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Yuri's Paladins Guide
Vytvořil: Ahria
Everyone knows the hassles of getting a new game and know nothing about it. The worst part it is when you have no other friends playing that game. Then you got no one to show you the tricks. Or you have friends that are lazy or those friends that have no idea what their talking about. That’s why I have worked on a guide for those new people who want to give Paladins a try.

This Guide will go into:

Character Selection
Legendary Weps

Character Selection:

Before hopping into a quick play you’ll wanna pick a character that will suit you. The characters most frequently picked are Flanks and Damage. That’s why If you main a Healer/Tank there won’t be as much of a competition of who gets what person. Before picking a character you should read through their abilities at You should also look at the tier list for each character so you know what characters are usually picked in Competitive Remember the Tier List is a pure vote of what people think and not spot on statistics. Many people have their own Tier List and it usually doesn't matter what character you’re playing. What does matter is that you’re having fun with that character. It is proven that when someone enjoys doing something they’ll do it more efficiently. That’s why when you pick your character you should jump into a shooting range and testing out the abilities.

Loadouts are some of the most important things in Paladins. A strong Loadout and a Loadout you know how to use will give you a huge advantage. Once you’ve grown onto a character and you know what abilities are strong and you wanna lower cooldowns or strengthen then you can go customize all you want. But when you try out a new one you don’t trust yourself to build a deck. That’s why you can Import decks from people on the Top 100 Leaderboard for that character. These are decks that have proven to work for someone which you can borrow until you can make your own decks. Each card is put in the Card tab in the Paladins Game.


Cards are special Items that you can buy during games with the coins you get from killing other Characters. Here a link to what each card does:

Legendary Weps:

Legendary weps are special cards that is the difference between a Ocean and a Forest. These game changing cards are usually what people build their decks around. They add huge buffs but only one can be equipped. Each character has 3 Legendary cards. It is not put in a loadout but picked before the game starts. You can read what each card does in the Card Tab in the Paladins Game.


Maps are another huge part of any game. If you can memorize the map layout it gives you a huge advantage. Here is the list of Paladins Map:


Frog Isle
Jaguar Falls
Serpent Beach
Fish Market
Timber Mill
Frozen Guard
Ice Mines
Stone Keep


Hidden Temple
Frostbite Cavern
Survival maps
Primal Court
Snowfall Junction

Test Maps
These maps are still in early development but can be played through the Test queue.

Dark Crossing
Moss Garden
Sand Bridge
Sunken City


To become the very best you gotta practice. Jumping into the Practice Range for 20 Mins every day will make a huge difference. Create yourself a practice plan that you will follow through every time. Youtube has many videos on how to make those such as:

I Hope this helped!
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Počet komentářů: 2
Codex.. 6. srp. 2017 v 15.01 
Gay af
EMERALD 22. dub. 2017 v 21.27 
Nicely written!