Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

258 voti
《 少女与枪 / Girl & Gun 》 1920x1080 Ver.01.1
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Type: Video
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Anime
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Category: Wallpaper
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402.742 MB
23 apr 2017, ore 17:58
1 mag 2017, ore 23:48
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《 少女与枪 / Girl & Gun 》 1920x1080 Ver.01.1

In 1 collezione di Renekie
RE-NI's Workshop
8 elementi
Pic Link: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36405611

BGM: [ Pluto ] by Nyte





I promised to make blinking effects, but it requies some degree of drawing skill which i have none. I have to start learnig from the beginning.

First attempt on making the some object floating in the air ( In this case, it's the gun). How is it? Please feel free to leave your opinion below.

Update: Version 01.1 didn't added anything new, but i made the particle effect looping without gaps.
16 commenti
「」 16 giu 2017, ore 20:48 
Renekie  [autore] 3 mag 2017, ore 15:04 
其实我更新了就会自动更新到 workshop 的,不需要重新订阅
Renekie  [autore] 3 mag 2017, ore 0:02 
Pray Inory 2 mag 2017, ore 23:39 
更新了以后 记得说下哦 我们好去订阅
叁月 30 apr 2017, ore 11:26 
Renekie  [autore] 30 apr 2017, ore 0:10 
叁月 29 apr 2017, ore 23:27 
动态壁纸要给人一种真实感 壁纸里的人物最好动起来 眨眼睛啊 头发飞扬啊~
Renekie  [autore] 29 apr 2017, ore 11:13 
可以的,前几天做了下稍微有些不协调,还在修改。然后电脑不知为何坏掉了 >.< ,所以请稍微等一等。
Pray Inory 29 apr 2017, ore 7:10 
作者大大 你可以试试让头发动起来
Renekie  [autore] 28 apr 2017, ore 12:26 