Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

102 ratings
By Red
In this guide, I will explain in detail the fundamental (and proper) use of the “Heavy Class.”

Beware: this is for educational and recreational purposes. All contents in this guide are based upon years of gameplay and reflection. This guide is mainly for competitive use in multiplayer or elite matches. Welcome to the inevitable sequel to the SUPREMACY GUIDE series!
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Blaster (Pistol)
  • Thermal Detonator (Grenade)
  • Land mines
The intended use of this unit has been shrouded by the cheap use of its rocket launcher, but it resulted into one of the strongest unit of the galaxy! Nothing can match its raw power, deadly explosives, and shameless extortion. Here are your factions:
  • [The Republic] Heavy Trooper
  • [The CIS] Assault Battle Droid
  • [The Rebellion] Rebel Vanguard
  • [The Empire] Shock Trooper
Each faction has no significant difference in the equipment and weapons they carry. Every unit has equal standing when it comes to health, damage, and perks. So….. yeah.
Of course, I’ll have to address one significant factor when it comes to using this unit class, especially in multiplayer matches…

(FRIENDLY FIRE: OFF) This setting is detriment to gameplay. If there’s no penalty for charging your enemy, closing distance, and spamming mines and rockets; then you won’t be surprised to find many players exploiting this unit. This subject I will address in this guide. And I will also detail how you can exploit this unit to your advantage as well - at the cost of your sense of honor…

The following is intended for the setting to be, “FRIENDLY FIRE: ON.”
There might not be a “correct” way of playing as this unit, but there is an EFFECTIVE way. When it comes to what this unit offers, let consider the environments this unit thrives in:
  1. Semi-Medium Range Combat
  2. Anti-Vehicle
  3. Assault Unit
These are some of the ideal scenarios where this unit excels. Let’s go deeper into the proper use of this unit from the above categories. Note: The INFANTRY SUPREMACY GUIDE has valuable intel in the proper use of blasters, and other gameplay basics.
  1. [Semi-Medium Range Combat] Being a “walking tank” is an accurate description of this unit; you have what appears to be ultra-deluxe armor that withstands heavy damage (Even a sniper shot to the face). You carry various amounts of explosives that instant kills infantry and vehicles, and a movement speed arguably comparable to a slug. When it comes to the armor, it will save you from countless scenarios where a regular infantry unit would perish. So much that I advise you to monitor your health bar constantly to heal when needed as you could forget to check.

    (Rockets) From a distance, you can send any unit flying across the map. The ideal place to aim is below their feet. Simple as that! BUT of course, there is some strategy involved… As your rocket launcher is fired, you are exposed to danger. The best place to be is near cover after the initial shot. The time it takes to reload is about 5 seconds. During that time, it’s best to wait it out behind any decent cover. Another alternative is to continuously roll out of danger since reload time is not affected by this maneuver. Simply put: shoot, roll, hide, repeat. This strategy works best in semi mid-range combat where carefully placed shots are needed. The rocket itself is drastically delayed (Even more than a blaster shot) so aim where the target will be, not where it currently is. Therefore, you would prefer to be close enough to the target to fire accurate shots.

    If your target is still annoyingly alive with less than ¼ of health points (HP) after taking a rocket to the legs, pull out your blaster pistol and finish the job. It’s faster to eliminate your opponent with a quick spray of accurate blaster shots than to reload the rocket launcher. Make sure you don’t miss all those shots though, pistols do overheat quite fast and then become a liability.

    (Mines) As anti-personnel, it works fine to catch unguarded foes, which brings me to my next point: The element of surprise!! No decent player will fall prey to an obvious, noticeable, glaring, shining-bright red light emanating from a mine. So, what better way to use them like grenades or booby traps? Yes, grenades, by throwing them far enough detonate and keep you unharmed. This technique takes little practice to master, but it’s possible. You begin by looking down at the ground and walking in the direction of your target, then you quickly look up; Creating inertia this way, and by using this motion you deploy the mine as you reach the top, the mine should fly off your hand and land several feet away. If you let go at the right time, the mine will be thrown and explode in proximity to your target as it lands. It’s recommended that you step back after throwing the mine in case it lands short. You get better results if you have the “High Ground.” *WINK WINK*

    As a booby trap, set it in unsuspecting places where the enemy would pass close enough to detonate, but hidden enough to prevent it from being seen. The challenge is hiding the obvious, noticeable, glaring, shining-bright red light that emanates from the mine. Sneaky players place them on corner walls, low ceilings, and behind blast doors! Another sneaky place is to disguise the mine’s light with that of a command post by placing it directly on top of it – I’ve fallen for that trick too many times… I’ll leave the sneakiness to you!

  2. [Anti-Vehicle] There is an unspoken moral responsibility to a Heavy Infantryman when vehicles are present. That is to destroy them! Unless your team is awfully good at capturing command posts, a Rambo tank can’t be taken lightly when the pilot is good at depleting reinforcements. Everyone expects you to take care of tanks and turrets, why not fulfill your intended part? The rocket, however, pales in comparison to the mine in damage yields in almost every vehicle, especially tanks. In most cases, a single rocket will damage a vehicle in 1/4 or 1/5 intervals while excluding small vehicles (Like speeder bikes). A mine will easily deal damage in 1/2 or 1/3 intervals on most vehicles while eliminating smaller vehicles (Like speeder bikes).

    Every vehicle does have a sweet spot that deals most damage, that is where you aim your rocket. If the pilot is too jittery and loves to not STAY still, locking-on the target will almost always guarantee a hit; this does take several seconds to lock and a clear line of sight, but it’s worth doing if near cover and away from HIS line of sight. With a mine, however, you can deal incredible damage. While it’s frowned upon: you can “Suicide Run” your way to the tank and sacrifice yourself by deploying a mine to explode near the target, obviously killing yourself in the process. But with most players displaying some sense of honor, you can do it by throwing the mine or placing it in sneaky places where the vehicle will pass.

  3. [Assault Unit] Fascinatingly enough, the Heavy Trooper is also expected to take charge in most assaults. That is because of its ultra-deluxe armor that soaks up a lot of damage, and the explosive arsenal by your side. Closely followed by Infantry, a combo like this is hard to beat. Both the Heavy and Regular Infantry can work side by side with the Heavy leading while the Regulars following closely behind. But besides this ideal paring, a Heavy should be present in every assault. There are many cases where a firefight can be silenced with a couple of well-placed rockets and sneaky mines.

    Another ideal place to support is by having Heavy Infantry defending command posts and other important objectives. Like I stated before, with rockets and mines, a firefight can come to an easy end. Especially when the engagements are 2 vs1 where the Heavy almost always has the advantage. In comparison to other units, the Heavy can deal quick deaths by skilled players, the strategic placement of Heavy Infantry is key for a dynamic battle… But I bet most people won’t do this…

Broken, is one way to describe this unit by an angry player, which is not by any fault of his. Where there are exploits, there will be exploiters. And you can’t afford to not be in “The Know.” But if some days there’s some glimmer of honorable play, then there’s ways to combat these annoyances. Here is a quick guide to those exploitative hacks!!

(Rockets) Don’t fear the reaper! Go on and charge the enemy “Allah-Akbar” style and fire your rockets at your target without taking damage yourself. IF that fails, then deploy mines and finish the job. Unless facing an Engineer, no other unit can do much to stop a charging Bull from closing and detonating explosives to guarantee a kill. Shameless? Or Strategy? Of course, I do recommend charging when in narrow environments where enemy units have little to no movement but backwards. And to charge between cover and only close enough for a guarantee kills. Same as always, fire at enemy legs, and finish the job by pistol fire if not dead.

To counter, always keep your distance when a Heavy Infantry is in sight, or around corners where one might surprise you! Take cover or make yourself a smaller target to avoid damage from rocket fire. If far enough, you can roll out of an incoming rocket, since they are usually slow enough for you to react. DISTANCE is key for any unit (Except Engineers) to survive an eager Heavy Infantry. Like I stated in my INFANTRY SUPREMACY GUIDE, distance will earn you the much-needed time to effectively use your weapon against the foe.

(Mines) Don’t fear the Reaper! Go on and charge the enem-… Oh, I already said this… But it’s still an effective hack to close the distance and deploy mines. There’s no need to throw the mine if you’re close enough, simply drop it near him to guarantee an instant kill. Some players I’ve seen simply charge in narrow or close corridors and spam mines, especially in tight rooms where there’s no escape. Since there’s no penalty because friendly fire is off, players don’t have to deal with damage from their own mines! Perhaps NINJA JEDI hide near Heavy Infantry providing a force shield around them?

Another neat trick, which is also frowned upon, is placing mines on allied vehicles to ram against the enemy and detonate on contact, instant killing everyone in the enemy vehicle.

To counter, always keep your distance when a Heav-… I already said this too… But distance does help to give you a fighting chance. Keeping this in mind, what else can you do? Well, call the exterminator! I mean the Engineer to keep them back… but more on this in my next SUPREMACY GUIDE!

There’s more details to scratch, but I’m confident I covered most points for your SUPREMACY in the battlefield. The Heavy Infantry is one of the most powerful units in the game, some even say they’re OP. Personally, it’s fun to play as the Heavy when Regulars bore me. It does get a BIT annoying to find other players who exploit the OP out of the unit, but we’re all guilty of it... But I can’t deny that there’s another- arguably more OP unit in the game… (Ahem…Engineer…Hmm). This unit is fun to play as after all, what you do with this guide is ultimately your choice.

The force is calling me… I must say goodbye.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with this lengthy guide, practice and patience makes perfect. With training and allegiance to the force, you will achieve greatness!
See you in another year or so, and may the force be with you.

*Incoming Transmission*
Further guides are on the way! Remain vigilant.
Telogor 14 Mar @ 9:21pm 
Step 1: play an outdoor map (eg Hoth)
Step 2: stand near an ammo droid at the rear
Step 3: press primary swap twice
OutOfPocket 5 Feb @ 11:36am 
@ whytewood you can also bind the fire key to the scroll wheel and with a g502 or similar scroll wheel unlocking mouse
> you can empty the magazine on the elite pistol in like a second

... nice for hallways
That Random Crit, O Conversor 17 Jul, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
Man, where are the other guides?
Crusader 23 Oct, 2022 @ 9:05pm 
Its important to note that one hit from a landmine is enough to kill most if not all hero characters. which gives perhaps your only real counter to light sabers.
Ghost 22 Sep, 2022 @ 4:12pm 
Ackhtually, the best anti-everything strat with this class is putting land mines ON a vehicle. In doing so any enemy attempting to enter said vehicle will immediately blow up. But the best use of this strat revolves around putting the landmines on the front of your vehicle and driving it right smack into a group of enemies or an enemy vehicle. If you thought speederbikes and staps were useless against full blown tanks, it's because you've never tried this. It will also do heavy damage if you deliver them to the neck of an AT-AT.
whyteworth 30 May, 2022 @ 6:17am 
The only weapon I'd recommend using for this unit against foot soldiers is the elite pistol. This pistol can end up being long range (I think it has a further distance than the snipers). When you acquire the elite pistol then you can safety use this class as the only downside to this class is the mass populas of units with the likes of other units with higher damage outputs.
EtruscanKing 13 Oct, 2020 @ 9:28pm 
these guides are awesome, any plans for more?
(Arm)_benjitzu 27 Aug, 2020 @ 10:11am 
I speedrun the game, Heavy troopers are the slowest class but put out great damage, Usally use them on kashyyyk for memes
zoomstoon 4 Apr, 2020 @ 9:28am 
space super star destroyer
GoonSlaper 16 Feb, 2020 @ 12:03am 
here is something u didn't know: they are weak against snipers