

37 ratings
Best/easiest way to begin adventure (UPDATED)
By ~ZW~ Razor
At the startup screen you can skip the intro cutscene by holding escape key (for anyone who is having buggy intros), If there are any speedrunners this will cut of a good 30 seconds, It lets you skip putting the fire out, also the pda startup sequence, this saves time if you already played the game before.

At the very start you have nothing at all, but there is a few essentials in the lifepod to start you off, if you check the storage box you will find 2 Flares, 2 Nutrient block (food) & 2 small water, You can either go capture a fish or eat the nutrient block, This will save you time catching your first fish, But hey its up to you its your adventure after all :)

Regarding Flares if anyone is epileptic you should avoid these flares and make a flashlight instead, Cause they flicker and are very bright and might trigger your eplilepsy! i recommend making flashlight asap as the nights are very dark and flares dont last that long!. Once you aquire seaglide you can either throw flashlight (keep the battery though) away or keep it, me personally throw it away as seaglide has a spotlight on it to be honest, but its your choice ;)

You will need these essential items to start you off on your adventure as you have to craft all tools/equipment yourself
Some recipes have changed in the new update, Magnesuim doesnt exist anymore.

1:Scanner (scans pieces of fragments) = Battery (1) Titanuim (1)
2:Flashlight = Battery (1) Glass (1) (you will need this until you can scan 2 peices and build SeaGlide)
3:Swimming Fins (swim faster) = Silicone Rubber (2)
4:Survival Knife (To fend of foes and to scavange with) Silicone Rubber (1) Titanuim (1)
5:O2 tanks (more oxygen) = Glass (1) Titanuim (2)
6:Repair Tool (Repairs door switches, Submercibles & submarines) = Salt deposit (2), Cave sulphur (1) titanuim (1)
7:Radiation Suit (you need it to explore aurora,otherwise you will lose hp from radiation if you get too close) Lead (2) Fibre Mesh (2)
8:High capacity o2 tank = Standard o2 tank (1) glass (2) titanuim (4) silver ore (1)

you will need these resources to craft everything:

9x Titanuim 8 x Quartz 6 x Acid Mushrooms 2 x Creepvine seed Cluster 4 x Creepvine sample
2 x salt 3 x Copper Ore 2 x Lead 1x cave sulphur & 1 x silver ore

Crafting wise:
you create these in a fabricator (ones aboard life pod were you start)

Craft 3 Copper + 6 Acid mushrooms into 3 batteries (scanner, flashlight & repair tool)
Craft 8 Quartz into 4 Glass (flashlight, standard & high capacity o2 tanks)
Craft 2 Creepvine Cluster into 4 Silicone rubber (knife & finns) (use the 4th piece for a powercell)
Craft 2 Metal Salvages into 8 Titanuim (break open a limestone for 9th peice)
Craft 4 Creepvine sample into 2 fiber mesh (radiation suit)

Copper/Lead you can find in limestone (break them open, you get a clue saying break limestone)
Acid mushrooms you can find anywere on sea floor (purple colour)
Creepvine seed cluster are the yellow pods on the creepvine and the sample is the seaweed part to the creepvine (you cut it with survival knife)
Salt you find on seabed floor usualy near Acid mushrooms or quartz or anywere on seabed(White, Blue or Pink, depends were you find it etc )
Titanuim you get from metal salvage or from breaking open limestone
Quartz you find on Sea floor (looks like a white diamond)
Cave sulphur (crashfish powder) you get by looting a crashfish habitat (the fish goes for you and explodes so be careful!! then after check habitat)

This shud take you around 10 -15 minutes to aquire these items, Depends on how fast your collecting and how much o2 you have.

Regarding the repair tool:
As soon as you built the repair tool you should repair the lifepods facilities:
1:The escape pods box (left of the fabricator)
2:Communication Relay (right hand side of the lifepod)
doing this gives access to messages from the relay!, these message are the starting point of the story.
ps you no longer need to repair the escape pods box to get med kits.

Regarding o2 tanks:
The way o2 tanks are made has changed, you can no longer stack o2 tanks like before to give more oxygen, But dont worry its now better!. Now you craft one o2 tank and that gives air of few o2 tanks. I recommend making standard o2 tank first as normal, then i recommend you go find the high capacity o2 tank from a life pod as you no longer need workbench to make the high capacity o2 tank, they added an ultra capacity o2 tank now ontop but workbench is needed for this one im not sure if there are any higher than the ultra i wil let you all know if i find one higher than the ultra.
You should also craft a rebreather, this slows down oxygen consumption at deeper levels which is handy if your exploring deep areas (upto 200m or deeper) as this will let you explore for that little while longer. (recommend this for deep exploration)

Regarding the creepvine you can only aquire the creepvine cluster seeds first, Then take back 2 Creepvine cluster seeds to the pod fabricator and craft 1 silicone rubber add a titanuim and craft the Survival knife, Now you can go get creepvine samples, This will take you 2 trips back and forth cause the creepvine cluster seeds, sample and the metal wreckage (titanuim) take up 4 pda slots so some item management in your pda is required.

PS regarding the Radiation Suit:
This will let you board the Aurora, but to fully explore her you will need all these tools:

1:Propulsion cannon (Moves objects around, stops meduim sized fishes) = Advanced wiring kit, Battery & Silicone rubber
2:Laser cutter (Cuts throught titanuim doors) = Diamond, Battery, Titanuim & cave sulphur
3:Fire Extinguisher (you can find one aboard aurora)
4:Repair Tool
5:Scanner (there are scannable fragments aboard the Aurora)

You could board Aurora without all the tools mentioned, but i dont recommend this! as you wont be able to explore her fully!, Without laser cutter you can only explore one third of the Aurora, Bare minimum you should take aboard is the Scanner, Propulsion cannon and Repair tool,Attempting to traverse the top with propulsion cannon is dangerous and you could lose all the stuff you collected. You should first repair the drive core (you find a cyclops power module and fire extinguisher in there) radiation leaks, doing so will alow you to come back in 3-4 days without having to wear the radiation suit. There is a broken control box for the door which you can repair, This gives you access to the seamoth bay area (2 scannable parts in there).

I recommend exploring Aurora first when made all the tools necessary plus made the seaglide and have radiation suit on, To get everything possibly aboard the Aurora. There are prawn suite & seamoth fragments aboard her, is why i recommend this!

reagrding fire extinguisher = you got 2 choices 1st= you could just keep the one from lifepod 2= pickup aboard aurora (1 inside drive core room (on wall on left as you enter) and other is on floor on left before you enter auroras door archway)

PS you can ride the SeaGlide to the aurora but its dangerous!, make sure you plan a safe route as there are sandsharks and big Leviathans patrolling around the sides and stern of the Aurora, It only takes 1-2 hits from a blue horned leviathan (reaper leviathon) on a seaglide to end you!, Or 2 full horn attacks to destroy seamoth completely! so be careful around Auroras backend/stern!. You should really go with the seamoth, this is the safer option, its faster than the SeaGlide after all.

i hope this updated guide helped you guys out pls leave a rate up thanx. ps il be doin a base guide soon
best and quickest way to start
iCypherix 14 Jun, 2021 @ 1:46pm 
uhhhh ok...
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 2 Jul, 2017 @ 8:16am 
ps i reditied about o2 tanks cause now they have changed for the better!! no longer needing stacked o2 tanks now 1 gives same as 3 used to do before hehe
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 22 Jun, 2017 @ 10:01am 
update guide guys/gals all up to date now!, recipes have changed for the better imo pls leave a rate up thanx ;)
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 21 Jun, 2017 @ 11:25am 
@harbringer ye you need to search for seaglide before embark on aurora ye i agree if you get lucky with seaglide drops then its advisable to go straight to aurora. because all prawn fragments are in aurora and 2 seamoth fragments also the aurora is closer and newbies wont have the seamoth or cyclopps yet etc.
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 16 May, 2017 @ 9:05am 
ps im starting of a temp base guide soon
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 16 May, 2017 @ 8:36am 
@ dutchman do you know how to do this? ie giving guide subsections etc? this is my 1st guide ever on subnautica hehe i didnt have any of the icons either, i used these so i could putup guide or otherwise i couldnt have etc. but if you know dude let me know
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 16 May, 2017 @ 8:27am 
ye it is easy getin to aurora if you know how, that part was for people who are starting game etc i know some people know how etc as they may not know about all flora/fauna yet. but i recommend the risk though as it bears 2 seamoths parts in its bay, meaning you only need to find one part to seamoth once you finished exploring aurora etc.
~ZW~ Razor  [author] 16 May, 2017 @ 7:53am 
ye i agree with u dude i stokup enough batteries and powercells to use equipment, once u aquire chargers (both types) your sorted for batteries, once you get chargeup finns you wont need any batteries much!, seaglide doesnt use up any battery power at all wile using charegup finns
Kyllingene 15 May, 2017 @ 1:49pm 
Huh, i didnt know how easy it was to use the seaglide to get there, and yes, i used the batteries to make some gear, but i dont need more as i have a battery charger.
Phaethon 15 May, 2017 @ 1:20pm 
Honestly never had any problem using the Seaglide to access the Aurora, I ride it towards the back end of the wreckage from the pod, which avoids the potential for a Reaper to attack you in the deep water if you go straight for the front. Once you get aside the Aurora you can ride the Glide along to hit a couple bits of loot scattered around and avoid the sandsharks. Once you get to the front you can just slip into the destroyed front end and enter the wreck proper. Going early nets you a Power Cell and a ton of Batteries, which saves on gathering.