The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

48 ratings
Some cheatcodes I use for Witcher 3
By Z0mBi3
When searching for witcher 3 cheats I found long lists of codes, many unnecessary and not what I was looking for.
Here is a list of codes that I found to be extra useful and fun to use when I wanted to test something out. I've cut the list down to a shorter version.
Witcher 3 codes to use inside the game console. Do note that spawning multiple units and groups will heavily affect your framerate and your computer have to work harder. Too many units will crash the game (but you can spawn quite many before that happens) so make sure to save before trying this out and make separate saves before and during the test. I take no responsibillity for lost game files or computer problems.

Step 1: Download and enable the console in witcher:

Step 2: open the console using "tilde" button (might be a different button on some keyboards)

Step 3: Simply copy and paste codes from this guide or other codes you find online! You can add weapons, armor, items, characters and boost Geralt in different ways (levels, hp, spells, etc)

Spawn the character Triss as many times as you want: spawn('triss')
Spawn the character Yennefer as many times as you want: spawn('yennefer')
Spawn the character Ciri as many times as you want: spawn('cirilla')
Godmode (can't be killed by anything or anyone): god
Heal Geralt: healme
Enemies have increased miss chance (evasion) for Geralt: likeaboss
Get more critical hits: addabl('ForceCriticalHits')
Do brutal dismember kills more often: addabl(ForceDismemberment)
Generates a nice levell 16 bandit group to kill and loot (can be spawned anywhere and as many times as you like for epic battles): spawnt(120)
Generates witch hunters: spawnt(1)
Generate a skellige bandit level 24: spawnt(123)
Generate enemies: spawnt(88) or spawnt(87)
Win your current game in Gwent (good if you get stuck, are bad at Gwent or just wanna advance the quest faster): winGwint(1)

Z0mBi3  [author] 23 Apr, 2017 @ 8:56am 
Yes that can most likely happen, you can also unlock other achievements.
That is why I think people should play the game legit first run (unless they get stuck) and then try cheats/mods later. If you don't wanna get achievements with cheats and still do it by mistake you can revert it with other programs so you can unlock it again in a correct way.
The program SAM for example (steam achievement manager) , so you can fix it if you REALLY wan't either way.
Endeverafter 23 Apr, 2017 @ 8:02am 
Also, can the god mode code of this get you the achievement "Can't touch this"? Because it seems it just makes Geralt dodge every attack?
Z0mBi3  [author] 23 Apr, 2017 @ 6:03am 
Have you tried to use the same code again? Sometimes that reverse the change done/ turn it off again.
Endeverafter 23 Apr, 2017 @ 5:33am 
How do I disable the critical hit code so I can do normal damage again?
Z0mBi3  [author] 23 Apr, 2017 @ 5:11am 
Cool! Nice one, thanks for sharing!
Faaz 22 Apr, 2017 @ 8:11pm 
Found this comment on YouTube while watching the tutorial on how to install, worked for me so thought I should share.

"way to complicated just go to your the Witcher 3 /bin/config/base general.ini and ad the line .


and the debug console is enabled."
Z0mBi3  [author] 22 Apr, 2017 @ 3:40pm 
Just create a new save, that should be enough. If you really want you can create a backup as well, but I don't think that is necessary.

Yes you can of course delete the installer to the console enabler, that way you can't use these tweaks/cheats anymore.
Faaz 22 Apr, 2017 @ 10:21am 
Ok Last question, Do I need to backup any files if it replaces them? and is it uninstallable?
Z0mBi3  [author] 22 Apr, 2017 @ 9:56am 
@Faraz , read what I wrote below. Short answer though, no.
Faaz 22 Apr, 2017 @ 9:25am 
I want to start to play Witcher 3 in Death March and will use the "Can't be killed by anyone cheat" Will this be a problem for steam... IS cheating allowed on steam version?