Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution

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Change language in subtitles or audio / Sprache für Audio oder Untertitel ändern
Por Machines Are Human
This guide was created because of this post: http://steamproxy.net/app/223100/discussions/0/340412122401510387/#c340412122411216770
by ZydraHydra
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Normaly the Game only let you choose the language of the whole game with the Steam-Settings. This might be cool for some people but some others want different audio than subtitles.

With this little Fix you can choose whatever combination you want:

1. Go to your gamefolder (normaly Steam\steamapps\common\Homefront_The_Revolution)
2. Open the file "system.cfg" with an editor
3. Look at line 3 that says sys_languagesAudio. Delete all other languages then the one you would like to have in the Audio of the Game.
4. Look at line 10 that says sys_languages and again delte all languages beside the one you would want to have in the text/subtitles of your game.

Gives english audio with german text
Viele von euch möchten Spiele gern in der Originalsprache aber mit deutschen Untertitel spielen. Leider hat Homefront dafür keine Optionen, ihr könnt euch jedoch mit einem kleinen "Mod" helfen.

1. Öffnet den Order mit euchen Spieldateien (meist Steam\steamapps\common\Homefront_The_Revolution)
2. Öffnet die Datei "system.cfg" mit einem Texteditor
3. In Zeile 3 findet ihr den Punkt "sys_languagesAudio". Löscht alle Sprachen nach dem "=" außer der, die ihr in dem Spiel hören wollt.
4. In Zeile 10 findet ihr den Punkt "sys_languages". Wieder löscht ihr alle Sprachen hinter dem "=" die ihr in dem Spiel NICHT lesen wollt.

Das Spiel hat englischen Ton aber deutsche Untertitel.
4 comentários
LSNG BubbaKush 27 jan. 2019 às 6:49 
That works thanks a lot :)
brvsn 19 nov. 2018 às 4:10 
well, I need to correct the previous post: it seems to work but only after the very first cut scene (You are the revolution scene is still Italian for me), as soon as the TV News scene starts the audio is english.. guess there's no way to change that one, nor that I care really.

Also I noticed that the entire languages packs folder is 10GB big, with many languages I'll never use, so I'm going to delete the ones I don't need..

brvsn 19 nov. 2018 às 4:02 
mmm... thanks but it didn't work for me... :(
PrankCall 19 mar. 2018 às 8:49 
it worked, thank you