I'm sure the machine race glitch is a similar problem (just one line along the same format but with MACHINE instead of BIOLOGICAL, but havent found it yet.