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Orwell Achievements Guide 100%
By piper.spirit #StandWithUkraine
Guide on how to get the steam achievements for the game Orwell, plus useful tips and tricks. The achievements are listed in order of Episode number.
Renounce my sorrows
Show the peaceful side
- Upload Cassandra's "peaceful protest" statement from the Thought blog. It is Entry 9, "Freedom is unfree", author alias name of Cassarthis.
- Do not upload any conflicting statements from Cassandra's timeline page.
- Do not upload the statement about assaulting the police officer (smashing skull option), instead choose the "hurt that officer to save me" option.
- Do not upload information about Cassandra's use of medication. Other negative statements about her health/state of mind may compromise this achievement.
Torture myself with whimsies
Show the rebellious side
- From her timeline page, upload Cassandra's posts about her support for the Plaza bombings- proponent of violence.
- Do not upload her conflicting statements from the Thought blog.
I love wine
See no crime in buying a bottle
- During the conversation between Cassandra and Josef, do not upload the statement about the credit card being stolen.
The Clocks were Striking Thirteen (Episode 1)
Complete Episode One
- Complete Episode 1.
What delights me
Know all favorites
- From the "We are the Kerringtons" page, upload all of Juliet's favourites (food, colour, guitar, book).
One can deny me
Avert catastrophe
- The mall bombing must be prevented in order to gain this achievement.
- Negative information must be uploaded about Cassandra in order to bring her in for successful questioning. Unless Benjamin Costigan has enough information for leverage, Cassandra will not reveal the location of the bomb.
-Uploading the "torture and cruelty" statement on Juliet's timeline page is sufficient enough for the events to proceed. Uploading other statements such as the assault on police officer (smash skull), medication use, anti government sentiment may also help in the interrogation.
Tear gates and walls apart
Allow catastrophe
- The mall bombing must not be prevented.
- Do not upload the "torture and cruelty" statement on Juliet's timeline page
- Other negative statements that give Benjamin Costigan leverage over Cassandra during the interrogaton may have an effect and should not be uploaded, eg medication, assault police officer, anti government sentiment.
I think what I want
Don't read minds
- Do not upload any conflicting (yellow) statements from Harrison during this episode.
A Place where there is No Darkness (Episode 2)
Complete Episode Two
- Complete Episode Two.
My wish and desire
Keep quiet about the intention
- Let initiate hack the party website - occurs during his conversation with Nina.
- If you check out the party website afterwards you will see some interesting alterations have occured to Minister Catherine Delacroix's profile.
With powder and lead
Repay the debt
- Nina is stopped and killed in a shootout with the police
- Providing the information that Nina is armed should be enough to ensure things to end badly for her.
- Information of her PTSD, aggressive personality/traits, and other negative information can help ensure this happens.
- Uploading information of her plans to collect her son (with location), or Nina's correct address from her medical records will result in a shoot out with police before the bus journey.
No hunter can shoot them
Administer justice
- Nina must be captured during this episode not killed or escaped.
- Do not report Nina is armed- this should be enough to ensure she is captured.
- To guarantee completion, avoid uploading any negative information about Nina, her PTSD or aggressive outbursts.
- Uploading the "spend all week in bed" ill statement (yellow) from the conversation with Sylv basically throws the police right off the track - they believe she is completely innocent. The vital location statement of her son "Orchard Drive" can also be located in this conversation.
-Like previous achievement, upload her intentions to collect son, plus her real address located on her medical form - 347 Industrial Quarters 5x-24 Bonton. If necessary the planned bus journey.
Like nocturnal shadows
Forgive a crime
- In order to get this achievement Nina must be allowed to escape.
- Essentially you have to allow Nina to get on to the bus, then at the border check point when police are entering, upload the message about making a run for it out of the "emergency doors". The police will scatter allowing Nina to escape.
- Do not upload she is armed, or post her intentions to collect her son.
- Avoid uploading any negative information about Nina's PTSD, aggressive outbursts, background.
- Like No Hunter can shoot them achievement uploading the "spend all week in bed" ill statement (yellow) will help to throw the police right off Nina's track.
- Don't post her real address - from medical file.
Unperson (Episode 3)
Complete Episode Three
- Complete Episode 3.
As it is suitable
Make an unlawful arrest
- To get this achievement Josef must be arrested.
- Do not upload information for his financial support to the Children Parges Foundation.
- Upload his "recurring donation" to a friend statement that is located in Josef's Desktop in file Mail/Office/Feedback on your Request.
Still always reticent
Don't bother the law
- Josef must not be arrested in order to get this achievement
- Send Orwell the statements of Josephs charity donations to Childrens Parges Foundation. The statements are found on a certificate of recognition located on Josef's desktop.
- Do not upload the statements of a "recurring donation" to a friend.
In one's heart
Pick up what was left behind
- To get this achievement you have to upload information about Abraham's family.
- Do not upload the "Abe is Gay" comment from the fishing club.
- Upload "Greiblingen" village info about the family located in Juliet's notebook.
- From the missing persons website upload the statement "Your loving wife Margaret and daughter Eva Aarons".
Always laugh and joke
Win the war
- Upload information from initiate's timeline but leave out irrelevant/false data.
- Include status "friend me to get express security flaws news", interests "entertaining the mouse", rhosen ivory tower, silent_scream is root nickname.
- It does not matter the order of the uploads.
- Note sending any other data will compromise this achievement.
Memory Hole (Episode 4)
Complete Episode Four
- Complete Episode 4.
Not alone with my glass
Reunite a couple
- To get this achievement Josef and Cassandra must be reunited.
- In Episode 4, upload Josef's financial donations to the charity so he does not get arrested.
- If you upload his "recurring donations" to his friend, Josef will be arrested and the reunion with Cassandra will not take place.
Thrown into the darkest dungeon
Choose the simple answer
- Harrison must be arrested by the police in order to get this achievement.
- Gain access to Harrisons desktop by uploading his pc number located on the web cafe website.
- In Harrisons Desktop, go to sys/browser, and get his Phone ID number.
- In Harrisons phone desktop, upload the 5 locations from the Quo Tracking App.
- The phone also contains a message in the Mail folder named "I am Sorry" addressed to Nina but signed by "Abraham Goldfels". Upload this name to Orwell.
- This should be enough to get you the achievement, however to guarantee it, provide evidence of anything else that might help locate Harrison- eg Nina's remark about not visiting places again that day, living with his mum- won't be returning to his home that night.

*Note there are only 20 datachunks available for this achievement so only select statements of importance*
2 + 2 = 5
Make Thought crimes
- To get this achievemnt you must provide evidence of a link between Orwell and Goldfels that proves the Thought group is a terrorist cell.
- Near the end of the game, after the 10 minute showdown conference call, Catherine Delacroix will unlock Initiate's pc. Go into the desktop, in the file saved_protocols_goldfels_012.txt there is a statement about "guerilla war", upload this to provide the evidence and you will get the achievement.
All these are futile works
Uncover the truth
- Uncover the real truth that it was Abraham who created Orwell.
- Go to web cafe site and upload Harrison's pc number, check his brower and upload his phone ID.
- In Harrison's phone desktop, check his contacts and upload Juliet's number.
- Listen to the call between Juliet and Viktor, an unauthorised pc number Juliet has been using is disclosed. Upload this to Orwell.
- Go into Juliet's phone desktop, enter the skychat app, in the conversation between Juliet and her dad, the information is disclosed that Abraham worked for "Rhosen Tech".
- Visit the Rhosen Tech web site, on Goldfels employee page upload the evidence of the "Demiurge" project he was working on.
- As soon as this is uploaded, Goldfels releases "Flawed" article on the Thought blog. In this entry, Goldfels discloses the information he created Orwell. Upload this information for achievement.

*Note, now you have your own gov target page*
Who can guess them?
Find out who is there
- Send Orwell all personal information about hacker Initiate.
- At the end of the game Delacroix unlocks Initiate's pc. Go into the desktop and upload name and internship information from file rhosen_internship.dcmnt.
- Upload any other personal information you find on his desktop.
- Don't forget to send Orwell Initiate's picture located at the Rhosen Tech webite.
Thoughts are free
Set Thought free
- By completing the "All these are futile works" achievement; uncover Abe created Orwell, you should have a relationship/gov target page and access to Abe's pc UID
- Go into Abraham's Desktop, in folder Notes acess file novermber_2014.dcmnt there is information about a "THIRD human element". Upload this statement under your own Relationships Card.
- Your own Orwell Employee Evaluation page will appear. Upload information about yourself from this page until you get the achievement.
End a career
- Implicate Minister Catherine Delacroix for her role in the terrorist plots.
- Don't try to access her pc at the start, you will be locked out.
- Go to Stelligan University, Notable Alumni page and upload Delocroix's picture/details. This unlocks her party page.
- Now go to the party website and upload her personal phone number.
- Access her phone desktop, in the skychat app there is a conversation between herself and Robert Blaine where she reveals "the bombings were a blessing" and she controlled "the leak to the TNB". Sending Orwell either of these two statements will grant you the achievement.
Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree (Episode 5)
Complete Episode Five
- Complete Episode 5
the_cake_is_a_lie 21 May @ 8:55pm 
Slava Ukranini (I'm no great at spelling)
piper.spirit #StandWithUkraine  [author] 26 Feb @ 2:40pm 
Yeah that is fine Da1. Nice job on the translation!:steamthumbsup::orwell_relationship:
Sir_DrinkAlot 22 Feb @ 3:31pm 
Hi piper !
I translated your guide to Ukrainian, and published it.
Its ok? In description i stated that this is translation, and give link to yours original.
chanendler_bong 22 Sep, 2023 @ 1:26pm 
Thank you for great guide and for supporting my country <3
Dark Joy 18 Aug, 2023 @ 10:27pm 
Found a typo in "Always laugh and joke" block: it's "entertaining the masses", not "entertaining the mouse". Greate guide btw
Shinky 16 Jan, 2023 @ 7:28pm 
I got "Like nocturnal shadows" achievement: I gave her real address, but didn't report anything to Orwell from her phonecall with Juliet. Up until where I lied about her getting out through the emergency doors. I also omitted her medical records and personality traits.
alpacaqueen 16 Jan, 2023 @ 12:54pm 
just got "thrown into the darket dungeon" by only adding that harrison is goldfels so his location doesnt seem to be nessecary at all for it
gg.nadrewod 2 Jan, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
For "No Hunter can shoot them", I uploaded that she was with the mine clearance team, her real address, her desire to pick up her son at Orchard Drive, and specifically DID NOT upload any info about her violent medical history or her weapon. I never got any info about a bus route because when she got spooked by a cop knocking on her front door, I immediately uploaded about her going out the back window, causing her to be instantly confronted by the police.

I was initially worried that I had accidentally triggered "With powder and lead" because she said she wasn't going down without a fight, but after Symes re-established contact with the officers on the scene, Nina was heavily injured BUT NOT DEAD.
kenFaz ☩ 24 Jun, 2022 @ 6:03pm 
Thanks for the guide. I finally completed all the achievements. :BEjoyful:
EcoGirl 23 Mar, 2022 @ 5:41pm 
Love Love Love this guide, but I can't get "Like Nocturnal Shadows" for the life of me. I didn't upload any address info, not a thing about the son. But once on the bus I *had* to divulge the route, and after that she goes down shooting every time. I don't get the 'read doors' option at all. What am I missing?